Think of the children!
This is a hot iron and it's in too many fires.
Think of the children.
A while ago I found a brilliant comment on that somewhere. I don't remember where.
Unfortunately, I don't remember where. This means I don't have it any more. But.. I have bits and pieces of memory, and the basic line from the comment was:
If you feel that children need to be protected from nudity, this says more about you than about us nudists/naturists.
What does Wikipedia say about this:
"Think of the children" (also "What about the children?") is a cliché that evolved into a rhetorical tactic.[1][2][3] In the literal sense, it refers to children's rights (as in discussions of child labor).[4][5][6] In debate, it is a plea for pity that is used as an appeal to emotion, and therefore may become a logical fallacy.[1][2][3]

Especially when it comes to nudity.
We all know kids are not against being naked. They're the ultimate nudists. I've said it before.
Knowing this, what is the 'origin' of "Think of the children" might give us some more counterweight to the screamers, who throw this in wherever they feel fit.
The crazy bit here? We probably think more about the children than they do...