Naked Jungle Run – don’t miss this one!

Here is something for the sporty ones among us who happen to be in Thailand next month:

junglerunWake up! The first ever Naked Jungle Run on Sunday 23 October 2016 is only a few weeks away. Already now, over 30 members have signed up for the event which can be either a 2.5 k nature walk or a 5 k jungle run. For the most sporty members, it is even possible to run back to the starting point and complete a tough 10 k run.

Don’t miss it! This is your unique chance of joining the very first of a many more Naked Jungle Runs over the years to come. Join this one and you will be able to tell your grand children that you ran in the very first one. Not the first i Thailand. Not the first in Asia. The first …. like in ever!

Sure, other places in other countries have had 5k naked runs but those are safe and secure on city streets or gently rolling countryside. We are talking “JUNGLE!” You are likely to encounter a bit of wildlife. Running the test runs, we saw jungle foul and other birds, lizards, and even a dole couple – a rare kind of jungle dog.

The actual course is a rough road track, some bits are a little muddy, a little gravel, rutted and some parts nice and smooth going up and down through real jungle. In some places the elevation is considerable and a fun challenge. But don’t forget that the run is first of all for fun. You don’t have to win to be awarded the participation medal.

The run is also a demonstration of naturism’s fundamental relationship to our natural environment. Offering you a unique opportunity to feel the magic of your naked natural skin in direct communication with the pristine environment of Thailand’s amazingly beautiful forests. Open your mind as you have opened your body and your experience is likely to be almost spiritual.

The run in the early morning hours of Sunday 23 October is the culmination of a fun naturist activity weekend that starts when you arrive the location around 15.00 on the day before, Saturday 22 October. The location which has been closed for public access for the weekend is almost four hours from Bangkok so participants should leave from Bangkok at around 11 o’clock. If you are not self-driving, public mini-vans go to a location nearby from where we will pick you up and drive you to the resort. The exact location will be communicated only to participants in order to avoid paparazzi.

What does it cost?

Only Ordinary or Premium members of Naturist Association Thailand can participate in the event. For these members, the cost of participation in the run and breakfast after the run is only 450 THB.

Members who are currently in the Free category can upgrade to Ordinary Member and join in the run at a special package price of 950 THB.

Accommodation on Saturday 22 October will be in basic dormitory style rooms with mattresses on the floor offered for an additional 450 THB per person.

Dinner is what you bring yourself, but we can heat it, boil it or grill it on the BBQ and enjoy it together with everyone else.

If you are not self-driving, the public transportation cost is 210 THB for each way.

As an example, a member couple from Bangkok will in total pay 2.640 THB + what you decide to bring for the Saturday dinner. (Calculated like this: 450 + 450 for participation + 450 + 450 for accommodation + 210 + 210 for min-van to get there and 210 +210 to return to Bangkok.)

(Found at

A girl, raped at a French camping place

Newspaper clipping

You may not be able to read this. It’s a shot from a French newspaper site. It announced that a young girl was raped at a camping. You can find the original article (in French) here. (The person who apparently did it was found and taken into custody.)

The reason that I bring this to your attention is that this did not happen at a nudist camping. There are lots of nudist/naturist campings and resorts in France and I have yet to hear about something like this happen there. This doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen, but it struck me when reading about it that it happened at a textile camping.

The fear of naked?

nudist camp lifePondering along about this I wonder if this would have happened at a nudist camping if the perp had been around that. It would mean he’d have to be naked as well – otherwise he’d have stuck out like a sore thumb.

People with filth like this on their mind will always try to operate without being seen. And being seen is something that will definitely happen when walking around naked somewhere. You will be seen. People like us don’t mind that. We’re fine, we’re in the clear, and we know why we’re naked. I think that rapists will feel strongly against being visible like that.

What do you think? Am I thinking along the wrong track?


Bookish update

Hi there.

With July on the way out which means that most of 2016 is already behind us, I thought I’d give you a little update on what’s going on here book-wise.

Mirror Earth 2

Mirror EarthThe end of that book is in sight. I’m working on getting the last chapter in order and shape, which should not take too long now. After that I will let the entire book cool off a while and start reworking it to get the worst blunders out of it.

It’s become a good story I think, but in the end I’m not the one to say so. That’s up to you, the readers. I do what I can, you do what you can, and so we make a good team

Please don’t expect this book to hit the shelves in a month or so, reworking and editing takes time and attention. I just wanted to give you this good news. 🙂

Naked Crow

I’m thinking about part 6. I have a basic idea for it, but there has to be more than just that. If you have ideas about naturist issues, problems or bits of interest you would like to see in book 6 please let me know. I can’t promise it will be used but it is a great asset for me to know what you would like to read about.


Historical naturist fiction

Vintage nudistsIt’s still in view but so much has been going on these days (like publishing Naked Crow 5) that this story has moved to the background a little. I hope I will have some time to return to this story soon. It’s coming along quite well but there is some research on history I need to do. Everything in this story has to be correct and make some kind of sense, as opposed to real life. 😉

Be happy, well, and naked, as much as you can!

Freedom does not come without a price.

Freedom does not come without a price.

We all know this. Some of you may even know the actual entire words said by Charlie Dent.

The idea for this post comes from a tweet I saw. One I agree with.


The tweet read: NUDIST LIVES MATTER TOO! Nudist are one of most discriminated segments of society charged money to live naturally!


Of course we all value our freedom and we all know that many people have sacrificed a lot to make all that happen. The odd thing however is that freedom is a relative concept. How free are we? As you see above, you have to pay to be free of clothes. It’s mad, but money matters more than lives, as usual.

This can also be said for the American right to bear weapons. Everyone is free to carry a gun – but they have to pay for that. The big difference of course is that we have already paid for the clothes that the greater community forces us to wear in the first place, and in many locations (think nudist resorts etc.) we have to pay (entrance fees, membership etc.) to take them off. There is something very wrong with that concept of freedom.


That is something everybody wants but not many actually feel up to. It’s clear though that without action there will never be change. Read up on your local laws. Find out what’s allowed and legal. Print that out and carry it with you. In the US of A and also in Canada for instance it is legal for women to go around topless in more places than you’d expect. Have a look here. Understandably not many women will feel up to that challenge as there are too many predators around. The way to counter that would be to have others go along, and that is not limited to women. Also bare-chested men! And that doesn’t mean they all have to look like the beautiful specimens you see depicted everywhere in the fake glossies that insist we all have to be twenty-two, slim, clever, blond and tanned, sporting a six-pack in muscle. Plain and simple, real people will do just fine. We will have to make a stand for what has been achieved. Others will not do it for us, because those others are happily confined within their cloth.



The Sea of Hull

Sea of Hull

If you haven’t heard of it you may not have been online the past year. The Sea of Hull was a project by Spencer Tunick, the man who became famous by photographing large crowds of naked people all over the world.

Munich 2012

Spenced Tunick - Munich 2012

In 2012 he photographed hundreds of people painted red in Munich. The above image is from this video:

Hull 2016

In Hull, this very year (this month even) he created a sea. Hence the name Sea of Hull. An amazing number of 3200 people had volunteered for this happening.

Sea of Hull

And this is what it looked like at one point. A sea of blue and green people. Stunning.

Well done, Mr Tunick, and well done everyone who showed up in Hull to participate in this amazing display.

Naked Crow 5 is out there!

It happened. Book 5 in the Naked Crow series has appeared. I had never thought there would be 5 books. Maybe even 6 but I have yet to start on that.

Naked Crow 5 640

While Jeremy blossoms in his new job and finds new ways to express himself, Sheila suddenly finds herself in Mississippi where a friend is trying to save someone’s life.
A fellow Shaman wanted to be a Shadow Dancer and that did not turn out well.
Follow Sheila to Mississippi and join her on her adventures!

Naked Crow 5 – Shadow Dancer is available as an e-book at:

  • Smashwords (files for just about every e-reading device/program)
  • (and UK, DE, FR, JP, NL and so on)

More stores coming as soon as possible!

This stuff bothers me.

wcsYes. This. This stuff bothers me. Not the fact that this is a billboard like thousand others, but the fact that a company that sells online sex is allowed to do this. In public.

Everyone knows what this is about. Nude people in exchange for money. This is allowed while nude people for free, otherwise known as nudists or naturists, should be very careful where they ‘exhibit’ themselves.

Nude in parkNaturism isn’t forbidden in my country, something I am very grateful for. It’s still not considered ‘normal’ by most people but I don’t want to dwell on that. Being naked in ‘designated areas’ is allowed, and the term ‘designated area’ is quite liberal if you look at the law.

Still it irks me to see that companies are free to display their business anywhere in the street and along the motorways. As you can see on the first image. Webcamsex. Putting that stuff up there makes it okay. Normal. Acceptable. Inviting, also to the younger public. The way to teach them that nakedness is something you pay for, something exciting.

nudism-pure6Why would there be a movement that promotes nakedness and nudity as something normal and healthy if you can make money of making it something special?

Nudity should not be dragged into the gutter like that.

Nudity, nudism, naturism, call it what you want, should be recognised as something wholesome, something that is not connected to lewdness and porn. I can only hope that the billboards like the one up there won’t be around for too long because they infuriate me. There is one not far from where I live. I pass it twice a workday and each time it makes my blood boil.

Historical fiction.

historical fiction

Historical fiction

You may wonder why I bring up historical fiction. If you did then you didn’t see this post in which I explain this a bit.

I’ve taken it upon myself to write a historical fiction story with naturist elements. It’s finally moving towards something. At the start of this I had not thought it would be so difficult to write…

Moving through genres

Compared to Naked Crow (which isn’t very easy either since I want to keep things credible), the historical naturist fiction piece proves to be one of the tougher writing jobs I ever put onto myself.

Whether or not you, the readers, will like the story or not, I’m glad that I picked this up. And why? For the challenge. For the moving beyond boundaries. We all need to grow. When you and I first dropped our clothes and found we enjoyed it, that was a step in our development. Growth. Nudity became our norm.

Beyond boundaries

I’ve been writing since several years, and when I first had the idea of writing naturist fiction (I’d been a naturist since a long time then already) that was pushing against a boundary. After several naturist books, like the four Naked Crow books and certainly Mirror Earth, I feel good about pushing against another boundary. Going back in time, picking an era and write about that. I’m not going to tell you what era it is nor how I put naturism into it, but the fact that it’s working makes me feel good. It tells me that I can do this. Perhaps I don’t yet do it well, but time and readers will be the judge of that.

Naked Crow 5

Since I’m talking about writing (well, writing about writing actually!) I’ll grab the opportunity that Naked Crow 5 is currently looked over by a fellow author. After he’s done with it I can start making corrections and the book will come out quite soon after that. (Did I hear sighs of relief there? 😉 )

Until that happens I wish you many happy, naked moments!

In case you missed it:

for some mysterious reason Twitter removed my @zjuzdme account (they never replied to my inquiry why they did it).

I’m on Twitter as @Paul_Z_W now.

Ancient castles

Back from vacation.

You probably noticed I am back. No more England nor Wales, no more driving on the left side which is the right side there (will this joke ever get old? Not with me!). And no more ancient castles.

Ancient castles.

castleSay what you want but ancient castles are special. Huge blocks of stone, hundreds of years old, built with primitive means and still standing. (More or less in many cases, due to neglect.)

How long would the average modern house stay upright?

The castle here is called Dolwyddelan. It’s located in Wales and I can only guess how one properly pronounces it since Welsh is a language that consists mainly of consonants. Any vowel found there is usually a mistake. The door at the top of the stairs had a lock on it but the lock didn’t keep the door locked. For me of course the best reason to go inside and have a look!

Llewellyn I.

This castle was built by order of prince Llewellyn I. When it was a home to people it looked a lot better than it does now, and bigger too. Still I wouldn’t want to live in their circumstances. Hygiene, cold, smells, to name a few things that weren’t too big a deal back then.

Inside the Castle

And since I was the only there at that time (a few people I met in the parking lot told me they had seen a lock and decided the door was locked) I took the liberty of roaming the inside of the castle in the nude. If you have the opportunity you should grab it. How many people can say they wandered around an ancient castle in the buff? I can.

It doesn’t stop. How nudity keeps being linked to sex and worse – porn.

Simply being naked is not about sex.

This has nothing to do with sex or porn...
This has nothing to do with sex or porn…

I know, everyone who visits my site regularly is entirely aware of that. Nudity and sex aren’t the same thing. Nudity is the absence of clothes because the naked person does not want to have clothes on. This concept seems to become more and more incomprehensible lately. Our modern society seems to slip back in time for some reason. Nakedness is bad. Drone thinking is promoted to keep people under control and going in the way that some big power points out.

Free thinking out of the clothes.

This is something that makes naturists dangerous, I presume. Naturists don’t fit in all the way with their odd desire to take all their clothes off and show their bodies to the world. A world that secretly loves to ogle and drool over naked bodies, but which is denied their additional compound as these naked bodies refuse to supply the porn and lewdness that are associated with them.

censoredNaturists aren’t about that. We fight an uphill battle because many porn mongers pretend to be naturists and nudists while spreading their mess all over the Internet, giving us a bad name.

It’s a sad world that most clothes-loving people are so brainwashed into that. This makes it very difficult for true naturists to be seen and recognised, let alone respected and accepted. It’s in the human mind to easily think the worst of someone or something, and with the bad examples so very present everywhere the porn-induced minds will ‘naturally’ expect naturists to be on the same shit heap as the porn industry.

United we stand.

Yes, it’s a beaten to death statement but it’s real and true. The global naturist society has to make a stand, one stand, to the outside world. Double standards, hidden (lewd) agendas from one or the other will break our credibility, and that’s already a difficult item to get across.

Yes, it’s something that worries me and occasionally almost gives me a headache, like it does to the lady on the right. She clearly was a nudist long ago and foresaw the troubles I’m writing about here and now.

Why does it have to be so difficult to just be the way we want to be? I’ve said it before and will say it again: the world’s a mad house when people are more frightened of a naked person than of someone who’s armed to the teeth. Violence, murder, war, all kinds of misery are laughed at when they show on television, but the sky falls down when there’s a female nipple on the screen for a second. And a completely naked person? Nearly incredible.

I wonder how certain television shows get away with not being considered porn. Perhaps because they’re based on artistic content?

Daenerys Targaryen, from Game of Thrones.
Daenerys Targaryen, from Game of Thrones.

You tell me if you have the answer…