On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.


On the joy of being naked.

P.Z. Walker

The social part

It occurred to me that nudist/naturists are probably more social than the clothed-minded part of humanity. From where this bold statement? As we know, naturists are free of clothing. They get together in the nude and that's it. Okay, that sounds a bit thin, but…

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P.Z. Walker


Do you see colours here? Good for you. I do too, but I probably don't see as many as you do. Unless you're the same kind of colourblind as I am. Yes, I am colourblind, or 'colour challenged' as more careful/sensitive people state. Why do…

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P.Z. Walker

A new book is out! Nude in Space 3

It took a while, but it happened. "Nude in Space 3: The Station" is now available through most regular e-book watering holes. Earth isn't doing well, but a discovery could make a difference for thousands of people. Curious? Head over to one of the stores…

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P.Z. Walker

There's more to naturism...

There's more to naturism than taking your clothes off It's a quote that I have on file, and sometimes that comes up. First off, this is not going to be a never-ending discussion if naturism is nudism or the other way around or not all…

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P.Z. Walker

Nude and autistic. Nudistic

Let me coin a phrase, as the saying says. Nudist / naturist, and part autistic. Some of you, who follow this blog for a while, may know I'm sort of into naturism. Nudism. Clothes-freeism. Call it what you want-ism. Some of you, who follow this…

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P.Z. Walker


I have a paid subscription to The Guardian. It's one of the more independent and free sources of news I can find. A few days ago they sent this to their subscribers: If there is ever a time when we could all do with a…

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