A book review

Here’s a book review. I don’t only write them, I also read them.

Who is this naked lady – and what have they done with my wife?

who is this naked lady

This is the first book by Wallace M. Greensage. I enjoyed reading it. It’s not the genre I write (no fantasy, no scifi) but a real life, modern day story that could happen for real. We meet a couple who are strangers to nudism and who are on their vacation on a fictional island. The island is described very well – it made me want to move there and spend all my days at Barcelona Beach. As you might expect there’s some nudism involved in the story, and also mention of naked people like us and the things we don’t do (contrary to what textile lovers suspect us to do).

The story has a nice twist that has to do with a rather nasty man and his companions who make the vacation of the couple less fun than they had expected. Does it end well? I’ll leave that open so you can enjoy the story yourself.

starMy rating for this book: 4 stars out of 5.

You can find the e-book on Amazon and of course Amazon.co.uk.

Flu and the crazy ideas it gives me

Flu. It’s not funny.

A few weeks ago I was in the dumps because of our friend the flu. Felt horrible, awful, and didn’t get up for 5 days.

Of course I need to add here that I did not get a flu shot. I only got those twice and each time I got violently ill. Blaming the shots for that was a bad idea apparently, because this time I got seriously ill with the vicinity of a shot.

Crazy ideas.

Apparently my brain was in turmoil for a while during those first 5 days of badness. At some point – I don’t exactly recall when but that doesn’t matter – I almost woke up from an avalanche of images that had been churning through my head and that sort of gave me an idea for a new naturist story. I grabbed my notepad (always have one next to the bed) and scribbled down what I could remember of the idea. Then I collapsed into the void of the flu once again.

crazy ideas

Historical fiction.

So far the books I wrote and am writing are in the fantasy and science fiction realm. I love those two genres and I think I can do them pretty well.

historical fiction

This new idea is in the Historical Fiction genre. For those who aren’t aware of what that it, historical fiction describes things from history (obviously). Usually it involves well known places or people. Think for instance of books about King Arthur, Jeanne d’Arc, a war, or perhaps even the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The story doesn’t have to deal with that actual event but the event can take place during the course of the story. It’s that easy to write historical fiction, but it also makes it difficult because you have to get the facts right. Anyone can believe a bug-eyed, yellow monster coming from Pluto to devour our clothes, but for instance claiming that Marilyn Monroe always appeared naked on the set of her films… most people know that’s not true.

The story in my head

The naked veil
The naked veil

The story I came up with in my flu-ridden dream doesn’t deal with any of those subjects. So far it doesn’t feel like a difficult or complicated story, more something light and easy; something short.

I am definitely going to develop that idea  and see where it leads me (and you). So far the future of the story is still in veils, as is the naked lady on the right. She’s from the right era of my story, I think, so for a while I’ll keep her as the mascot for the new book.

I’ve never thought that I would ever find a way to write something in the historical fiction genre concerning nudism/naturism. No matter how this story will end up, I’m thrilled that something actually appeared for it.

The writerI hope you’re having a great day. I’ll be writing.



Naked authors

Naked writing

naked writing

Yes. I’m coming back to writing. I enjoy writing. The list of books I’ve written so far might have given that away. I like writing in the nude most of all because that allows for uninhibited writing. I am convinced that other naked writers agree with me. It might not surprise you that more writers like (or liked, because some of them aren’t among us any more) to be naked while acting out their imagination and committing that to people.

The famous ones

(and there might be a few surprises in here for you).

Victor Hugo. The famous author of great works like Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. At one point he ran into writer’s block and came up with the brilliant scheme to have his clothes taken away so he had nothing else to focus on than his writing. No clothes to fidget with. All he had to do was sit. And write. Naked.


Ernest Hemingway.

The author of Farewell to Arms also bid a farewell to his clothing. I haven’t found any proper confirmation of this but it’s rumoured that he wrote naked, standing up.  Nudism ran in the Hemingway family. Ernest’s cousin Edward opened England’s oldest nudist resort (then still called colony.)


D.H. Lawrence.

Remember him? He wrote Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Apparently he liked to climb trees in the nude and ponder what he was going to write about, before coming down and do his actual writing. I like that approach and would love to try it. Might be difficult to find trees away from people, but who knows…


James Whitcomb Riley.

James Whitcomb made his friends lock him up in a room, alone and naked, so he would write instead of popping down to the bar for a drink. Always good when you can count on your friends. I guess they had his drinks for him. 😉


Edmond Rostand, from France.

He was constantly interrupted by his friends and he was annoyed by that. Because of that he took up working naked in his bathtub. It might be hard to believe but his greatest work, Cyrano de Bergerac, was indeed written in a bathtub…


Now here might be a familiar face and a surprise to many: Benjamin Franklin. He too liked to write, and he too often retreated to his bathtub for that.

But not only did he write in his bathtub. He also liked to sit naked in a cold room where he would write without being disturbed.


And here’s the last famous naked author. Agatha Christy, the woman whose work has only been outsold by William Shakespeare. She too liked writing in the bathtub.

Who would have thought that Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple perhaps began their life in a bath?

The less famous ones

The writerYou probably know this one. Author of the Naked Crow series, Mirror Earth and so forth.

Writing in the nude is the best, freeing thing possible for me. I would live my life nude if I could – there’s just this every day life bit that gets in the way of it.

Let me be nude and I’m happy. Let me write in the nude and I’m ecstatic!


co-ed naked philosophyWill Forest. Another not yet very famous author who writes in the nude. If you have not heard of him before then you have now. To the right you see the cover of his book Co-ed Naked Philosophy which I have read and enjoyed tremendously.

Will is very engaged in the naturist way of life. Not only does he write in the nude about naked people, he also maintains a weblog. I don’t know if he writes in the bathtub.


Wallace GreensageWallace Greensage might be an author you have not heard of yet. This could be entirely true as he released his first naturist novel, “Who is this naked lady? (And what have they done with my wife?” only a short time ago.

I haven’t finished this book yet but I can say that it is a very promising start to what I can hope is a good writing career!

That’s the list for now

This list isn’t complete and I didn’t mean to make it an extensive one. Let me end this long post by wishing you lots of reading pleasure. If you know of other naked writers, please let me know. Maybe this can be compiled into an impressive list and tool for naturist readers who are looking for more books in our specific genre.


Bank robbery

This might surprise you. Bank robbery on a nudist blog? But yes, that is where my mind took me.


We all know this view from TV or so:

your typical bank robber in a mask, waving a gun and demanding money while wearing nondescript clothing.

And that, my dear, naked visitors, is the point. Nondescript clothing.

What would happen if a bank robber would enter a bank, hide behind a big plant or something else convenient, and strip naked apart from a mask? (Faces, after all, are a great way to recognise people.) In today’s society I think that people would be more shocked to see a naked body than all the guns. And when the police come along and ask ‘What was he wearing?’, they might not get beyond ‘he was naked’. And that while we all know that there is so much you can tell from a body – if you’re not afraid to look at it!

bankrobber 2

What is your opinion about this? Would naked bank robbers have more elements of surprise? Would they stand a chance these days?

Naked Planking on Twitter

Yes, it seems to be a trend! Naked Planking on twitter.

Clothesfreelife posted about it here. I’m game, of course:

If you care to join the fun, or see more about it, have a look at this search on Twitter. If you post a planking picture, do let me know. It’s a great exercise for your core and I’d like to cheer you on.

More naked plankers:

And a radical here:

Morning exercises

You may have seen something about morning exercises if you follow me on Twitter. And once I threatened to write about those exercises. You’re in luck. I’m writing about them. Now. Note that you can choose to do them too, or try them. Be careful and smart. See what you can and can’t do. I’m not taking any responsibility for your body; it’s yours, not mine. You know it best.

What do I do on such a morning?

  • Push-ups. According to Google the first thing that comes to mind is a bra that lifts breasts. That is not what I do. I do the kind where you lay on the ground and push yourself up.

    There is an alternative if you can’t handle these (no shame in that), and that’s to rest on your knees instead of your toes:
    In the knee-case I would advise a rolled-up towel under your knees so you don’t damage your knee caps. I do 15 push-ups. If you feel like starting, do what you can. Don’t overdo it. You’ll hurt yourself and give up. That’s not the point of exercising.
  • Next I do 20 arm swings. Not up and down, but left to right, 10 to each side. Can’t find a proper picture but it’s easy: raise your arms in front of you. Swing them left, swing them right, sort of like air-golf without the club. Don’t do it fast, don’t overstretch. just swing them ‘around’ yourself, left, right, left, right, etc. Remember to turn your upper body into the direction you swing in. This loosens up your spine. Also lift your right heel when you turn left and vice versa. No need to crack something.
  • Then I do 15 squats. The trick is to keep your knees from extending over your toes and to keep a straight back:
  • After that I do reach-ups:
    10 repetitions, so 10 up and 10 down. Again, don’t over-extend. Go as far as your body will let you. You’ll feel improvement soon if you keep it up. There’s no obligation to actually touch the ground! If you can, fine. If you can’t, fine. You may get there if you keep up the exercise.
  • Last of the torment: sit-ups. I do 15 at the moment (started with 5!)

Getting back up is the hard part. If you can’t make that the way she up there does, hook your feet beneath a couch or so, which will help you in getting up. No shame in that.

So there you have it.  My morning exercises. Yes, all the images here have dressed people in them. That doesn’t mean you have to be dressed to do them. It’s up do you.

What do you do?

As I was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, suddenly this question popped into my head as I was thinking about why some people shun naturism. Many of them consider naturism from (as we all know) the wrong viewpoint. They think that it’s not pleasant to look at all those bodies that “aren’t nice to look at”. And a moment later it hit me why these people are wrong (at least in my idea).

They go to look at bodies.

Naturists don’t go out to look at bodies. Of course, I see the bodies of the people I meet, but I go out for the people.

I’ve met the most wonderful, interesting and kind people in nudist/naturist settings. Honest people. Fun people. Shy people. Weird people.

But always real people who don’t feel the need to hide behind fabrics. It’s one of the things I like a lot about naturists; they are themselves. Natural. Au naturel.

People who think that nudist areas are places to gawk at people are wrong. Wrong.

The experience called Vritomartis


You may wonder why I call my stay at Vritomartis Naturist Resort an experience. Well, simply because it was an experience, and a good one. Anything that has to do with Crete has been a good experience for me so far, so I am probably biased. 😉

What makes Crete and Vritomartis so special? First: the people. I love the Greek people. Cretans know how to make you feel welcome. You’re not a walking wallet (a mistake that Spain has made), but you’re a guest, a friend. The atmosphere in and around Vritomartis is wonderful and relaxed. If I could spend my future days in Crete I would be a happy nudist writer. Vritomartis is special to me because I didn’t do very much there. I didn’t go out on any of the many (also naturist) excursions they offer. I was there to relax and unwind, and that worked out perfectly.

vritomartis pool

This may give you an idea why.

Another little something that made my stay at this resort special was that I finished writing Naked Crow 2 there, and it gave me the initial inspiration to write Naked Crow 3 – Nagual. Of course, lazing around near the pool and writing wasn’t all I did. Even during times of relaxation I sometimes feel the need to go out and do something. I took a few walks to the nude beach that’s connected to the resort, Filaki Beach. If you want to have a nice time at the water with the convenience of a small bar at hand, go to Filaki Beach. You won’t regret it.

If you want to have some fun around the resort, that too can be arranged. Aqua gym for instance. Low impact, fun and good for you. My favourite however was the archery part:

vritomartis archery

Imagine great weather, enthusiastic people, a coach who has fun helping everyone learn shooting with bows and arrows, and being naked. How can life be better?

Vritomartis hasn’t seen the last of me yet. And next time I intend to go on a few of the excursions. I’ve read comments on them and they are definitely worth the while!

A reading, nude writer

read naked dayI love writing as much as I love reading. I also love being naked. Sometimes I even read about writing. Naked.

At the moment I’m working on 2 naturist stories – not at the same time of course, but alternating between them. It’s magical for me to do that, to crawl inside all these different characters, to find out what makes them tick. To ‘feel’ how all the naturists in those stories feel about their naturism. To ‘feel’ the non-nudists in those stories and experience their surprise, their shock and horror even. It’s an incredible feeling to switch back and forth between so many interpretations of how life should be lived. I vote for the nude life of course, as do many visitors of this site.

Mirror EarthI’ve taken up the challenge to write a sequel to Mirror Earth. It won’t be easy. It will be scary too because Mirror Earth might well be the best naturist book I wrote to date, and to write a sequel to something good is daunting. It will have to be at least that good, if not better.

I’ll take my time and it will happen. Not fast, because usually good and fast are not good together. My gratitude to everyone who told me they like Mirror Earth. Or love it, as even that happened. I’ll keep writing because I love making people happy.

Be safe and well, and be naked wherever you can!

lanzarote walk

Mirror Earth


I thought I’d tell you a bit more about the new Scifi I’ve been working on for a long time. “Mirror Earth”. You may have seen the post where I showed off the cover already.

What I want to tell you is: it’s almost there! Now… what the book is about…

Earth. The future. Researchers have discovered how to detect fluctuations in time and found that there is the possibility for alternate realities. Complicated calculations, big laboratories and big interests are at stake.
A group of researchers is dedicated to pursuing the biggest experiment in their lives: to see if there are indeed other worlds like ours. And what will they look like if there is anything like another Earth?

Step into the world of Mirror Earth to discover what’s out there…

For the paper version I had a very funny idea. This is the front, as you may have seen already (which is also the front image of the e-book):
Mirror Earth Front
This will be the paper version’s back:Mirror Earth Back

🙂 My aim is to get the e-book version out into the world (our world) by next Saturday. As usual, the paper version is slower but that will come out as well.