Flu and the crazy ideas it gives me

Flu. It’s not funny.

A few weeks ago I was in the dumps because of our friend the flu. Felt horrible, awful, and didn’t get up for 5 days.

Of course I need to add here that I did not get a flu shot. I only got those twice and each time I got violently ill. Blaming the shots for that was a bad idea apparently, because this time I got seriously ill with the vicinity of a shot.

Crazy ideas.

Apparently my brain was in turmoil for a while during those first 5 days of badness. At some point – I don’t exactly recall when but that doesn’t matter – I almost woke up from an avalanche of images that had been churning through my head and that sort of gave me an idea for a new naturist story. I grabbed my notepad (always have one next to the bed) and scribbled down what I could remember of the idea. Then I collapsed into the void of the flu once again.

crazy ideas

Historical fiction.

So far the books I wrote and am writing are in the fantasy and science fiction realm. I love those two genres and I think I can do them pretty well.

historical fiction

This new idea is in the Historical Fiction genre. For those who aren’t aware of what that it, historical fiction describes things from history (obviously). Usually it involves well known places or people. Think for instance of books about King Arthur, Jeanne d’Arc, a war, or perhaps even the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The story doesn’t have to deal with that actual event but the event can take place during the course of the story. It’s that easy to write historical fiction, but it also makes it difficult because you have to get the facts right. Anyone can believe a bug-eyed, yellow monster coming from Pluto to devour our clothes, but for instance claiming that Marilyn Monroe always appeared naked on the set of her films… most people know that’s not true.

The story in my head

The naked veil
The naked veil

The story I came up with in my flu-ridden dream doesn’t deal with any of those subjects. So far it doesn’t feel like a difficult or complicated story, more something light and easy; something short.

I am definitely going to develop that idea  and see where it leads me (and you). So far the future of the story is still in veils, as is the naked lady on the right. She’s from the right era of my story, I think, so for a while I’ll keep her as the mascot for the new book.

I’ve never thought that I would ever find a way to write something in the historical fiction genre concerning nudism/naturism. No matter how this story will end up, I’m thrilled that something actually appeared for it.

The writerI hope you’re having a great day. I’ll be writing.



The experience called Vritomartis


You may wonder why I call my stay at Vritomartis Naturist Resort an experience. Well, simply because it was an experience, and a good one. Anything that has to do with Crete has been a good experience for me so far, so I am probably biased. 😉

What makes Crete and Vritomartis so special? First: the people. I love the Greek people. Cretans know how to make you feel welcome. You’re not a walking wallet (a mistake that Spain has made), but you’re a guest, a friend. The atmosphere in and around Vritomartis is wonderful and relaxed. If I could spend my future days in Crete I would be a happy nudist writer. Vritomartis is special to me because I didn’t do very much there. I didn’t go out on any of the many (also naturist) excursions they offer. I was there to relax and unwind, and that worked out perfectly.

vritomartis pool

This may give you an idea why.

Another little something that made my stay at this resort special was that I finished writing Naked Crow 2 there, and it gave me the initial inspiration to write Naked Crow 3 – Nagual. Of course, lazing around near the pool and writing wasn’t all I did. Even during times of relaxation I sometimes feel the need to go out and do something. I took a few walks to the nude beach that’s connected to the resort, Filaki Beach. If you want to have a nice time at the water with the convenience of a small bar at hand, go to Filaki Beach. You won’t regret it.

If you want to have some fun around the resort, that too can be arranged. Aqua gym for instance. Low impact, fun and good for you. My favourite however was the archery part:

vritomartis archery

Imagine great weather, enthusiastic people, a coach who has fun helping everyone learn shooting with bows and arrows, and being naked. How can life be better?

Vritomartis hasn’t seen the last of me yet. And next time I intend to go on a few of the excursions. I’ve read comments on them and they are definitely worth the while!

Did you notice?

There was no post last Wednesday. Sometimes life in the outside world takes over more than we want, and the last couple of weeks did exactly that. My Dad is 92 (imagine that) and needs a lot of attention now dementia is kicking in. That’s why I don’t spend as much time on the computer (and on writing) as I’d like. Priorities need to be prioritised.


How has your naturist 2015 been? Have you engaged in anything spectacular, like the people above who did the Bristol (UK) Naked Bike Ride? For me the trip to Lanzarote and visiting Charco del Palo was definitely the highlight of this year.


The year’s coming to an end rapidly, Christmas is around a few corners and soon after that we’ll have the opportunity to make 2016 a fantastic naturist year. I hope you’re with me to make that happen!

Did I mention a new naturist scifi?

I may have. It’s not all done yet but it’s coming closer to the end. As today is Author Chat day with @homeclothesfree I thought it a good moment to show you the cover of the new book. Mirror Earth

So there you have it. I hope to finish the work on it soon. My aim is to get it out into the open in December or January. Let’s hope the world isn’t interfering too much!

Books on naturism

Alright dear naked readers,

Nude in SpaceI need your help. I’m looking for books that include naturism/nudism in a decent way. A bit like the Naked Crow books I’ve written. So far I’ve found “Naturist, Red in Tooth and Claw” which was an entertaining book (despite the horrible editing and the mistakes in it), and also a book by Robert Longpré about travelling to Santiago de Compostella, “A Small Company of Pilgrims“. The last book on naturism I found and read was “Being Naked“, a short but very honest and wonderful read. Do you know of other good naturist books? I really want to know because I’m curious how many decent books about naturism and accepted nudity are out there.

Thank you for your help!

Naturism in Brazil

As found on osnaturistas.com:

As naturism can leverage the tourism?

January 23, 2015

With only 8 official beaches naturism in Brazil has a lot of growing up to do


In November the city of Rio de Janeiro sanctioned the law which made the Praia do Abricó in Rio legalized for the practice of naturism, seven other beaches are they, Bull’s eye in Rio de Janeiro, in Paraiba, Tambaba Massarandupió in Bahia, Dry Bar in Espirito Santo and the beaches of pine, Galheta and Pedras Altas in Santa Catarina are officers by virtue of Decree or byelawsin any other point of the coast where the bather undress he can be arrested for obscenity.

São Paulo being Brazil’s most populous state and still doesn’t have a shoreline dedicated to naturism unfortunately, this not counting other States could also have areas for the practice, following the example of France and other countries cities all over the world even the most demure already realized that naturism is a bonanza for the tourism marketbecause in addition to having millions of followers he cause good impression right next to those who do not practice it.

The last World Cup held in Brazil contributed to increase the number of foreign tourists in Praia do Abricó, because the number of regulars naturists more than doubled during the World Cup, these tourists usually have a higher purchasing power which helps to inject money into the local economy.

Praia de Tambaba in Paraiba is the example of this as it ended up contributing to the growth of tourism in the South coast of the State of Paraiba and thanks to six other nearby beaches naturist beach of Tambaba began to be visited by many tourists from the northern hemisphere. With their arrival, the small local businesses and the real estate sector also grew. The secret is the result of coordination between associations of naturists and the Town Hall.

To the University professor José Wagner, education leads to behavior change. “Nobody creates without making revolution. Naturism is progressing “. We did several events on the issue of naturism within the schools, so that people understand that it’s something odd Tambaba on our planet, “he says.

These Sunday Nudist posts. The normal people.

You’ve probably seen them. After all, they’re up every Sunday. I try to post nudist images of normal nudist/naturist people. Not the glamour stuff that’s been photoshopped to death and beyond, not the pretty people that will never represent mainstream naturists. (They probably wouldn’t want to be found naked among us anyway, so nothing’s lost there.)

An image says a thousand words, as the saying goes, and I use that. Each Sunday. I got a few e-mails from people who ask why I don’t post the pretty naked people. The exciting ones. Well, if you read this: here’s your answer. The exciting naked people are online in too many places already. They’re called porn sites. You can Google that.

For the real naturists I’ll keep posting the Sunday Noon Nudists. Be happy. Be naked. Be proud of your body; it shows who you are instead of who you pretend to be when you dress up.

When you go to a nudist beach…

You may have heard this whining before:

When you go to a nude beach you see all the people you don’t want to see.

male-nudistsYes. That’s probably true for the people who go to such a beach to look at people. The way they probably also go to a dressed beach, to ogle people and try to see what they can’t see because of the wonders of modern bathing suits (although those aren’t very covering lately).

The people who go on about this don’t have a clue about nude beaches. They may not even have a clue about textile beaches, because people – as far as I understand – go there to enjoy themselves and have a good time. Not to be stared at as if they’re strips of bacon hanging in a window to make other people drool over them. And that goes for both kinds of beach: nudists aren’t there to be stared at. They are not the super model kind of folks. I think I mentioned this before: there are perhaps 20 supermodels in the world (those are the skinny, malnourished people who have to live on air and a slice of lettuce, remember?) in a world population of 7 billion. That is 1 supermodel on every 350,000,000 normal people. How big do you think the chances are to catch all those supermodels on the same beach? Let’s forget the nude part here for convenience’s sake.

I’ve been to nude beaches. I don’t go there to stare. I go there to relax, to meet nice people and have a good time. The folks whining about us (yes, I include myself here) should stop that and be satisfied with photoshopped photos and manipulated videos of people who aren’t real. I’ll even throw in a beach background for them to make them entirely happy. As long as the whining stops.

Maybe someone can show me how wonderful, healthy and fit these whiners look themselves…

Why Nude Photos are Important to Naturism

Original article to be found at the aanaturist-blog.

Imagine if you will that this blog wasn’t about naturism, but about camping and backpacking.  In my theoretical camping blog I’d write about my travels, offer advice, discuss issues within the camping/backpacking community, and show you pictures of my trips.   No one would get upset about pictures of Yosemite or the Grand Canyon.  But in reality my blog isn’t about camping, but nude recreation and the naturist lifestyle.

Since its early days, naturism has been portraying the nude human body in photography.  In fact, it was nudist magazines that set the legal precedent for nude images to be published.  Up until 1958, it was illegal for nudist magazines to be mailed by the U.S. Postal Service. In SUNSHINE BOOK COMPANY v. SUMMERFIELD, The U.S. District Court of Columbia ruled that nudist magazines could be mailed.  This decision also created the precedent for Playboy and other magazines to be published.

The nude human body is the core of our lifestyle, it’s what defines our philosophy and our outlook.  And when discussing our way of living, how can we describe it?  Sure I can drone on forever about nude recreation in words and sentences.  However, nothing describes who we are or what we believe than a picture. Many of my readers recall that my own foray into naturism began by seeing images of non-sexual nudity.  Naturist photos act like ambassadors to non-naturists, demonstrating what nude recreation is like.

Seeing nude photos helps eliminate equating nudity only with sexual activity.  For the vast majority of Americans, nudity is akin to sexual activity.  Movies, TV, and the internet teach us that mere nudity is only erotic.  Seeing non-sexual nudity is the first step to removing society’s warped conditioning.

Nude photos also fosters body acceptance.  I used to hate how my body looked.  I thought I wasn’t the “ideal” body, or a body fit to be a naturist.  But seeing many different people nude has changed my outlook.  I have finally learned to accept myself, and accept others.

Now I’m not naïve, I know that our lifestyle attracts the wrong people.  It’s a sad fact.  Our photos can be exploited by some really sick and warped minds.  Case in point: naturist photos used to show pictures of entire families, but now because of a few perverts, no naturist in their right minds would allow photos of their children to be posted online.  Another sad fact is that the term “naturism” has been hijacked by the porn industry.  But this isn’t the fault of naturism or nude recreation.  Blaming naturists for having their photos exploited is like blaming a woman for being sexually assaulted because she was wearing a risqué dress.  The accountability should be placed on the victimizer and not the victim.  I’m not going to stop being a naturist because of a few losers.

Nude photos are a part of naturism.  Nudity is part of the naturist experience, but the biggest part of the naturist lifestyle is what takes place between the ears and not the legs.  Nude photos serve only as an example of  what naturist activities are.  There is nothing shameful about the naked human body.  The only “shameful” part of nudity is those who exploit it for the wrong reasons.


Naturism and children

Children in naturism.nudism kids

Always a ‘hot’ subject, because the world loves making a fuss about children and how we can raise them in a safe way.


I entirely agree with that, don’t understand me wrong. Still I want to praise naturism and the children of naturist parents.Instead of being kept away from anything that might resemble nudity, without the imminent threat of child porn and other filth, children of naturists can walk, run and swim in the nude without any fear.

“Children on the beach.”
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida, 1908

Children don’t mind being nude. Have you ever seen how many very young children are entirely naked on a beach? And is that a problem for them? Not at all. The ‘problem’ occurs when the parents create it.

Hooray for naturism where children don’t have to deal with that problem all of the time.