No need to pretend we’re prettier than we are, because we bare all, show all. And if ‘stuff’ hangs down, we let it hang the way stuff tends to do.
The past months of mostly working from home have often shown me time and again (as in made me feel) that being clothes-free (not having the body-prison around) is awesome. I knew this. I have known this for a long time. But being aware of that, again, is fantastic, I think.
Getting a job done is great. Doing it without clothes is better. We all know that. Nothing presses against you, nothing ties off the blood flow.
Just because we can let it all hang out.
When I had the idea for this post, I also thought of animals. They don’t do clothes. They let it all hang out as well, and they’re none the worse off for it. For them it’s normal. As it is for us.
I pity the people who are so used to being locked into their fabric prisons that the thought of getting out scares them.
You may have noticed. Also on I am far behind on keeping up with the posts.
Blame work.
50 to 60 hour workweeks don’t really help in finding time to sit down and write a fascinating or even just entertaining naturist blog post. Soon things will be a lot better though, because next week I will be off. Some call it vacation. I hope I can get some sleeping done that I have missed over the past 3 or 4 (by now) months. And after that week I hope my work hours will go back to a more normal amount (wishful thinking works, doesn’t it? Say yes!!)
The naturist touch to this post is that, at least, I can work clothes free from home. I do have to go out to locations more and more again, so dressing is needed, as are protective measures to keep COVID literally out of my face.
Take care, my friends, and stay nude as much as you can!
We all have been socially distant for a while now. Working from home has become the norm for most of those who still have a job. (And yes, I very much feel for the people who were furloughed or laid off. That should never have happened.)
I don’t know how you can go about your business at home. I live on my own, with my cat. My cat doesn’t care if I wear clothes. As long as he gets attention and food, he’s happy.
Since I don’t have to run out to work, I tend to stay clothes-free most of the time in my house. For some online video meetings I put on a t-shirt or something because I know that is necessary, but that’s about it.
And then grocery shopping happens.
Grocery shopping and any other kind of outside activity requires clothing. We all know that. It’s a sad state of affairs that we all lament plenty of times during the week or even the day, depending on how often we have to leave the nudity of home.
For me, social distancing brought a lot of naked freedom. I hope you encounter that too. Not having to wear clothes is great as long as you can get away with it. But this freedom clearly comes at a price.
I still have to get dressed once in a while. Just like before any lock-down and social distancing. But lately, the act of suffocating my body feels worse. My skin is getting more and more used to breathing freely, and suddenly there’s this layer of stuff on top of it.
I object!
I really do. Living la vida desnuda (the naked life) is great, and it’s really sad that this is not accepted by the world. Of course, when it’s cold, it’s smart to put something on. But on the Northern hemisphere, summer is coming. How nice would it be to go outside clothes-free. Okay, I’ll stop here – we’ve all been there before.
Still, with COVID-19 going around, it pays to be careful. Somewhere online I read that the virus will live shorter on skin than on fabric. I have not found proof of that. In fact, this interview hints at a similar life span for both skin and fabric, so be careful.
Let me tell you that the last week (officially 1.5 weeks) has been an interesting one.
Working from home isn’t new for me, so that was easy to get adjusted to. Being able to grab a coffee and enjoy that naked outside is a new perk of this situation. I don’t do that all the time because we still have a very chilly spring, but in the afternoon this is definitely a very enjoyable possibility. Since I live on the fourth floor (fifth for American readers), I’m in a safe zone, away from other people, which is definitely good.
Laundry day, naturist style
Something else that I have found is laundry. Working from home means I don’t have to put on clothes. Which means the laundry basket is only filling up with towels and a few pairs of socks. Yes, laugh all you want but wearing socks means I don’t have cold feet.
And doing laundry naked is another good thing, although that’s not something new for me. Being a naturist, there is hardly another way unless it’s too cold to be naked. Let me add that I haven’t had the need to run a load of laundry since I started working from home. The few towels and socks don’t warrant starting the washing machine, which is a sign that naturism is good for the environment. No washing water, no detergent, no electricity needed for the machine or the tumble dryer (if you use such a contraption). Less wear of the clothes, so no need to replace those quicker either.
When I see the clothes, I shudder by now
A good thing too is that I don’t have to be dressed to join meetings. It’s simply a matter of not having the webcam on when I have to have a talk with a coworker or a customer. Who knows if the person on the other side is dressed or not. I honestly don’t care. We get the job done, and that’s what matters. I don’t need more proof that professionals can be naked and do their job; I’ve noticed that more than often in the past years. Clothes literally only add fabric, nothing more.
Perhaps you are new to working from home and it all feels a bit uncomfortable. I have found a link for you with a bunch of tips (32 of them!) that actually work. Because if you have to work from home, make sure you have the best setup you can manage.
And don’t forget: anything worth doing well is worth doing naked!
Cleaning windows, naturist style
Stay safe, everyone. Be naked, happy and responsible.
You’re most probably facing the same thing I am. The invitation of your (local) government to stay home as much as possible.
Yes. It’s annoying, depending on where you are. In many places of the world you’re simply forbidden to go outside unless there is a strict need, like grocery-shopping, medical attention, walking the dog, etc.
Here in the Netherlands it’s not that bad yet. We can still go outside for a breather. Groups are not allowed, and people have to stay 1.5 metres / 5 feet apart. I understand that.
I’m making the best of it. Since there is no one in my home who complains about me not wearing clothes, I go nude as soon as the temperature is nice in the living room. (We’re having quite some night frost lately, which isn’t usual for March any more.)
And so I enjoy the morning sun, drink my coffee and do my work.
Yes, the restrictions that are in place aren’t the biggest joys ever, but doing it this way, it’s not a punishment for me.
It’s also interesting to notice that, for me, not very much changes in this pandemic virus situation. Of course, I don’t drive to work every day, which is different, but not being a very social person now has it’s benefits. I don’t have the need to meet many other people on a daily basis. Actually, meeting so many of them during a normal office day is very draining for me, so in a way this is a great relief! I’m fine with being alone – I’ve been doing that most of my life.
Working on the couch. It’s a great experience, definitely when you can do it naked!
How are you coping with the lock down, if that’s applicable for you? Are you bored? Going crazy? Desperate to be around dozens of people, even from a distance?
I’m very curious how long all this will go on. China reports fewer cases and people can go out again. It took them 2 months of rigorous lock down. Let’s hope we can get through that with less strict rules, but we’ll see!
Have a good day, everyone, and stay naked if you can. Let your skin breathe.
This is what I heard a while ago. Given the amount of different kinds of clothing, one might almost think that’s a valid statement.
However… if we think back to ancient times, and I mean the times before you and I and even the oldest person in the world was born, most people didn’t have that much of a choice in attire (if they even needed that). Let’s have a look at that.
Prehistoric life and times
Prehistoric people apparently wore skins to keep themselves warm. I doubt they had many options, like a Versace bear skin, or a Levi’s loin cloth. They’d probably wear what they had until it fell apart and then got something new.
The image above should demonstrate that, but for me there’s wrong with it. If the temperature is such that their upper bodies are not covered, and the child is entirely naked, why would they even wear such a thing? I’m pretty much convinced that this originates more from the painter’s modest mind than from actual need during that time.
Killing a bear with a stone axe (like she holds) or a bow (like he holds) would be quite a chore. My guess is that prehistoric people would go around naked much more than modern ideas allow. Look at how the man’s leg movement would be restricted by his ‘skirt’, and now imagine him running after some game to hunt down. That’s not going to fill stomachs well, unless prehistoric people had a particular way to run. In that case I would love to see that. Please share your prehistoric videos!
Living life naked
With this in mind, I started writing this blog post, the start of which might have confused you. Clothes? Yes, that was how I wanted to get to this spot.
Anyone who has spent a significant amount of time in the nude, be it at home, on vacation or wherever, has experienced the freedom it brings.
Have you ever had the idea that wearing the same skin all the time is boring? After all, it’s the only one you have, and as far as I know there are no shops to get another one, in the right shade of red that’s fashionable this summer. For myself I have never had that idea.
Charco del Palo
On my vacations to naturist places, like Charco del Palo, I have spent a lot of time naked, and not once did that feel boring.
Many others there also walked around in the same lack of attire and everyone had a good time. I don’t think anyone ever gave the boring concept some thought. And even then, if your regular skin is boring, there’s always body painting!
Well, it’s that writer brain acting up again. I know, it can be a nuisance, popping up at the most inappropriate times hahaha.
But I really thought about them. What are they? From where do they come? And, you probably wonder, what does this have to do with naturism? Well, hang in there, dear reader. We’ll get to that.
So. What are fairies?
A fairy is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural. Myths and stories about fairies do not have a single origin, but are rather a collection of folk beliefs from disparate sources. Wikipedia
I was immediately drawn to the words ‘supernatural’ (a manifestation or event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature) and ‘preternatural’ (beyond what is normal or natural).
Okay. Nature is definitely a part of it. And I think you may get where I am going here. Suppose fairies were real and not thought up by humans. What would they look like? Hint: the one above is clearly according to ‘the rules’. She wears a dress. A very human dress, which is idiotic for a non-human creature. For me all living creatures come from nature, so fairies would come from nature too. A part of nature science doesn’t understand.
Natural fairies
Wouldn’t this fairy be much more ‘natural’?
Natural fairy
I would like to think so. Just like humans, dogs, horses and other creatures from nature, they would start off naked. Would they need clothes like humans do? Perhaps. But since they are considered super- or preternatural, they might be beyond such things (and yes, I do envy them for that, even when this is all hypothetical).
Humans started covering their body for warmth, but humans are not supernatural, no matter how many of us think we are. So why would fairies need that same kind of covering?
Unfortunately, fairies are thought up by dressed humans, which is why most of them are depicted like dressed humans.
Still, my writer’s mind insists on naked ones. Since they are from nature. And that’s where you also often find naturists.
Bodypainting is an amazing form of (self)-expression for me. It’s something that no amount of clothing can come close to, because paint on a skin can be applied in so many ways that a tailor can’t ever keep up.
And, like in the image on the left, anyone can paint someone else and go crazy. Poor tailor yet again.
Skin wins.
The efficiency of bodypainting.
I can hear you wonder what this means. But, according to me, there is an efficiency to bodypainting over clothes. When you want to be very varied (I admit, those 2 words next to each other made me grin 🙂 ), you will need a lot of stuff.
A mountain of clothes
Lets start with clothes. Being varied with clothes means something like this. And maybe that isn’t even enough. You will need a pile of clothes that is going to set your wallet back quite some. We all know the price of clothes, right? Not many of us are full-time naturists, so clothes come into the picture at various stages of life, no matter we don’t like that.
This is not uncommon among naturists, for obvious reasons. Being nude is the idea, so variation with clothes is already a no-no.
Then there is paint. A can of paint can go a long way. Service a lot of bodies. And it can create anything you set your mind to. Of course, the final result will also depend on your painting skills, but using paint is a lot easier than making clothes, I hope we all agree on that.
So here we have a nice number of things in which paint is more efficient than clothes. Usually it’s cheaper, it’s more versatile, it has less of a learning curve and with less you can do more. If you have clothes, those will only fit certain people, where paint fits anyone.
The beauty of the body.
And with all this, I haven’t even brought up the beauty of the body, and how it can be emphasised by paint. And we can do that in the most personal way. If three people are asked to paint one specific model, you will end up with three entirely different designs of the same starting point.
This is why I love bodypainting.
Do you have experience with bodypainting? Either having done it or having it done to you? What was it like? I am curious.
Last week I had the joy of going to a sauna/wellness centre again. Always a delight, something like that.
The benefits of a wellness centre
For one, it’s good for you. At least for me, and judging from the number of people there, not just me. 🙂
Such a place is where I can wind down fully. Relax. No stress allowed there. Take it slow, go where you want to go when you want to go. And another good thing: no clothes needed.
This is the most important thing. Your towel. Have it with you to sit on, as any proper naturist knows. In a sauna that’s very important. With all that heat and sweating, you don’t want to sit where someone else has been perspiring a few minutes ago.
That’s a given, I think.
Another wonderful benefit is what you can see.
And no, that’s not the staring at the pretty people there. The same goes for a wellness centre as it is at a nude beach: no staring. Also: you’re there for you, not for the others – unless you’re there with friends, then you’re there with each other. And still, no staring.
What I mean is that you encounter the greatest variety of body-types at such a place. Again, just as you do on a nude beach. We are all so different in the way we are the same! And despite all our different bodies, we’re all the same.
At a wellness centre, nude beach, nude swim, you name it, everyone is there for the same reason: to feel good in their own skin. Perfect. Just before starting this post, I thought about how it would be to run into all the same kind of perfect, beautiful bodies in such a place…
Ehm. Nope. Not for me. I said ‘the same’, right? And that is what I meant. Not just everyone being pretty, ripped, toned, tanned, but the same. Just to add some more dullness to what’s nice to look at once in a while.
To me it would feel like looking at a stream of identical-looking robots.
Give me the differences. The big and the small, the thick and thin, the perky and the flabby, the dark and the pale. Those are the things that show people are people. Every kind of people.