This might not look like much, but it’s a trail I found that I can walk naked at least half. The altered line (not red, I don’t know what it’s called as I am colour blind) is the nude stretch. It’s a fabulous little stretch, all among the trees, and there are a few small side trails I can do as well.
This is another trail I found that’s perfect. The non-red part can be done naked easily.
On both occasions I ran into a non-nude person, just once, because these are not the routes people prefer, so far away from ‘civilisation’. Well, I’ll take them; they’re perfect. Each trail gives me at least 1 km of nude walking, and each time it ‘surprises’ me how free that is.
Putting the clothes back on is always a bit of a downer, but I know there will be more naked walks. Perhaps the choice of routes looks a bit limited, but I’m convinced that many people don’t even have 1 or 2 of such routes to take, so I count myself lucky.
Do you have nude routes near where you live? (I.e. without having to get into the car and driving there?)
With the Easter weekend behind us, I suddenly wonder why so many people still have problems believing that the nude life can be a good life. Yes, ‘naturally’ there will always people who think they’re right and we’re wrong, but isn’t it odd how strong and lopsided ‘belief’ can be?
Christians are told to believe that 2000 and some years ago, a man got up in his grave and came back to the world. Sure, if that’s what you want to believe, go right ahead.
For some reason it takes an even larger leap of faith / believing that people like to be naked. That is a step or bridge or belief too far for most people in this world. It strikes me time and again that this ancient resurrection story is accepted as gospel (pun intended), and that we, the living proof of the joy of the nude life, have this constant battle against disbelief.
A few days ago I was at our local nude beach, and while I was there – with about 6 or 7 other nude people, I was “hit” by the calm and serenity of the place.
View from the local nude beach
If I desperately had to pick a church, this would be it. No hassle, no “have to”, just a bunch of kind people that are there to relax. They don’t need a belief or faith to know this is a good thing.
The good life. Nude.
Even better: no one has any interest in what you believe or think. As long as you behave according to the rules of the nude beach and you don’t make a mess, you’re golden.
I have yet to find a group of people that’s so diverse, yet so tight-knit in their conviction that the nude way is the good way.
Of course, there is the odd incident that someone creates a problem, but that’s not hard to deal with. The majority is peaceful and accepting of everyone from the start, and only when you’ve shown you can’t behave, you will be asked to leave. I’ve seen it happen only twice, so far.
Give me the belief that nude is good. Others can take their own beliefs and be happy with them.
It’s amazing how much money goes around in skin care. There are lotions, powders and even complete clinics for skin care. It’s almost shocking.
Skin care products
And all that is considered normal.
The weird thing is that – and we know this – the majority of people neglect the biggest part of that skin. The stuff in the image is for hands, faces or ankles, and occasionally there’s something for the entire body. All of them money-makers. Chemicals.
How lucky are we that we know a good way to avoid (to a degree?) those things, simply by taking off our clothes and giving our skin the option to breathe. To catch sunlight.
Nudists in the sun
It doesn’t take much, does it? It takes very little, even. Just a spot where it’s okay to undress. And, I admit, something we don’t control: the weather has to play along.
Sure, being careful in the sun is important. No one likes sun burns. No one like skin cancer. Being smart about those things isn’t that hard, is it?
I think this is a much better way to care for one’s skin than the version with the dozen bottles of stuff that people put on themselves.
Do you have ways to care for your skin, other than what I put up here? I’m not a specialist, you know, and always willing to learn.
Keep your skin safe, people. It’s your ultimate home.
First off, let me tell you that I am not one to like snow, ice and other cold things, unless they come in a glass when the weather is very nice.
I used to be different. Cold wouldn’t affect me that much, some 15 to 20 years ago. But time passes, the body changes and heat requirements change with it.
It was a very cold day today. It also was a very cold day yesterday. -2C yesterday, +1C today. (Fahrenheit lovers, do your math.) Some of you will laugh and tell me that -2C isn’t cold. -25C is cold, or -54C is cold. You’re all correct, that is cold.
-2C and +1C is cold for me, and I’m the one writing this blog, so keep on reading, if only for entertainment purposes.
White stuff
That being said, there is a kind of white stuff that I like. My friend, Al Yankovic, actually made a song about it.
The White Stuff.
For now, that is almost as far as I go with white stuff – unless I forget something, which is quite possible. I got the booster vaccination yesterday, and since around 2pm (14:00) I started feeling a bit beside myself.
Another white stuff I appreciate is the top of waves as they come in from the sea or the ocean. Again, the best way to enjoy those is when the temperature is nice and the water inviting.
What are your favourite things to do in the snow and on the ice? I guess you can figure out mine. 🙂
The past Saturday, my girlfriend and I were off to a sauna/wellness complex in the neighbourhood. It’s called “Thermen Berendonck“. We knew the day would be good, but it turned into a glorious day, because the weather was amazingly kind to those who want to relax in the nude.
Sunshine and 21C (70F), barely any wind and a wonderful area, inside and out, to enjoy. What more could you ask for? I mean, have a look at this:
Indoor swimming pool Berendonck
It was good to see “many” people there. The sauna still maintains a strict count on the people allowed in at one time, due to Corona measures, which is great, but to see so many people enjoying this place was nice.
Again it struck me that there are many folks who cover up to the nose when they’re not in a sauna, a steam bath or a pool. Bathrobes, towels, anything goes. These are the people who also keep their towels around them until just before the moment they sit down in a sauna. As if that small difference between standing and sitting makes that no one can see their nakedness. And some people actually keep their towels wrapped around, to keep their ‘dignity’, or whatever they would call it, intact. And that while there are plenty of people walking around naked and carefree, the way such a day should be enjoyed.
To each their own, of course, but I do wonder what could go on in the minds of the people who keep their ‘shields’ up. Are the appalled by the sight of all those naked people? Curious and peeking? Proud that they, at least, maintain their chastity and don’t throw themselves at the mercy of the world’s eyes?
For me it will probably always remain a mystery why some people are so scared to unload their clothes, even when so many nude ones are around. Don’t they see it’s normal to be naked? That not every naked one is the symbol of physical beauty-standards and youthful attractiveness? Or don’t they want to see that?
It’s probably something else. I can’t help but pity those people, but I do hope they enjoyed their version of that glorious day to the fullest. Like we did.
Yes. Serious question. I know not everyone is totally, entirely, 100% healthy, but as far as you can be, do you feel healthy?
Healthy people having fun
If you can state that you feel healthy to a degree, how much do you think a nude lifestyle contributed or contributes to that?
Is it a little? A lot?
I ask this, because everywhere one can read about the health benefits of naturism and nudism, and through this post I would like to get a feeling about how true such statements are. Health, after all, is one of the most important ‘goods’ we can have.
There are people who sacrifice their health for their work, and then they spend most of their fortune to get their health back. Which won’t happen, I’m
convinced of that. Money goes a long way, but not all the way. What got ruined can’t be fixed by medication or surgery. It will always be more or less a shadow of what a person could have been.
Skin, air and sun
Those are a good mix, as far as any lifestyle goes. That’s proven. More and more people seem to avoid that though, which, given COVID-19, is kind of understandable, but social distancing isn’t the same as becoming a hermit in one’s own house. There are plenty of ways to enjoy the outside without being packed on top of each other. Sensible people know that.
I, for one, am convinced that my nude life has made me a healthier person. I don’t need to be in the sunlight 24/7 (imagine the amount of travel that would take!) but some sunlight, some air, and all of that on all the skin, is wonderful.
Maybe you caught it too, the hoolabaloo around Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, UK. Maybe you aren’t interested in the antics of Robin Hood. This is not about Robin hood.
This is what it’s about:
Nudists spotted in Sherwood Forest
It was in the Nottingham Post last Friday. A bunch of non-nudists had complained about seeing nude people in the forest.
All the upheaval boiled down to nothing, which is good, although the textile community is still up in arms about it, probably.
In England, nudity is legal as long as the nude person(s) are not making a nuisance of themselves. See the official UK Crown Prosecution Service site.
The funny thing about this, when you look closely enough, is that the good and dressed people of Nottingham are screaming that this is illegal.
If they knew the law, or at least make the effort of looking it up, they would see that they’re wrong.
(But who would want to look for their own wrong, right?)
British Naturism
Donna Price on talkRadio
Donna Price, British Naturism’s coordinator for Women in Naturism, had a video talk with a talkRadio host about the stir this all caused. At the moment of writing, there is a link to the talk here. Click at own risk, it might have been removed.
As so often, the biggest issue was that ‘people don’t want to see this’.
I think they should learn that the world isn’t just about what they want, but that there are other people with other views and ideas. If they don’t want to see this, they should look elsewhere. I have never been to Sherwood Forest, but if Robin Hood could stay hidden from the soldiers so long, it must be big enough for every kind of person.
Nudists were not and are not ‘ruining’ the forest, as the banner on the image states. That’s just in people’s one-track minds.
Before you think I have relocated: I haven’t. But do read on!
On Mewe I met a few very nice people (okay, I met lots of them there, but this post is about 2 specific ones). These two are Huw and Kitty.
Huw and Kitty moved to Spain about a decade ago, in search of their happiness, and some five years ago they found it.
They were lucky enough to obtain 12 acres of land where they can do as they want. And, which probably isn’t surprising to you, dear reader, they do mostly nude.
The wonderful thing that Huw told me is that they don’t want to keep this fabulous place to themselves. If there are true and serious naturists interested in staying at their place for a while, they’re more than happy to facilitate that. Do note that they don’t manage an actual guest house, so if you’re looking for a hotel or a camping, this is probably not the place for you.
If you’re willing to make a contribution to the food and to lend a hand in doing some work on their land, you’re very welcome. Huw and Kitty have 28 olive trees to look after, they have herb beds, and they grow things for personal use, and all that needs to be handled, looked after and taken care of. I am sure you don’t need to be a full-fledged gardener. There’s always something that has to be done that only requires a little information and/or guidance.
Huw, out and about with the dogs
It’s not just work and more work. If you feel up to visiting them, there are lots of ways to enjoy the outside in the most natural state. 12 acres is a lot of space, and there’s no need to dress up unless you plan to go into a town.
Huw allowed me to use these images. As he said:
“This gives you an idea of what we have here and the true connection for anyone out naked with nature. We would be blessed to have genuine others here naked who appreciate both the naked way of life and land/countryside and nature itself.”
Their wonderful nude haven is located in the Valenciana region, an hour south of Valencia inland. They’re a mere 20 minute drive away from some lovely beaches, and those are available to you too, of course. Because you are on vacation.
There is a possibility for camping and camper vans with an electric hook up as there is access to the land for that. Two important things though: 1. No barbecues 2. No smokers smoking out on the land.
As you can well understand, in the summer one tiny bit of ash and the whole valley is lit up like a Christmas tree.
So there you have it. Maybe Huw’s and Kitty’s place is something for you to visit, to have a really free vacation!
If you think it’s for you, please let me know, or get in touch with them directly on MeWe.
Too bad for many people that the weather in many places was too cold (northerly wind and a lack of sunshine) but on Twitter I saw lots of brave ones going outside and looking after plants, trees, gardens and what not.
What I found interesting this year was, that on Twitter there was an actual Dutch hashtag to follow. #naakttuinierendag.
Of course there were lots of folks tagging along just looking for images of naked people, making weird, dumb and nasty comments and displaying a general ignorance of what the day is actually about.
I don’t have a garden. I don’t do gardening, which is usually safer for anything resembling plant life. But I do admire the people who do that. Who seem to understand what it is that plants need, in whatever form or manner. Believe me, when I tend to weeds, they will wither and die. It’s probably the only thing I’m good at. 😉
Power to all who did their best to make the world or their garden a bit nicer last Sunday. May they do it again and again. Perhaps, someday soon, on more days than just the one semi-official day in the year.