Remember when WYSIWYG was hot?
What is WYSIWYG ?
It’s probably mainstream now, but when computers were young and not so powerful, it was stunning to type and immediately see how it would look.
What You See Is What You Get.
A few days ago I realised that this is the very same thing with nudists, naturists, clothes-free people and other denominations that prefer not to be dressed.

What you see is, indeed, what you get. Just the real person, with all its wobbles, welts, bruises, scars and smiles. Tanlines and all, that’s the real person, right there.
No need to use any prettifying stuff like hats, ties, scarves, skirts, pants, shirts and what-not. We’re real. Which, again, proves that the other world, the textile realm is more fake than people would think.
Clothes for keeping warm
Sensible. Going out in the snow and ice, freezing several parts off and getting hypothermia doesn’t sound smart. But is that a reason to keep fifty different kinds of the same piece of clothing, in different shapes, fabrics, colours and so on? You can wear only one at the same time (okay, some people like to overdo it. Please send shots of men wearing 2 pairs of trousers and ladies wearing a skirt over their dress).
And yes, diversity is good, but running after the fashion gods who are after your money is something else.
Stay naked, people. Be yourself. I want to see what I get, not the fake dream that someone tries to put out there.
Have a good one.