The Naked Woman Within Screaming To Get Out – The Nook


The Naked Woman Within Screaming To Get Out

As a female nudist I wonder why it is in a world where we have fought throughout the years for equality that there are not more female nudists? Some women have fought for our rights to bare our breasts in public just as our male counterparts do and won the fight, however we don’t go out in public bare breasted. WHY?

So after a great deal of communication with women I thought it best to put these issues in writing. Now please do not shoot the messenger. My only objective here is to create a more comfortable and understanding message to let the ladies know that it is ok to be nude.

Read the entire post at The Nook.

Naked unless someone is offended.

Original post at The Nook – by Richard Foley:

Many people, in the clamour to be seen to be politically correct, seem to believe in the principle that you should not do something if somebody will be upset by it. Being naked in a public space, for instance. While at first sight, this might sound a most honorable viewpoint, I’m not sure people have thought it through entirely.

For instance, would you be happy to join a WNBR, where nudity IS accepted, and then during the course of the ride if some one person was upset at seeing naked people, you would immediately get dressed?

If so, this seems to me to be the very problem with society today (and maybe forever). If we only ever accept a situation on the basis that nobody (pun intended) will ever be upset, then we should bring back racial segregation because somebody is upset that there are blacks on their side of the street. We should also deny women the vote because someone might be upset, (at least half the population of Appenzell in Switzerland), that women should have any say in the running of the country. We should make gay people illegal (wtf! eh?) because somebody doesn’t like gay people, or is upset by the idea of somebody being gay, or is “offended” by the very thought. Etc. etc. etc.

As Bertrand Russell famously said in a letter to The Times: “In a democracy it is necessary that people should learn to endure having their sentiments outraged …”

True then, true today!

Everything’s better naked

Found on

Everything’s Better Naked: I’m Thinking Of Becoming A Nudist

Bikini shopping is soul destroying. LET’S ALL BECOME NATURISTS INSTEAD!

By Natalie


Bikinis are shit and they give you tan lines. The end.

This weekend just gone, I found myself in a Topshop changing room, with a handful of bikinis littered around me. The harsh lighting highlighted parts of me I’d really rather forget about, the tiny cubicle serving to make me feel like a bit of a lummox.

The swimsuit I’d opted for was a pineapple print two-piece, with a cupped, balconette style top with a tie-up halter neck. I’d gone for my usual top size, and after pulling it on I was most displeased to see that the cups hung off me, with my boobs collected at the bottom of them like two tiny flesh-colored puddles.

It’s not news to me that I have small boobs. I know that I’ll have a hard time filling anything out these days. But looking at myself, I thought about how it had looked on a model I’d seen, her bounteous mounds spilling over the top. And for just a second, I didn’t like myself much.


Swimsuit angst rolls around every year, and every year I seem to have a new reason to look a bit crap in one. After losing nearly three stone, my bum is smaller but now flappy. I don’t care, I think I look all right — but then the bikini comes on and suddenly I notice that it doesn’t look quite like it did on the mannequin.

The funny thing is, though, that I love my body. My body is my body, and I’ve always got on with it. I may have not liked my arms before, but they were strong arms that could hug people and lift up my cat. I might have not liked my bum for a bit, until my boyfriend loved it enough for both of us and I realized it must actually be quite decent. I thought I had “sausage fingers” once, but those fingers typed and help me communicate with people all over the interwebz.

Even more than I like my body, I like being naked.

Standing there in that changing room, I realized that I’ll never really like myself in a bikini, unless I get one custom made for me. There will probably always be a gap where I can’t quite fill out a top, or the bottoms will ride right up my bumcheeks, meaning I have to fish them out every half hour. They get sand all in them. They’re annoying. Bikinis are a BALL ACHE.

And so, the most sensible option is to of course become a nudist.

There’s no finer feeling in life than running around a beach at midnight with no clothes on. Every holiday we go on, if possible, we always do a sneaky skinny dip. The place we go to in Florida is always really quiet, so we creep out late at night, leg it on to the beach and drop our towels.

Running and running and running with the sand beneath our toes, the sweet breeze kissing our nether regions and laughing laughing laughing and skipping into the sea, giddy like children.

We don’t care if we look good or bad, or too fat or too thin or flat chested or flappy-of-bum. We care about the freedom and the feeling that we are not restricted by anything.

I don’t feel flat chested, because a bikini isn’t telling me that I am. I can’t feel my bottom eating up my bikini, prompting me to wonder whether I should have gone for a different size. No self-conscious fiddling with material and wondering if it’s sitting right. I’m just me, the bare bones of me, and I like it.


This was taken during one of our late niight naked adventures. Yep, totally naked here.

Of course, we only do this at night when we couldn’t possibly offend anyone with our bits out. What if we were to actually find a nudist beach and settle in for the day? Would it feel the same?

According to social networking site, there are tons of nudists near where I live. I am intrigued. NUDEDUDE1000 looks interesting. I wonder what it is about being naked that he likes?



I’ve had a think about what things are more fun to do when you’re naked. These are:

  • Walking around near your partner
  • Swimming
  • Eating pizza
  • Sleeping
  • Shagging
  • Sunbathing
  • Eating in general
  • Watching TV
  • Writing xoJane articles

So everything here is pointing to the inevitable truth that I should in fact just bite the bullet and become a naturist.

Have I missed any off? Are you thinking of becoming a nudist too? Or maybe you really are one and want to share your experiences? Do you hate bikini shopping too? COMMENTS BELOW!

Naked all day, every day on Twitter: @Natalie_KateM.


Why do nudists look so healthy and happy?

Good question, don’t you agree? I mean, look at them:

Nudists on a beach

All tanned, nekkid and not a worry to their mind, it seems. Don’t be fooled. They have many of the same worries as you have; mortgage, bills, all the usual. One thing they don’t have after a day like this is a lot of laundry.

But, perhaps… perhaps these people look so healthy because they are. Far too many people get too little air and light on their skin, which makes for an unhealthy body. Of course, you may argue that the sun is creating a lot of problems with skin cancer and such, but perhaps there’s a subtle difference that nudists may be more aware of than textile-covered people: in general I think nudists know that they have to protect their skin, as more sensitive parts are exposed to the sun as well. But it’s not only the sun that’s good for you. Airing your skin is important. Giving it freedom from the stuff that sticks to you, gets in the way when you want to move. It’s relaxing to wear nothing. It’s also a great way to obtain some vitamin D – it’s sent to us by the sun and taken up by our skin. Clothes are the big enemy of natural vitamin D.


And trust me, it’s not just the people with slim, firm bodies that are nudists, despite what so many pictures try to tell you. Nudists are people with real bodies, with scars, stretch marks, and plenty of parts in a shape that doesn’t live up to the artificially created concept of beauty and health.

And it’s those people, who are comfortable with showing themselves they way they are, who have 100% accepted that not everyone is a supermodel, those are the people who are the most healthy of all. Not just physically, but (and this is my personal opinion as is everything on this blog) also mentally. They have shifted their inner focus from “I’m not perfect in other people’s eyes” to “I am who I am, deal with it“. This is the body type you don’t see on Tumblr and sites like that a lot, but it’s the body type that you encounter everywhere, be it covered up. It may even come close to your body type.

I am convinced that it is this what makes nudists healthy and happy. This acceptance of who they are, how they look and not giving a damn what others think of it. It’s liberating. I can only advise you to try it. Try it at home a few times as you probably need to get used to it, as you learn to shed the idea that clothes are an integral part of life. If they were, we’d be born with them.

Stepping outside of our comfort zone

Stepping outside of our comfort zone…..

This year we at Freedom Fields Naturist Ranch decided that it was a good time in our lives to get our way of living life clothing free out into the main population of the textile world.

We have thought of many ideas along the way to help promote naturism in a positive light and bring about a better awareness of who we are and what we enjoy so much about being naked. We then decided that the best form of awareness is for a worthy cause, hence we are partnering with Tit4Tat Canada and hosting a “2014 Breast Cancer Calendar Photo Shoot” here on Sunday June 30th 2013. …


Read the entire post at


Dutch law regarding nude recreation

Hello nudists,

In a Dutch town there was an action against discarding the local nude beach. (Report in Dutch here.)

A most interesting part in this article is: Strafwet. De strafwet staat bloot recreëren overal toe, zolang anderen zich daar niet aan storen.”

Criminal Law. Criminal law allows nude recreation everywhere, as long as others don’t take offence.

Now that’s something I didn’t know. Basically this says you’re allowed to go nude anywhere as long as you’re not bothering others. Quite cool!

This webpage for a Dutch naturist area (in Dutch of course) explains that the law article where this is detailed is number 430a. Most important part: “Het wetsartikel 430a maakte naaktrecreatie dus mogelijk op alle plaatsen die voor ongeklede recreatie geschikt zijn. In het algemeen zijn dit plaatsen waar geen openbaar verkeer langs komt.”


Law article 430a therefore enables nude recreation in all places that are suited for clothes-free recreation. In general these are places where no public traffic passes by.

(Public traffic here needs to be seen also as pedestrians and cyclists of course, not just cars.)

Another website (maintained by a lawyer), “Strict in criminal law” (Scherp in strafrecht) states: “Of een plaats voor naaktrecreatie geschikt is, wordt bepaald door plaatselijke omstandigheden en de redelijkheid.”

Whether or not an area is suitable for nude recreation is decided by the local circumstances and reason.

Which makes sense of course. With public awareness that nude recreation is more and more common, there would nothing against finding a silent/secluded spot in a forest and drop all clothes there for a while. Doing so in the middle of a town will certainly be frowned up (and that would be the least), so with these things in mind, the possibilities for nude recreation in the Netherlands become quite a lot more extensive.