Rediscovering the Radical Feminism of the Neo Naturists

Note: I found this article at and am reposting it here.

Rediscovering the Radical Feminism of the Neo Naturists

Neo Naturists, Swimming and Walking Experiment, Centre Point Fountains, Tottenham Court Rd, London, Aug 1984. Courtesy of the Neo Naturists Archive and Studio Voltaire.

“The Neo Naturists like taking their clothes off for the sake of it,” Christine Binnie and Wilma Johnson wrote in a 1985 manifesto—and that’s exactly what they did. A British underground art movement born out of the 1980s, the Neo Naturists were a body-painting trio of female flashers, made up of Christine, her sister Jennifer, and their friend Johnson.

The artists began to appear on the London club scene around 1981, turning up at Heaven in Soho (one of London’s first gay clubs) or the punk music venue The Fridge in Brixton, adorned in nothing but paint. They would perform on stage, chanting songs and throwing up their legs in an unruly version of the cancan. At other times, they’d simply flash at the crowd. Beneath their overcoats they had perfected a number of looks painted directly onto their bodies, including trompe l’oeil lingerie, and wild, grinning faces that transformed breasts into eyes and belly buttons into nostrils.

The Neo Naturists had their heyday from 1981–1986, but they have reformed this summer for a retrospective at Studio Voltaire in London. The show is an archival assemblage of paintings, slides and photographs, low-fi videos recorded in nightclubs, newspaper clippings and other ephemera—and, pressed on the gallery walls, body-prints made by the Neo Naturists themselves, some of whom painted their bodies for the first time in 20 years.

Neo Naturists, Christine Binnie body painted at Central St Martins, London 1 April 1980. Courtesy of the Neo Naturists Archive and Studio Voltaire.

The group has its roots in the punk anarchy of 1980s London, an era marked by the ruthless free market spirit ushered in by Margaret Thatcher and the subcultures that emerged in resistance to it. One of those was a cross-dressing scene known as New Romanticism, which was a breeding ground for exquisitely androgynous club kids like Boy George and Marilyn. The Neo Naturists were part of that scene, collaborating with Marilyn as well as other now-famous artists such as Grayson Perry and filmmaker John Maybury.

As much as they were aligned with the New Romantics, they were also satirists of them, deliberately positioning themselves in opposition to the scene’s slick sophistication and skinny bodies, a form of dandyism that was largely enjoyed by men. Instead, the Neo Naturists were rebellious, curvaceous, and pagan. Their main concern was to take pleasure in the act, and to celebrate the natural forms of their bodies.

“I swapped my Flesh Tint oil paint for some blue and gold body paint and transformed her into a voluptuous version of Tutankhamen’s sarcophagus,” Johnson recalls—in the exhibition’s catalogue essay—of the first time she painted Christine. They freely incorporated materials close to hand, taping household items to their bodies, and their 1985 manifesto includes an inventory: “Boiled crab, shrimps, tin foil, gold leaf, paper doilies, biscuits, peanuts, bottle of wine, Scotch pancakes, contraceptive sheaths, squid, sheep’s heart, bikini briefs, sausages, bacon and eggs, freezer bag wombs, apples, burning incense, knives and forks, £10 notes, sequins, vitamins, tins of tuna, and of course, lots of Sellotape.”

Left: Neo Naturists, Swimming and Walking Experiment, Centre Point Fountains, Tottenham Court Rd, London, Aug 1984; Right: Neo Naturists, Flashing in the British Museum, Christine Binnie body painted and photographed by Wilma Johnson, British Museum London, 3 March 1982. Courtesy of the Neo Naturists Archive and Studio Voltaire.

In one of their most iconic works, Flashing in the British Museum (1982), Christine donned a shaggy coat and pranced through the British Museum, flashing her painted body beside Egyptian relics and Greek antiquities. (“Just wear a big coat,” she once advised would-be flashers: “It’s easy!”) Another performance, Pink Punk Yoga (1982), at The Fridge in Brixton blended the incongruous practices of punk and meditation, while Sexist Crabs (1983) at the Zap Club in Brighton was a chaotic gambol around the stage with seafood taped to their bodies.

They eschewed rehearsals, preferring ritualistic improvisation, and sometimes they simply took to the streets, as in Swimming and Walking Experiment (1984), when they cavorted in the fountains below London’s Brutalist tower block Centre Point—and got arrested by the police. Occasionally, they made the headlines, outraging some conservative hacks and delighting others. “Hooray for the Bare Binnies!” crooned the Daily Star of 1984.

For women to take such pleasure in their art was deeply subversive. Like all heretics, they didn’t play by anyone else’s rules. They opted for spontaneous exuberance, in contrast to the message of Thatcherite conservatism (be professional!) or the affected, male-dominated New Romantics (be flamboyant!).“The Neo Naturists are casual to the point of excess,” their manifesto states. “[They] believe that gorgeousness is the ultimate intelligence.”

Left: Neo Naturists, Paper Dress at the Embassy Club with George O’Dowd as Brittania, The Coffee Spoon Embassy Club, London, 5 Sep 1980. Courtesy of the Neo Naturists Archive and Studio Voltaire.; Right: Neo Naturists, Private View Performance at James Birch Gallery, Kings Road London, 24 May 1984. Courtesy of james Birch and the Neo Naturists Archive, and Studio Voltaire.

As Studio Voltaire curator Jessica Vaughan points out, one important aspect to understand about the Neo Naturists is that their display of the female body was in no way pornographic. “What they were doing was radical,” says Vaughan, “because they were delighting in the female form in a way that isn’t titillating or sexualized, but instead is something full of humor and celebration.”

The Neo Naturists did not commodify their practice, and they were never picked up by a commercial gallery. By the end of the 1980s, they had moved out of the squat they shared and dispersed. Many of the men from their circle, however, went on to become successful British artists, including Perry, Maybury, and Michael Clark. “It’s not the first time that female artists were forgotten,” Vaughan says, “while male counterparts, who were incredibly influenced by the women around them, went on to become household names.”

There are a multitude of reasons why the Neo Naturists slipped through the net. For one, nobody quite knew what to make of them. “Feminists see us as porno sex cabaret, while your average person sees us as butch dykes,” Jennifer said in an interview in the 1980s. “We’re not either.” Their work was only obliquely political, more concerned with celebrating the personal: their friendships with one another, and their bodies. “The Neo Naturists are works of art,” the manifesto quips, “and the world is their private view.”

Left: Neo Naturists, Sexist Crabs and The Cosmic Egg, Portland Bill Quarry and Sculpture Park, Portland, Yorkshire, 1 Aug 1983; Right: Neo Naturists, Black Rapport Day, Thames Beach Wapping, 17 July 1982 (Jennifer Binnie, Wilma Johnson, Nico Holah and Bruce Lacey). Courtesy of the Neo Naturists Archive and Studio Voltaire.

It wasn’t entirely over for the Neo Naturists in 1986, but they left behind a fragmented opus. Following the group’s dispersal, Christine went solo and kept the movement active well into this millennium. In the 1990s, she assembled a small archive in her east London apartment, and one of the Studio Voltaire curators’ projects has been to expand it. “We’ve been trying to get a comprehensive overview of the movement, and a secure chronology,” Vaughan says. “There’s a quite a bit of guesswork because Wilma, Jen, and Christine might all remember things differently. But looking back, they were an incredible counterpoint to the queer male voices of the time, and they mustn’t be overlooked.”


Naked Jungle Run – don’t miss this one!

Here is something for the sporty ones among us who happen to be in Thailand next month:

junglerunWake up! The first ever Naked Jungle Run on Sunday 23 October 2016 is only a few weeks away. Already now, over 30 members have signed up for the event which can be either a 2.5 k nature walk or a 5 k jungle run. For the most sporty members, it is even possible to run back to the starting point and complete a tough 10 k run.

Don’t miss it! This is your unique chance of joining the very first of a many more Naked Jungle Runs over the years to come. Join this one and you will be able to tell your grand children that you ran in the very first one. Not the first i Thailand. Not the first in Asia. The first …. like in ever!

Sure, other places in other countries have had 5k naked runs but those are safe and secure on city streets or gently rolling countryside. We are talking “JUNGLE!” You are likely to encounter a bit of wildlife. Running the test runs, we saw jungle foul and other birds, lizards, and even a dole couple – a rare kind of jungle dog.

The actual course is a rough road track, some bits are a little muddy, a little gravel, rutted and some parts nice and smooth going up and down through real jungle. In some places the elevation is considerable and a fun challenge. But don’t forget that the run is first of all for fun. You don’t have to win to be awarded the participation medal.

The run is also a demonstration of naturism’s fundamental relationship to our natural environment. Offering you a unique opportunity to feel the magic of your naked natural skin in direct communication with the pristine environment of Thailand’s amazingly beautiful forests. Open your mind as you have opened your body and your experience is likely to be almost spiritual.

The run in the early morning hours of Sunday 23 October is the culmination of a fun naturist activity weekend that starts when you arrive the location around 15.00 on the day before, Saturday 22 October. The location which has been closed for public access for the weekend is almost four hours from Bangkok so participants should leave from Bangkok at around 11 o’clock. If you are not self-driving, public mini-vans go to a location nearby from where we will pick you up and drive you to the resort. The exact location will be communicated only to participants in order to avoid paparazzi.

What does it cost?

Only Ordinary or Premium members of Naturist Association Thailand can participate in the event. For these members, the cost of participation in the run and breakfast after the run is only 450 THB.

Members who are currently in the Free category can upgrade to Ordinary Member and join in the run at a special package price of 950 THB.

Accommodation on Saturday 22 October will be in basic dormitory style rooms with mattresses on the floor offered for an additional 450 THB per person.

Dinner is what you bring yourself, but we can heat it, boil it or grill it on the BBQ and enjoy it together with everyone else.

If you are not self-driving, the public transportation cost is 210 THB for each way.

As an example, a member couple from Bangkok will in total pay 2.640 THB + what you decide to bring for the Saturday dinner. (Calculated like this: 450 + 450 for participation + 450 + 450 for accommodation + 210 + 210 for min-van to get there and 210 +210 to return to Bangkok.)

(Found at

The nipple. It should be free.


The idiocy doesn’t stop bothering me. What is so wrong with the female nipple or breast that they can’t be shown in public? The folks who claim a breast is erotic got it all wrong. Breasts have existed since long. Did cavemen think breasts erotic? I doubt that. Women had them to suckle babies. And guess what – some still do that! Difference now is of course that grown men are appalled by the sight of a naked breast (unless it is in a porn movie they will never admit to having seen).

As Live Life Naked on Twitter stated so well:

Breastfeeding in public is not indecent. It’s a mother feeding her child. End of discussion.

A girl, raped at a French camping place

Newspaper clipping

You may not be able to read this. It’s a shot from a French newspaper site. It announced that a young girl was raped at a camping. You can find the original article (in French) here. (The person who apparently did it was found and taken into custody.)

The reason that I bring this to your attention is that this did not happen at a nudist camping. There are lots of nudist/naturist campings and resorts in France and I have yet to hear about something like this happen there. This doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen, but it struck me when reading about it that it happened at a textile camping.

The fear of naked?

nudist camp lifePondering along about this I wonder if this would have happened at a nudist camping if the perp had been around that. It would mean he’d have to be naked as well – otherwise he’d have stuck out like a sore thumb.

People with filth like this on their mind will always try to operate without being seen. And being seen is something that will definitely happen when walking around naked somewhere. You will be seen. People like us don’t mind that. We’re fine, we’re in the clear, and we know why we’re naked. I think that rapists will feel strongly against being visible like that.

What do you think? Am I thinking along the wrong track?


How naturism changed my life. (repost)

(This piece was written by my Dutch buddy Harmen. I’m proud to know him and to repost this, his first blog post, with permission.)

After being bullied for a small 14 years during my youth and a slow process of finding and accepting myself, plus a wide interest in a lot of things, I came across naturism 10 years ago. A lot of things naturism is about, like respect people, animals & nature were one of the main reasons. I knew it was practiced mostly in the nude, but since I already accepted myself for who I was at that time, the being nude wasn’t really a problem for me.


So I jumped right in and joined a very good friend, which is also naturist and a second mom to me, to naturist resort Flevonatuur in the Netherlands. From the first second I arrived there it felt like home coming and my missing puzzle piece was found.

My interest in naturism grew and developed a lot these last 10 years, but not only that changed a lot. I think the biggest change in my life was my point of view at life. We are living in an era where time is money and money and status is more important then people. People that need help are left behind, people that don’t need help are overwhelmed with stuff they don’t need but also don’t decline. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a people person, I love people and I’m interested in them. The real them. It’s just the way people act these days what annoys me. The negativity and hate that’s in them lately. Open a news website and read the comments at stories that have the subject immigration for instance. So much hate to people they don’t know, they don’t know their story, their history, their motivation nothing. They just spill their guts on social media without even thinking or reading what they’re saying. I blame modern media for the most part of this by spreading fear and false information. But that’s no excuse for turning of your brain and just typ the most negative things you can think of.

In the end it’s all about giving and receiving respect. I always ask myself the question, can you look in the mirror before you go to bed and say ( and believe ) that you’re a good person? The problem with this is, that the majority of the people don’t like themselves. They don’t like their job, they don’t like their family and friends and most of all they don’t love themselves. Instead of making a change they just keep going on and on like this for years and keep building up that negative vibe they’re in.

When you look at naturists, there’s a lot of respect between them. They don’t judge people by what they represent but by who they are. And even then it’s not really judging. Live and let live. They literally know everyone is the same because there’s nothing they can hide. Not even theirselves cuz when you’re at a naturist resort or a nude beach, yourself is all you have to offer. There’s no rich or poor, no success or fails. But there is a Paul or a Jenny, a Rick or a Samantha. There are just persons. Real persons. Living persons. With a suit named skin. And that skin, no matter what color it is, is the same for everyone and everywhere. A female nipple isn’t any different then a male nipple, tho male nipples are accepted in public while female nipples aren’t. I talked with a lot of people about that, male and female, and the majority of the people that are against public female nipples give as reason that ” it’s sexual “. Well no it isn’t. They’re put there for a reason, feeding your children. And yes I know it’s an erogenous zone aswell but so are ears. You wanna cover up ears aswell? The point I’m trying to make is that the world isn’t as black and white as you might think.

I’m posting this and as you probably already noticed you can see my butt ( funny fact: did you know my butt is made out of the same cells and materials as the rest of my body? It’s really true, look it up ). Facebook is a very strange medium. ( Sidenote: When I wrote this it was a Facebook post first ) You can post violence, wars, blood, animal cruelty, filthy words, etc. but what you can’t post is skin that usually is covered up. Pictures of breastfeeding were removed and called ” sexual content “. This is the world we live in today. It’s okay to show which awful things are taking our lives, but it’s not okay what kept us alive the first most important period of our life.

I’m not asking you to agree with me, I’m only asking you to love yourself for who you are. I’m not saying I never made a mistake or that I know what’s best for you. I’m human, surely I do make mistakes and I don’t have the wisdom to say how you should live your life. What I do know, is how you could make it easier for yourself on this big planet and more enjoyable. We’re at a moment where the world needs more love and what a great way to achieve that in the first place by loving yourself. Also I’m asking you to think before you speak, especially on social media. I know the anonymity makes it easier to say things you would say offline but that doesn’t justify it.

Don’t judge people before you talked with them. Or even better, don’t judge them at all. Embrace your body, it’s the only one you got. Don’t like your job? Switch jobs. Don’t like your friends? Make new ones. I know it sounds very easy. It’s not. But when you do it, it’ll make your life so much easier. We’re born without judgement. Without hate. Without shame. These are all things that are taught to us. Only question you have to ask yourself is do I really wanna spent my time on earth trying to live other people’s lives or do I wanna live my own life before it’s over. So step outside that box and make a change. For yourself, for your surrounding and for the sake of this world. It’s the world we leave behind for our kids. Don’t let them pay for our stupid mistakes and narrow thinking. There’s more inside you then you think. Embrace it, don’t care what other people will think or say because in the end you’ll see that it doesn’t matter what others think about you. It’s about what you think about yourself.

Love yourself like I love myself. I know you can do it.

Thank you ❤️

If you want you can follow Harmen’s blog.

Naturist Adventure Weekend

The following experience was sent to my by Colin. Thanks, Colin, for offering this article!

Naturist Adventure Weekend

Despite it being August, the weather in our part of England decided to be very pleasant for a whole weekend. So LL and I planned a little adventure. We enjoy finding out-of-the-way places for swimming, sunning and generally hanging out – nude, of course. We have a guidebook to “wild swimming” places and decided to spend some time locating, and hopefully sampling, two or three of them. So we packed a couple of towels, some bottles of water and very little else and set off after an early lunch on Saturday.

The first destination was about 40 minutes drive away – a stretch of river, by a common, which was described as quiet and secluded. Following the instructions was challenging. We were on the correct road with the river to our left. It said to look out for a footpath sign. We counted five, all pointing in the correct kind of direction. We parked and chose the middle one. We needed to cross a couple of fields and followed the river upstream. Eventually, we could see that the river would be accessible ahead and figured that we had found the right place. Initially, we were dismayed as there was a man, sitting reading on a seat at the top of the bank.

We did not want an audience, so went closer to see what the actual riverside looked like. There was a little beach area, as we had hoped. At one end was a lady, who turned out to be the man’s wife, sunbathing nude. Of course, we then went down there and had a dip in the river. The lady and her husband also sampled the water. I got into conversation with them. It was their first visit to the spot, as they were exploring in exactly the way that we were. While we were standing around chatting, still nude obviously, some more people arrived – a woman and two young boys. LL spoke with the woman, who seemed quite unconcerned about us. The boys were more interested in investigating the water. In due course, we bid our farewells and headed off to find our next venue. On the way back, we found the better footpath, so our next visit will be easier.

Artikel ColinThe second place we looked for was some distance downstream on the same river and much closer to our home. The parking place being a 15 minute drive from our house. From this spot, it was a 20 minute walk along the river to reach the designated location. It was quite out of the way, some distance from the road, with just a small campsite nearby. We made our way down to the beach, which was idyllic in the late afternoon sun. The sole occupant of the beach was a middle-aged lady in a frumpy swimsuit. LL went to chat with her and learned that she worked at the nearby campsite. While they were talking, another bikini-clad woman appeared, accompanied by her two cute dogs and, I guessed, as I heard a voice just around the corner, her husband. LL came back to me and we discussed what to do. LL thought she might just go topless – leaving me to wonder what was “safe”. Yet another woman appeared and was talking to the first one. She changed into her swimsuit in a very practical way – just took off her clothes and put on her suit, with no messing with hiding behind a towel. We took this as a good sign – they were clearly not totally afraid of a little nudity. LL and I took off our clothes and waded into the water, by which time the two women had also got in.

Under these circumstances – going nude where nobody else is – there can be three possible outcomes. Most often, nobody seems to care and you are just ignored. Very occasionally someone will be upset – this is obviously what one fears and wishes to avoid. The third outcome is best of all: everyone else joins in. The two ladies came out of the water to remove their swimsuits and got back in. The bikini lady and her husband swam around the corner, both nude too. Another lady appeared, spoke briefly to the first two, took off her clothes and got into the water. Eventually there were 7 people [and two dogs] and not a swimsuit in sight. The #3 lady got out of the water at a similar time to us and she went off [back to the campsite] just wrapped in her towel. We dried and dressed and, as we were leaving, the #2 lady was sitting on the sand nude, just enjoying the sunshine. It is interesting how, sometimes, it is just a matter of someone being the first to get naked. I felt that it was LL’s “bravery” that enabled everyone else to be uninhibited and thoroughly enjoy the experience.

On Sunday, we headed for another place on a different river. It took 45 minutes or so to reach the parking spot, which we found easily. It was then about 400m to walk to a bridge over the river. We then walked for a while, following the meandering river. We saw a couple of possible bathing/sunning places, but the instructions promised us better if we kept going. After about 30 minutes, we found the place. It was a very sharp meander with lots of beach. The water was cold, but both shallow and deeper areas were to be found. We spent quite a while nude in and around the water. From the time we had left the car, we never saw another person – and this was beautiful accessible countryside on a lovely weekend afternoon. Where was everybody? I even hiked back most of the way nude quite confidently. Eventually we did see someone, quite close to the car, asleep by the river.

All in all it was a very successful and pleasant weekend. All three places were great and we will probably return to them all [as well as seek others]. In many ways, the one nearest to our home was the most enjoyable. Although solitude and isolation can be good, like-minded company is often better. The opportunity to introduce others to naturism or simply facilitate it in a relaxed way is a true pleasure.

The swiftness of life

The swiftness of life…

You may wonder what I mean by that. Let me explain. Look at your life and watch how fast it passes by. How swiftly it races along, competing with the clock to get to the end first. Of course if your clock runs on a battery that will get to the end first and you should be grateful for that.

You may have noticed I have been silent here. There’s a reason for that (of course). The reason is my Dad. He’s not doing well. He’s far over 92 years old and he’s had it with life. His body and mind are failing.

Enjoy things now!

playing in mud
Be a kid. Get dirty!

Yes, now is the time to do all the crazy stuff you have on your mind. Don’t waste a moment of it.

When I look at my Dad I see a man who has regrets. He told me about them, long ago. About all the things he had wanted to do and can’t he can’t do them.

Be naked as much as you can. Be creative. Find ways. Look around, here and on other websites. Find people who have tips for you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t get to the end of your personal battery and look back at the time where you could have. Look back at a time where you did. Create those beautiful, naked memories.


Bookish update

Hi there.

With July on the way out which means that most of 2016 is already behind us, I thought I’d give you a little update on what’s going on here book-wise.

Mirror Earth 2

Mirror EarthThe end of that book is in sight. I’m working on getting the last chapter in order and shape, which should not take too long now. After that I will let the entire book cool off a while and start reworking it to get the worst blunders out of it.

It’s become a good story I think, but in the end I’m not the one to say so. That’s up to you, the readers. I do what I can, you do what you can, and so we make a good team

Please don’t expect this book to hit the shelves in a month or so, reworking and editing takes time and attention. I just wanted to give you this good news. 🙂

Naked Crow

I’m thinking about part 6. I have a basic idea for it, but there has to be more than just that. If you have ideas about naturist issues, problems or bits of interest you would like to see in book 6 please let me know. I can’t promise it will be used but it is a great asset for me to know what you would like to read about.


Historical naturist fiction

Vintage nudistsIt’s still in view but so much has been going on these days (like publishing Naked Crow 5) that this story has moved to the background a little. I hope I will have some time to return to this story soon. It’s coming along quite well but there is some research on history I need to do. Everything in this story has to be correct and make some kind of sense, as opposed to real life. 😉

Be happy, well, and naked, as much as you can!

Freedom does not come without a price.

Freedom does not come without a price.

We all know this. Some of you may even know the actual entire words said by Charlie Dent.

The idea for this post comes from a tweet I saw. One I agree with.


The tweet read: NUDIST LIVES MATTER TOO! Nudist are one of most discriminated segments of society charged money to live naturally!


Of course we all value our freedom and we all know that many people have sacrificed a lot to make all that happen. The odd thing however is that freedom is a relative concept. How free are we? As you see above, you have to pay to be free of clothes. It’s mad, but money matters more than lives, as usual.

This can also be said for the American right to bear weapons. Everyone is free to carry a gun – but they have to pay for that. The big difference of course is that we have already paid for the clothes that the greater community forces us to wear in the first place, and in many locations (think nudist resorts etc.) we have to pay (entrance fees, membership etc.) to take them off. There is something very wrong with that concept of freedom.


That is something everybody wants but not many actually feel up to. It’s clear though that without action there will never be change. Read up on your local laws. Find out what’s allowed and legal. Print that out and carry it with you. In the US of A and also in Canada for instance it is legal for women to go around topless in more places than you’d expect. Have a look here. Understandably not many women will feel up to that challenge as there are too many predators around. The way to counter that would be to have others go along, and that is not limited to women. Also bare-chested men! And that doesn’t mean they all have to look like the beautiful specimens you see depicted everywhere in the fake glossies that insist we all have to be twenty-two, slim, clever, blond and tanned, sporting a six-pack in muscle. Plain and simple, real people will do just fine. We will have to make a stand for what has been achieved. Others will not do it for us, because those others are happily confined within their cloth.



The Sea of Hull

Sea of Hull

If you haven’t heard of it you may not have been online the past year. The Sea of Hull was a project by Spencer Tunick, the man who became famous by photographing large crowds of naked people all over the world.

Munich 2012

Spenced Tunick - Munich 2012

In 2012 he photographed hundreds of people painted red in Munich. The above image is from this video:

Hull 2016

In Hull, this very year (this month even) he created a sea. Hence the name Sea of Hull. An amazing number of 3200 people had volunteered for this happening.

Sea of Hull

And this is what it looked like at one point. A sea of blue and green people. Stunning.

Well done, Mr Tunick, and well done everyone who showed up in Hull to participate in this amazing display.