On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.


Now who doesn't like free stuff? Nudists and naturists know exactly how free free feels. Yes, I did write that, and it's true. We embody the clothes-free life, to feel free, and we want to be free in doing this free stuff.

For this reason I have started working on something free.

In the form of short stories.

Long ago, in the stone ages, when it was still 2010, I published a first story. Quickly. It was unedited, raw, done, and free. (This word keeps popping up, did you notice?) That story was quite short, and not naturist.

After putting out so many books in the naturist fiction realm, I decided I have to do something free for the readers. And so I started writing short stories. Well, short story for now; I just finished writing the first one. It's called "Mark and Layla", but you may encounter it as "Layla and Mark". Any preference? Let me know via a comment down there 👇.

Fantasy stories
It's not out there yet. I want to add a few more before I put it out into the wild. For free. I'm still wondering if I should keep the genre for this first set as only fantasy, and do a set of some Sci-Fi short stories as well. Again, preferences or suggestions can be dumped 👇.

P.Z. Walker in a forest
Not to worry, by the way. Naked Crow 13, Mirror Earth 6, Superheroes 3 and all the other stories won't get neglected because of this.

I just thought this would be a fun project to add to the insane load. And another benefit of free stuff is: people download that like crazy. Because it's free. It might be a great opportunity to make naturism known among a larger crowd. Yes, I'm sneaky like that. If you think that's a bad idea... comment down there 👇. 🤣 (Somehow I don't expect many comments in that regard!)

Be well, happy, and as naked as you can freely get away with!
