This is the oddest thing I’ve heard in a while. Really. I have temporary neighbours. They are in their late 60s/early 70s and nice people. When they moved in (waiting for their new home to be finished) I warned them that I may wander through my own house not wearing anything. For a while nothing seemed to be a problem, until either he or she actually saw me. The next occasion they met me outside he told me, “I don’t want my daughter to see you naked”. Uhm, what? He insisted that this wouldn’t be acceptable because his daughter might have her children with her. Note that his daughter is almost forty and since she has children I am convinced that she’s seen what naked men look like. Of course I don’t want to harm the tender children’s psyche by submitting them to the horror of my naked body but somehow I think that it wouldn’t be the big deal he’s making of it.
Add to that the fact that his daughter usually visits during the day when I’m either off to work or working at home in my living room (usually naked but far away from the bedroom window). My neighbour is really worrying about something that’s not worth the energy spent on it. Did this ever happen to you?
Author: Paul
Nudism in Egypt
Nudism in Egypt isn’t visible but it exists. I just read an article in the Dutch NFN magazine “Uit!” about a reporter meeting with 6 people from Cairo who occasionally get together in secret somewhere to be naked. Nothing more. They’re naked, watch TV, drink beer and talk. It is highly illegal what they do because Egypt does not allow nudism and they go to extremes to prevent it, apparently…
One of these people is mentioned with his Twitter ID, @EgyptianNudist. I ‘know’ this man. I follow him on Twitter and we exchanged many tweets. And since last year August he’s gone very silent, as if he disappeared from the earth. In the article there’s mention of someone threatening him and the people in the secret nudism group. (Isn’t that utterly sad?)
I hope he’s okay. I hope they all are okay. Maybe you’re even reading this, my Egyptian nudist friend. If you do, please let me know things are okay with you and your friends. I’ve heard of others who also miss you and wonder where you are. If someone knows anything about him, I’d really like to hear it. Thanks.
You can e-mail me if you don’t want to respond online.
Sunday Noon Nudist Special
The weird world according to a naturist.
Yes, according to many naturists (I know that for certain; I’ll never say I speak or write for all of them) the world is a weird place.
The ‘general’ (non-nudist/non-naturist) world is obsessed with sex and nudity (if you don’t believe me then just open your eyes and look around).
Everyone is curious, almost hungry to see what’s under your clothes, even though it’s too obvious what’s there as there are only 2 genders in humankind and everyone has seen each of the models in the nude one time or another.
Of course, shape, size and colour may vary but the basic package for everyone is exactly the same.
For instance at a beach you can see girls wearing the most skimpy little things to “cover” what shouldn’t be seen, while at the same time the skimpiness of it all is meant to uncover everything so it can be seen. How stupid is that?
And it gets even worse.
As soon as a member of this very same curious general public is given an unobstructed view of what’s actually there, there’s no relief to their curiosity. On the contrary: shock, horror, finger pointing and screaming will ensue (probably after enough people grabbed their phones to take pictures of the corpus delicti). Indecent exposure is the least of one’s problems, being accused of sexual harassment very probably, and with some luck the police force is called out to pick you up and throw you in the back of their car and finally into jail where you, being the pervert that you are, belong. (But we do have the pictures, those are fun to show around!)
This is much better.
More honest too, because there is nothing in the way of ‘indecent exposure’.
Or isn’t it? I don’t think so.
Nudism is acceptance of and honesty about one’s body and that of others, no buts or maybes.
Covering things up is social hypocrisy.
De rare wereld, volgens een naturist
Ja, volgens veel naturisten (ik ben zeker en zal nooit aangeven dat ik namens hun allemaal spreek of schrijf) is de wereld maar een rare bende.
De ‘gewone’ (niet-naturistische/niet-nudistische) wereld is geobsedeerd met sex en bloot (als je dat niet gelooft doe dan je ogen eens open en kijk om je heen).
Iedereen is nieuwsgierig, bijna hongerig om te zien wat je onder je kleren draagt, zelfs als het meer dan duidelijk is wat daar zit. Er zijn tenslotte maar 2 geslachten in het menselijke ras en iedereen heeft beide modellen wel eens naakt gezien lijkt me.
Uiteraard zit er veel verschil in vorm, maat en kleur maar het basispakket van iedereen is hetzelfde.
Kijk maar eens op een strand waar dames het meest minimale aan badkleding dragen waarmee ze eigenlijk zo weinig bedekken dat het duidelijk is wat ze te bieden hebben. Is dat niet helemaal raar?
En het wordt nog erger.
Zogauw een lid van datzelfde nieuwsgierige publiek een vrij uitzicht geboden krijgt op wat er allemaal te zien is dan is er geen opluchting omdat hun nieuwsgierigheid is bevredigd. Integendeel: schok, afschuw, vingerwijzen en geschreeuw is dan aan de orde van de dag. Waarschijnlijk nadat eerst de nodige smartphones met camera zijn getrokken om foto’s te maken van het corpus delicti. Onzedelijk gedrag is dan nog het minste van je problemen. Sexuele intimidatie kan je zomaar ten laste worden geworpen, en met wat geluk wordt de politie gebeld die je dan op komt halen. Dan word je tenminste opgesloten als de perverse viezerd die je bent. (Maar die foto’s zitten wel goed, leuk om overal te laten zien.)
Nee, dan dit. Dit is toch veel netter eb beter?
Beschaafder ook want hier is geen onzedelijke gedrag te zien.
Is dat wel zo? Ik geloof er geen barst van.
Nudisme is acceptatie van en eerlijkheid over je eigen lichaam en dat van anderen, zonder verder gedoe..
Om de gewoonste dingen van de wereld te bedekken, met hoe weinig (en uitdagende) stof dan ook is gewoon hypocriet.
Sunday Noon Nudist
The good life.
Naturism in Brazil
As found on
As naturism can leverage the tourism?
With only 8 official beaches naturism in Brazil has a lot of growing up to do
In November the city of Rio de Janeiro sanctioned the law which made the Praia do Abricó in Rio legalized for the practice of naturism, seven other beaches are they, Bull’s eye in Rio de Janeiro, in Paraiba, Tambaba Massarandupió in Bahia, Dry Bar in Espirito Santo and the beaches of pine, Galheta and Pedras Altas in Santa Catarina are officers by virtue of Decree or byelawsin any other point of the coast where the bather undress he can be arrested for obscenity.
São Paulo being Brazil’s most populous state and still doesn’t have a shoreline dedicated to naturism unfortunately, this not counting other States could also have areas for the practice, following the example of France and other countries cities all over the world even the most demure already realized that naturism is a bonanza for the tourism marketbecause in addition to having millions of followers he cause good impression right next to those who do not practice it.
The last World Cup held in Brazil contributed to increase the number of foreign tourists in Praia do Abricó, because the number of regulars naturists more than doubled during the World Cup, these tourists usually have a higher purchasing power which helps to inject money into the local economy.
Praia de Tambaba in Paraiba is the example of this as it ended up contributing to the growth of tourism in the South coast of the State of Paraiba and thanks to six other nearby beaches naturist beach of Tambaba began to be visited by many tourists from the northern hemisphere. With their arrival, the small local businesses and the real estate sector also grew. The secret is the result of coordination between associations of naturists and the Town Hall.
To the University professor José Wagner, education leads to behavior change. “Nobody creates without making revolution. Naturism is progressing “. We did several events on the issue of naturism within the schools, so that people understand that it’s something odd Tambaba on our planet, “he says.
Google Plus. A question to the people there.
And so my account on Google Plus is blocked. Due to indecent material.
I think this was because of the user icon that I used there. The same one I’m using here and in a few other places.
Suddenly this image on the left is considered ‘pornographic or sexually explicit’. I am not certain which of the two applies here. I have changed the user icon there (a while ago even) and removed some pictures that might be offending to them as well. If they still object then I can only imagine that this is because of images that show on Google Plus through posts shared from this blog.
If that is the problem then I’ll have to find a way to go around that.. if it’s worth that. This post should go to Google Plus as well. People on Google Plus: do you appreciate my blog?
Sunday Noon Nudist
Naked. A great way to be. Everywhere you can.
The first time outside.
How did your first time outside happen? Outside in the nude, I mean by that. Nude by your own plan, simply because you wanted to do it? Did you plan it? Were you alone or in a group?
For me it’s quite a while ago, 25 years at least. I’m not even entirely certain any more. I had planned to go out on the bicycle to take some pictures as it was a wonderful summer’s day.
I’ve always loved taking pictures so that wasn’t something unusual. Far behind a few remote farms I came upon a great field with grass and flowers, and after taking some shots around there the thought hit me. I’d been naked inside, alone, in safety before quite often but I had never dared to go outside and undress.
The day called for it, there was no one around and that’s when I decided to go for it. As I said, I don’t remember when it was but I do remember my heart pounding as I started taking off my clothes. This was baring it all in nature. Partially I feared being seen (really) and partially I was going through a rush of excitement, anxiousness, you name the emotion because I don’t know the proper word for everything that went through me. The first minutes were definitely uncomfortable. Not because I was naked but I didn’t feel at ease with being naked out there. First times are often scary.

Since then I’ve enjoyed the naked outside very often, alone or in the company of nice people at resorts, naturist hotels and nude beaches, and I won’t go back to the dressed life in that respect. I’m really curious how you experienced your ‘first time’. Leave a comment if you feel so inclined or perhaps drop me an email if you think that’s easier/less public.