Naked and that almost temperature.

The almost safe temperature


Today, for me, is one of those almost okay to be nude outside days. It’s almost nice, not very rainy. Unfortunately it’s not just right. There is a bit too much wind, and I think it’s coming from the wrong side. Out of the wind it’s pretty good, but once the wind hits, the wind chill factor gets to me.

Walking in the rain

I’m usually fine walking in the rain when the temperature is nice. Nice for me starts at 23C / 73F. Lower than that, the wind will quickly chase me inside when I’m naked. Maybe I’m a wimp, maybe it’s my age starting to show but I’m for warm place. Otherwise I’d have been a polar bear or a penguin.

Different people, different thermometers

I love how there are so many people and so many opinions about when it’s good enough to be naked outside. I remember from many years ago (make that a lot of many) when I did a naked walk in a nearby German forest when the air temperature was about 5C / 41F, and that was fine. Because it was a walk in a forest. The dense trees kept the wind away and also, after walking for a while, my body was producing heat to ward off any chills. That was a cool walk and I would love to do it again.

Walk in Germany

I tried it, not that long ago, but the shivers got to me to the point where I decided it wasn’t worth trying to go on until I got warm. I could have persisted, because shivering is movement too and that can warm you, but that prospect just didn’t do it for me.

Next month I will be off to a warm island for a week. I’d be surprised if I can’t get some good walking done there!

That is not a good reason to be naked!

This is what I just heard from my neighbour.

Okay, this happened in the past as I am writing that way before you read this, but that’s fine.

I just was outside on the balcony, getting a whiff of fresh air after many boiling days (100+F / 35+C days are not common yet here). My neighbour, curious as she is, saw me.

In the forest

“You are naked.” Her observational skills are definitely amazing. I told her that I had been naked most of the time in this heat.

“That is disgusting,” she shared with me. Because people have clothes so they should wear them. (Note: sweat was waterfalling down from her.)

I detailed somewhat that it was very warm inside my house, and lacking an air conditioning (I hate those things) I could either put on clothes and sweat horribly (I doubt she noticed the jab) or be naked. I had once told her I am a naturist but still she was appalled:

“That is not a good reason to be naked!”

I asked her what would be a good reason. Can you imagine it actually took her a few moments to come up with showering?

I am sure I will be known as the naked pervert of the neighbourhood now, as far as she’s concerned. Good thing the rest of the neighbourhood, as far as I know, isn’t so anally retentive.

Do you have people like this in your circle of acquaintances?

If so… my condolences.

Tips for nudists in cold places

Yes, that’s one big problem if you want to go outside.

Something like this looks pretty and feels amazing – but not for too long. A wool hat and mittens aren’t the thing to keep you going outside for a while either when there’s a lot of snow around and the temperatures are far below your physical comfort zone for months on end.

Cold rains in autumn can also ruin your nude fun outside.


The solution for nudist in these areas (where I live too) lies in several options.

Home nudism. Stay home, crank up the temperature and drop your clothes. Make the best of it. When you know people who are nudists too, invite them over and hang out nude together for a while. Of course, having the sun and some warm wind on your skin is better, but lacking sun and wind you make do with what’s available.



Sauna. Many saunas are bathing-suit free, they are good places to live the nude life, if only for a while. And they are very relaxing too!



Take a vacation to warmer areas. Of course this is a more expensive option, but it is one and it gets the nudism job done.



Some swimming pools, hotels and recreational parks offer indoor nudism options, it’s always worth to check those out.


As a last option I’d know of you can wait for a nice winter’s day and find a secluded spot outside, in the sun, and get a bit of nude time that way. It’s up to you if you want to take the risk (and the possible chill) though, it’s not legal in most places.

“The Naturist’s Lens” has written about this too, check out his post on it.

Being naked outside. Isn’t that cold?

I’ve been thinking about the strange effect of being cold vs. not really cold with respect to the difference between being clothed and being naked.

A while ago I was sick and tired of the continuing cold spring over here (and that feeling comes fully dressed) so I went to the sauna.

Sauna interior

Being there was great, care- and clothes-free, and as I sat outside wearing nothing but a good mood and talking to nice people it didn’t feel cold at all. And that with the same temperature as before, around 14c/57F, which I found cold while wearing all that cumbersome stuff. I’m sure most of you have experienced something similar.

The same thing happened on my nude walk a few weeks ago; despite the 11c/51F, the wind and a little rain it felt just fine.


Now I’m not an expert on the subject, but suddenly I had this idea that the change in sensation might come because of the clothes. Clothes keep many parts of you very warm while other parts cool down. The difference between these two ‘sides’ of the body can give your brain entirely wrong information about the actual way you feel.

When you wear nothing, every part of your body senses the same temperature as it’s more evenly distributed over your entire skin. No big difference from head to toe, so no real sensation of naturally cold (cool) versus artificially warm.

Does that make sense?