On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

About me and this site

Table of Contents

About me.

PZ Walker in the nude, outside
I’m a nudist. Naturist. Whatever you want to call it. No surprise there, I guess. My first nude experiences were around the age of 16 / 17, during a hot summer. I just took my clothes off in my bedroom and grabbed a book. I'll never forget that feeling. Later, in the library, I discovered there was nothing wrong with doing that, and it had a name. Nudism (later that became naturism in most of Europe). Library? Yes, in the late 1970s there was no internet, smarty pants!)

Starting off as a home nudist, I’ve gone out into the world, to enjoy the sunshine and the freedom of a clothes-free lifestyle where possible.

Through this site, I’m trying to aid in correcting the wrong ideas that many people still harbour about naturism and nudism. If I can enlighten only one person, that’s what I consider a win already.

About this site.

"zjuzdme.org" started in January 2013. The earliest post on the old site is proof of that.

Being a naturist myself, I found that it was necessary to add another site to the growing number of sites that promoted naturism.

Why ´zjuzdme`? Long before the start of the site, I was online already, and most chat rooms on AOL (really), Compuserve (does anyone still remember that?) and so on, had people using nicknames. I wanted to use 'just me', but that was already taken, so I took something that sort of kind of sounded like it, and distorted the writing to 'zjuzd me'. 'Zjuzdme' stuck with me, and so I used that as the domain to get this site off the ground. As I type this, in October 2022, it's incredible to think that - in a few months - the site will be going for ten years!

About Labels

Naturist. Nudist. Clothesfree. They're all labels. Labels belong in clothes. If you call yourself one or the other, that's fine. Call yourself nothing or somthing else, that's fine. As long as you respect nude people and the way they care to live.

Just had to put this out here.


Want to connect? Find me on Mastodon or Twitter.

