Work naked.

Once or twice a month I try to work from home. It’s not just environmentally friendly (no car so no fuel so no exhaust gas), but it’s also very liberating to do so. Because when I work from home, I work naked. If I don’t have to go outside I stay unclothed as much as possible. The exceptions are when I feel cold or sick. Then staying warm is more important, but there are ways to stay warm without ‘real clothes’. A fluffy bath robe makes a big difference then. But usually that’s not necessary.

I’m not the only one who likes to work naked. I know of several others who prefer it that way. A surprise however could be these people who also like to work naked:

working naked in a mine
Image courtesy of

Did you know this actually happened? Not lately of course. Health and safety would forbid it, if they survived the heart attack from hearing about it.

For now I’d be happy if there was a nude day at work.

Unfortunately, with today’s attitude towards the naked body, that will be a while. Until then I’ll work nude when I’m at home.

Do you ever work naked? At home? At work? Somewhere else? I’m always happy to hear what other people do, and how they manage it. It’s all about sharing ideas and motivating others, you know.

Stay happy. Stay nude.

Unashamed Nudists: Exploiting the Theme of Nudism in the 1930s

I located this post at the blog of Vadim aka t-maker. It’s a great one so I’m reposting it completely. Thank you, Vadim, for this great post!

Unashamed Nudists: Exploiting the Theme of Nudism in the 1930s

The technical definition of exploitation movies is cheaply made pictures distributed by roadshowmen or by local independents called states’-righters. A major studio was opening, in those days [the 1930s and 1940s], 400 prints. An exploitation picture never had more than 15 or 20, and they moved around from territory to territory…[1] (David Friedman)

Wikipedia defines “Exploitation film” as a “film which is generally considered to be low budget, and therefore apparently attempting to gain financial success by “exploiting” a current trend or a niche genre or a base desire for lurid subject matter” [2]. According to exploitation producer David Friedman, “exploitation pictures are as old as film itself” [1]. It is not surprising that “many exploitation genres relied on nudity as a source of spectacle” [3]. Eric Schaefer, an author of “meticulously researched, interdisciplinary study” of exploitation films [3], calls the “nudist films” (something about “unashamed nudists”) one of the “cornerstone genres of classical exploitation focused on the spectacle of the nude body”.

Recently, while browsing Internet Archive (which is a “non-profit digital library with the stated mission of “universal access to all knowledge” [4,5]), I came across the classical exploitation “nudist film” called “Expose of The Nudist Racket” (see [6]; it also can be found on Vimeo [7] and YouTube [8]). It was filmed in 1938 for “Hollywood Producers and Distributors”. Producer is, in fact, unknown. The Short Format film is now distributed under Creative Commons license (Attribution 3.0).

Image: frames from "Expose of The Nudist Racket" (1938)Image: frames from “Expose of The Nudist Racket” (1938)

In the first half of the 1930s, the American press considered nudism mostly unfavorably. “Crude jokes were made and the reporters liked nothing better than going to a nudist camp and teasing the members for a story, which was usually written up in disrespectful ways”. Later “nudism came to be viewed by the press as a benign, if unconventional, practice” [3].

Film producers used different strategies “for bringing nudism to screen”, in order to “legitimize” the subject. For example, it could be a pseudoscientific, “anthropological approach” with references to “customs among primitive peoples” [3]. The “Expose of The Nudist Racket” took a different attitude. The creators of the film tried to be funny employing “titles and narration for comic effect”. Jokes about fat women are the height of their humor capacity.

Eric Schaefer admits that “some spectators went to see the films to satisfy their curiosity about the nudist movement” , but he insists that “the nudist exploitation films were designed to create sexual arousal in, or at the very least titillate, viewers”. However, “despite the exploitation films’ sexualization of nudism, the nudist’s advocacy of sunshine and simplicity of life found an ideal vehicle for expression in the movies, in part because of their overlapping ideology” [3]. “Nudism was presented as a middle-class lifestyle option” and “a possible antidote to modern life”. The nudist films pointed to the “precedent of social nudity in ancient Greece, which was “simple” yet highly “civilized” according to modern standards”.

“Expose of The Nudist Racket” can convince you that time goes by, but nothing changes. The nudists still want “publicity for their movement”, while the second word in a word-combination “social nudity” remains the key one for most people.

1. David Chute, Washes of Sin: An Interview with David F. Friedman, Film Comment, July-August, 1986
2. Exploitation film – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. Eric Schaefer, “Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!”: A History of Exploitation Films, 1919-1959, Duke University Press, 1999
4. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
5. Internet Archive – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6. Expose of The Nudist Racket. : uncredited : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
7. The Expose Of The Nudist Racket (1938) on Vimeo
8. Expose of The Nudist Racket. – YouTube

A lesson on nudists. For non-nudists.

Some people believe that there are two types of nudist resorts: 1) All out orgies everywhere, or 2) No touching whatsoever or you get kicked out.

In reality, most nudist resorts are somewhere in the middle.  Most resorts allow, and expect, that couples will show appropriate affection for one another. A small kiss, holding hands, or hugs are not a problem. Going beyond simple displays of affection into the land of sexual displays are prohibited. That’s not what nudism is about, and most people don’t want to see couples making out in public. Activities that cross the line from affection to sexual will be addressed by management, and if the activity continues, would lead to expulsion from the resort.

While nudists agree that nudism is not about sex, we also understand that couples have non-sexual affection for one another that shouldn’t be left at the front gate.

(Original found on Tumblr, posted by, and too good not to share here.)

What do you do?

As I was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, suddenly this question popped into my head as I was thinking about why some people shun naturism. Many of them consider naturism from (as we all know) the wrong viewpoint. They think that it’s not pleasant to look at all those bodies that “aren’t nice to look at”. And a moment later it hit me why these people are wrong (at least in my idea).

They go to look at bodies.

Naturists don’t go out to look at bodies. Of course, I see the bodies of the people I meet, but I go out for the people.

I’ve met the most wonderful, interesting and kind people in nudist/naturist settings. Honest people. Fun people. Shy people. Weird people.

But always real people who don’t feel the need to hide behind fabrics. It’s one of the things I like a lot about naturists; they are themselves. Natural. Au naturel.

People who think that nudist areas are places to gawk at people are wrong. Wrong.

The experience called Vritomartis


You may wonder why I call my stay at Vritomartis Naturist Resort an experience. Well, simply because it was an experience, and a good one. Anything that has to do with Crete has been a good experience for me so far, so I am probably biased. 😉

What makes Crete and Vritomartis so special? First: the people. I love the Greek people. Cretans know how to make you feel welcome. You’re not a walking wallet (a mistake that Spain has made), but you’re a guest, a friend. The atmosphere in and around Vritomartis is wonderful and relaxed. If I could spend my future days in Crete I would be a happy nudist writer. Vritomartis is special to me because I didn’t do very much there. I didn’t go out on any of the many (also naturist) excursions they offer. I was there to relax and unwind, and that worked out perfectly.

vritomartis pool

This may give you an idea why.

Another little something that made my stay at this resort special was that I finished writing Naked Crow 2 there, and it gave me the initial inspiration to write Naked Crow 3 – Nagual. Of course, lazing around near the pool and writing wasn’t all I did. Even during times of relaxation I sometimes feel the need to go out and do something. I took a few walks to the nude beach that’s connected to the resort, Filaki Beach. If you want to have a nice time at the water with the convenience of a small bar at hand, go to Filaki Beach. You won’t regret it.

If you want to have some fun around the resort, that too can be arranged. Aqua gym for instance. Low impact, fun and good for you. My favourite however was the archery part:

vritomartis archery

Imagine great weather, enthusiastic people, a coach who has fun helping everyone learn shooting with bows and arrows, and being naked. How can life be better?

Vritomartis hasn’t seen the last of me yet. And next time I intend to go on a few of the excursions. I’ve read comments on them and they are definitely worth the while!

A reading, nude writer

read naked dayI love writing as much as I love reading. I also love being naked. Sometimes I even read about writing. Naked.

At the moment I’m working on 2 naturist stories – not at the same time of course, but alternating between them. It’s magical for me to do that, to crawl inside all these different characters, to find out what makes them tick. To ‘feel’ how all the naturists in those stories feel about their naturism. To ‘feel’ the non-nudists in those stories and experience their surprise, their shock and horror even. It’s an incredible feeling to switch back and forth between so many interpretations of how life should be lived. I vote for the nude life of course, as do many visitors of this site.

Mirror EarthI’ve taken up the challenge to write a sequel to Mirror Earth. It won’t be easy. It will be scary too because Mirror Earth might well be the best naturist book I wrote to date, and to write a sequel to something good is daunting. It will have to be at least that good, if not better.

I’ll take my time and it will happen. Not fast, because usually good and fast are not good together. My gratitude to everyone who told me they like Mirror Earth. Or love it, as even that happened. I’ll keep writing because I love making people happy.

Be safe and well, and be naked wherever you can!

lanzarote walk

Did you notice?

There was no post last Wednesday. Sometimes life in the outside world takes over more than we want, and the last couple of weeks did exactly that. My Dad is 92 (imagine that) and needs a lot of attention now dementia is kicking in. That’s why I don’t spend as much time on the computer (and on writing) as I’d like. Priorities need to be prioritised.


How has your naturist 2015 been? Have you engaged in anything spectacular, like the people above who did the Bristol (UK) Naked Bike Ride? For me the trip to Lanzarote and visiting Charco del Palo was definitely the highlight of this year.


The year’s coming to an end rapidly, Christmas is around a few corners and soon after that we’ll have the opportunity to make 2016 a fantastic naturist year. I hope you’re with me to make that happen!

Mirror Earth is out there!

Mirror EarthYep, here it is. Mirror Earth, the second naturist scifi I managed to write. I’ve had a few very nice comments about it from early readers and I hope you will like it too.

To refresh your memory: Earth. The future. Researchers have discovered how to detect fluctuations in time and found that there is the possibility for alternate realities. Complicated calculations, big laboratories and big interests are at stake.
A group of researchers is dedicated to pursuing the biggest experiment in their lives: to see if there are indeed other worlds like ours. And what will they look like if there is anything like another Earth?
Where is the book available: Smashwords, any Amazon store near your browser, Kobo e-books, of course the Apple iTunes bookstore, and Barnes & Noble.

If you prefer the paperback, you’ll find that at Createspace once I’ve seen and agreed with the proof. I’m not going to let people buy something I haven’t checked myself. This should be soon though!

Nudity. British guidance.

On Twitter I found a link to this website: Nudity in Public – Guidance on handling cases of Naturism. It’s a British website.

The first section is already interesting, and… alarming:

Naturism is used to describe the activities of persons who espouse nudity as part of their lifestyle. Whilst many naturists will restrict their activities to specially designated areas and/or places where there is a tradition of naked activity, such as nudist beaches, others may wish to enjoy nudity more widely.

In the case of naturism a balance needs to be struck between the naturist’s right to freedom of expression and the right of the wider public to be protected from harassment, alarm and distress.

I am not sure how ‘harassment’ made it to this list. When someone like us, a real naturist, is lying in the grass somewhere to enjoy the sun, is that harassing someone? I understand that the clothing-only society can be “alarmed” when seeing someone naked. Plenty of people will feel distress when they look at a nude body. It’s sad but it’s how the world ticks at the moment. But harassment?

Nude in parkIs there some general fear that nudists will run up to clothed people and shake their breasts or genitals in front of their faces?

That’s more the expertise of exhibitionists, I’d say, but I’m not one of those so I speak without experience in that area.

Luckily the website clarifies this a little in the next section:

In the absence of any sexual context and in relation to nudity where the person has no intention to cause alarm or distress it will normally be appropriate to take no action unless members of the public were actually caused harassment, alarm or distress (as opposed to considering the likelihood of this).

Here is the problem of words versus people again of course. When do we speak of harassment? Some people can’t be harassed by anything, others feel harassed already when you say you heard a child’s doll fart. We’re in a tough line of life-style, folks.

balance railroadIt’s up to us to find and set the balance. Others can’t. Or won’t.