Do naturists have secrets?


A while ago I was listening to a podcast. I sometimes do that because podcasts can be cool. The podcast in question was about secrets and how secrets affect people. It’s uncanny and fascinating to learn how much of a burden a secret can be for a person.

Stuff to blow your mind

That is where I found this podcast.


So what does this podcast have to do with naturism, nudism and all other kinds of recreational nudity?

Believe it or not, but the podcast mentions nudists and the possibility that they are feeling better about themselves when they don’t keep their naturist/nudist lifestyle a secret from other people. Which makes sense. If you don’t need to hide your lifestyle, there’s no need to be ‘careful’ about it. This means no burden of a secret, which in turn means an easier, more care-free life.

Do you agree, or…?

Do you agree with this statement? Do you feel happy with your lifestyle because people around you, also the perpetually clothed, know about your nudism? And if you don’t feel safe to tell everyone about it, how does that make you feel? I’m very curious…


Clothes. I wear them. A lot lately.

Clothes. Really. I wear them.

Naked woman in the rainIf you want to stop reading now, do so.

The rest of this article might shock you if you’re a hard core naturist that never wears clothes. (And if you manage to do that, do let me know how you pull that off!)

Weather of late has been quite sad. Rain, drizzle, unpleasant temperatures.

Not the summer most of us dream of unless you’re a needy plant. In which case you’re always naked.

So what to do when the weather’s not nice?

There are a few smart options.

  1. Go on vacation to a warm place where you can be naked all the time.
    Nice plan if you have the time and the money for it. I’m sure at least 12% of the people reading this recognise that one. 😉
  2. Turn up the heating of the house and be naked.
    Would work, but I don’t do that. I try to be environmentally conscious and not doing the heat up thing has a place in that mindset.
  3. Put on some clothes.
    Shocking, I admit, but it’s a tactic people have used for centuries. One that works.
  4. Move to a place where it’s warm all the time.
    Now that’s smart!

But… but… you’re a naturist!

In the woodsTrue. I see myself as a naturist but one that’s not made of penguin or polar bear.

I’m a human who doesn’t like the cold. Interestingly I’ve gotten more cold-sensitive over the last few years; I’m sure that age has to do something with it. I’m approaching 60. Are there any people in their second youth who have noticed something similar?

Anyway, this is how I deal with poor weather conditions. At first I wasn’t showing the real naturist but then something made me grin. There are those naturists who claim that a true naturist doesn’t have tan lines. Well, trust me – I don’t have any!

Things will get better. Sooner or later.

It is only a matter of time for things to get better again. Either on a vacation, a summery end dash or something I can’t even imagine now. If nothing else happens there’s always the shower or the sauna.

This is how I handle piss poor weather. If you have other ways, perhaps even better ways, I’d love to hear them. We’re all in this weather together so we can learn from each other.

Stay happy, stay as naked as you can.

It happened. A new book.

Yep. My alter ego (haha) published a new book yesterday. A historical naturist fiction book. It was difficult to write so it took a long time. If you’re curious, here are the gory details:

The Unsworth Manor Nudes

Unsworth Manor, home of Cedric, Earl of Unsworth, his wife Margarete and their children. Margarete, of royal German descent, receives an invitation to visit her distant relative, Emperor Wilhelm II. They decide to make the journey. It will introduce them to a lifestyle that none of them had ever heard of before, but that will never leave them anymore.

The book is available at Smashwords, Amazon,,,,,,,,, Barnes&Noble, Apple iTunes, Kobo, Createspace (paperback).

I’m very curious how this book will be received…

Back after some torment

Hi people,

This isn’t going to be a big, expanded blog post. I do feel I should let you know why the blog’s been offline for several days.

wordpress pluginIt was because of… a failing plugin. The stupid thing killed the site, and the bad part was that I only noticed it 2 days ago. I first suspected a temporary failure of the hosting site but yesterday it was still not back. After a while I decided to go in using internet-tech (FTP) to look at what might be the problem. The last day I had updated something, also 2 plugins had updated. And one of them proved to be the nasty one. I deleted both of them in sequence to see which one it was. I know now.

I’m glad we’re back in business!

Media interest in Hampstead Heath naturism

Somehow, being lucky as I can be at times, I located this written piece through the website of the Naturist Action Group.

I’m reposting this in the full.

Thank you John Paine, the original author of this very interesting article.

Media interest in Hampstead Heath naturism

An incredible 93% of initial responders to an online newspaper survey would support naturism on Hampstead Heath. The Hampstead & Highgate Express published an item on Thursday 25 May after contact by NAG. Carlie, John, Harvey, Steve, of the NAG London group, who met with reporter Anna Behrmann. A photo of naturists on Hampstead Heath was supplied by NAG supporter Natasha, who shows her work on her Natansky website. That immediate opinion response was to the Ham & High online question they ran with the published article. National daily The Times then covered this story and response.

On the morning of 1 June BBC Radio London’s Vanessa Feltz held a live interview with NAG’s Harvey Allen. That day Chris Baynes of the London Evening Standard contacted John Paine, NAG’s London co-ordinator. On 2 June the London Evening Standard online version carried a large item Naturists call for naked sunbathing rights on Hampstead Heath. That same day BBC London TV interviewed Harvey at Hampstead Heath, which was then broadcast in their tea-time news programme.

NAG says there are health benefits to open air nudity and make clear that public nudity is legal if it is not “intended to cause alarm or distress”. NAG maintains that parks in London are heavily used, and only in the larger parks is discreet naturism possible. The City of London Corporation was legally given management responsibility for Hampstead Heath when the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, abolished the GLC in 1989. However, the Hampstead Heath management mistakenly claimed to the London Evening Standard that ‘nudity is a criminal offence’ and is prohibited there. Nudity is not mentioned in the Hampstead Heath bylaws, which were written in 1932.

Photographer Natasha Porter says “There needs to be more spaces available to be naked and free around London. I think that it actually reduces the sexual connections to nudity. Naked bodies do not need to equate to sex”

In all the media interviews NAG mentioned the annual London WNBR. For over 10 years thousands of street spectators have happily accepted the WNBR nudity. It is estimated that on 10 June 2017 over 1,500 cyclists, of all ages and sexes, took part in the London WNBR. Up to 90% of the cycling participants were naked this year, and the usual enthusiastic public response from the crowded pavements was evident. One male cyclist rode naked from arrival at Euston station to the Kings Cross start point, with no adverse public reactions!

The recent media actions described here are part of the various ongoing NAG campaigns to change public perception of naturism. John Paine said “People who are naturists see it as a lifestyle choice rather than a peculiar hobby.”

NAG will hold several ‘vox pop’ interviews on Hampstead Heath in June. Small teams of NAG supporters will ask 4 quick questions of users of Hampstead Heath. They will be asked if they support the idea of naturists discreetly using Hampstead Heath. In fact, this has been happening for over 50 years and in recent times NAG has organised for small groups of naturists to do so collectively. The Hampstead Heath management want proof that many London naturists do want naturism to be allowed there.

London naturists who want to help this NAG campaign can do so by contacting us through this NAG website. Elsewhere on this website you will see more information about what has been done by NAG in London, and ideas that are being explored. This includes action with other naturists internationally, including in Paris and Munich.

John Paine 15 June 2017

Twitter for naturists. Do you know these nifty things already?


We all know twitter. We all love it. Many others love it too. There can be people who pretend to be naturists and follow all the naturists they can round up. Only… these yokels aren’t naturists. Not nudists either. They’re out to collect images of nude people.

Sometimes they are easily detectable because they assume everyone enjoys the same things they do. Their profile image will then relay something like this:

twitter dick
Twitter “profile”. Clearly a dick.

Not the kind of person I like to be followed by.

Other smart ones don’t show themselves. They simply keep themselves out of view. Still it can be very simple to detect them. If they have nearly no tweets to their name, yet follow an incredible amount of accounts, you can bet that this isn’t a serious naturist/nudist/clothes free person:

twitter porn person

4454 accounts are followed by this non-communicating account. This is not a naturist. I checked.

There’s a pattern in which these folks follow others. First they go for the obvious: women who display themselves. Then they go for porn accounts. Then they go for naturists.

Not all follow this pattern but I clearly spotted the ‘waves’ of followings in distinct ‘areas’.

Share and eliminate.

For those on Twitter: you are probably aware of the blocked accounts list. Once you block an account it will appear on the blocked accounts list.

To get to that list, open the menu for your profile and go to ‘Settings and privacy’.

In there you’ll find an option called ‘Blocked accounts’.blocked accounts




That’s an important one. That’s where every account you’ve ever blocked is stored. The good thing is that you can export this list into a file.

Export a list in Twitter
Export/import is in the Advanced options.

If you share that file online, others can download it and import that list into their own blocked accounts list which saves them the trouble to hunt down each one on their own.

It’s easy to share such a list: just dump it into e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive or Onedrive, get the public / shareable link (each system has its own way) and tell the world where it is. People can then grab the file and import it into their own list.

Don’t be scared that any sensitive, personal information is shows in the blocked list. It’s simply a file with numbers. When I open it in Libre Office I see this:

Blocked accounts in Libre Office

As you see, nothing of my eating habits or preferred colours are in there.

Google DriveI’ve just uploaded my most recent blocked list to my Google Drive.

You can find and download it here.

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of blocking accounts and spreading them to benefit others.

Clothing Optional Nudist.


Clothing Optional Nudist
Nudist group on MeWe. (Note: this image is clickable!)

In case you wonder about this image: it’s a snip of the banner from a group on MeWe. MeWe is a rather unknown social media platform totally unlike Facebook. Where Facebook collects and sells everything you put there, MeWe leaves your things where they belong: with you.

On there I’ve found a nudist/naturist/clothing optional group. It feels like a good group, one with the right attitude. Porn mongers and other unlikable characters are removed to keep it a safe and sound environment.

Being clear on do’s and don’ts.

To make things clear from the get go:

Naturist/Nudist pictures in a Naturist lifestyle setting is always welcome, feel free to post, but any pictures with the sole focus on sharing genital pictures will be removed.

Enjoy yourself otherwise.
Please partake, share information and ideas.
Its more fun when everyone pitch in from time to time.

Not everyone is comfortable with nudity, not everyone is comfortable with their own bodies. Believe in yourself. !!

If you’re here to talk to true Naturists, hopefully gain a better understanding of the lifestyle, then I welcome you to this page.

Whatever your sexual orientation, no discrimination will be allowed.

Please note: Any member who don’t treat the ladies (or men) with respect, or by sharing dick pics, making lewd remarks etc will be banned and blocked without a second warning.
This is the first warning.

It’s that simple. If anyone is looking for a good place to hang out with nudists without having to be careful with images like at Facebook, Google+ and lately also on Pinterest (I know because my account there got killed), this might be worth your investigating while.


Accounts on the Internet
Accounts, accounts, accounts

Yes, you’ll need an account on MeWe. Just like everywhere online these days.

If you don’t like setting up yet another account I suggest you move away from the Internet. 😉

Will we see you there?

Clothing optional

It won’t cost you much. Just some time to get your account set up and the (simple) application to the group. We don’t let anyone join just like that to warrant the safety inside as much as possible.

Naturist cleaners??

Naturist cleaners

Yes, you saw that right. And this is not about ordinary naturists cleaning their own homes in the most comfortable fashion.

As I was looking over the information that Google Alerts sent me the other day, concerning all kinds of things about naturism, there was a reference to ‘naturist cleaners’.

The headline:

Women in Croydon wanted to clean homes while naked

I found this odd. Many people may think this is a cool idea but not me. I see things differently. I went to read the article (you can see it for yourself at

This proved me right.

Women apparently can make £45 per hour for cleaning. That is a lot of money. They have to do it in the nude though. Is it surprising that most of the clients of the company offering this are male?

Some clients prefer to stay dressed and just watch our cleaner or just want a nude cleaner to have a different experience

Yep. That is typical for naturists, right, wanting to watch a nude cleaner.

The lady running the company offering this service states that most clients are naturists themselves, which is a good thing. Still I can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t the way this works.

What are your thoughts?