Yes, according to many naturists (I know that for certain; I’ll never say I speak or write for all of them) the world is a weird place.
The ‘general’ (non-nudist/non-naturist) world is obsessed with sex and nudity (if you don’t believe me then just open your eyes and look around).
Everyone is curious, almost hungry to see what’s under your clothes, even though it’s too obvious what’s there as there are only 2 genders in humankind and everyone has seen each of the models in the nude one time or another.
Of course, shape, size and colour may vary but the basic package for everyone is exactly the same.
For instance at a beach you can see girls wearing the most skimpy little things to “cover” what shouldn’t be seen, while at the same time the skimpiness of it all is meant to uncover everything so it can be seen. How stupid is that?
And it gets even worse.
As soon as a member of this very same curious general public is given an unobstructed view of what’s actually there, there’s no relief to their curiosity. On the contrary: shock, horror, finger pointing and screaming will ensue (probably after enough people grabbed their phones to take pictures of the corpus delicti). Indecent exposure is the least of one’s problems, being accused of sexual harassment very probably, and with some luck the police force is called out to pick you up and throw you in the back of their car and finally into jail where you, being the pervert that you are, belong. (But we do have the pictures, those are fun to show around!)
This is much better.
More honest too, because there is nothing in the way of ‘indecent exposure’.
Or isn’t it? I don’t think so.
Nudism is acceptance of and honesty about one’s body and that of others, no buts or maybes.
Covering things up is social hypocrisy.