The stubbornness of textile

Yes. I had ‘an experience’ again. With an unexperienced person.

On my Dutch author blog I wrote about naturism, because I released a Dutch crime story that also deals with naturism. An acquaintance writer/poet from near here let me know she’d read the article and though it was “very courageous” to tell the world I’m a naturist.

Ding ding ding!

That is what happened in my head. An alarm bell. Courageous? What’s so courageous about telling the truth?

I asked her that same question and I got a very deflecting answer: “I really like wearing my clothes, and on the beach I always wear a bathing suit.

This of course made me ask what benefit the bathing suit had since it doesn’t make you a better bather nor does it keep you warm or dry in the water. “So people don’t see my body.

Aha. So you are ashamed of your body. There was not a clear response on that one, so the answer is ‘yes’…

Which is a shame, as we all know. There is nothing to be ashamed of, but the media are good at creating this impossible image, and keep changing it.

I asked her once more about her aversion to being naked, quoting her words that she liked wearing her clothes and asking if she had ever tried to be naked for a while. The NO!!! which followed that made it clear to me that she’s not yet ready to give this any thought.

nudist friends

The sad thing of course is that many people think this way, that warped way that’s been glued between their ears. They love their clothes. They won’t change. They will buy a bigger air conditioning unit when it gets hot, instead of doing the sensible thing.

So, to all the readers and followers of this naked-skin-oriented blog: be just as courageous and talk about your naturism. No need to overdo it, or to bring it up at any occasion, but if the opportunity is there and you feel confident, go for it.

We’re all people, all born naked, and we’re all naked beneath the textile layers that society forces upon us.

The author nude

Let’s enjoy the sensible way of life as much and often as we can, and if any of you have a great way to bring up naturism in a friendly circle, do share it with us. Together we stand!

The battle against faketurists

Yes. I hear you. Faketurists? What the hell are you talking (writing) about here? Let me tell you.

Time and again I come across posts on Twitter and other places where genuine naturists/nudists mention being followed by ‘other naturists’, who after some quick inspection prove to be swingers, sex- and porn-lovers and the like. I am sure we all know the kind by now.

These folks always have pictures on their timeline/profile, and they are not as naturist and calm as the one here.

Fake naturists. Hence faketurists.

They’re a pain in the eye and the mind for real naturists, and with reason.

It’s difficult to get rid of them in their entirety since going after them and ‘exterminating’ them is a) time consuming, b) costly and c) illegal. So we end up blocking them, reporting them, the works. I’m sure most people reading this post recognise the problems.

The crap thing is that, yes, sometimes it’s hard work to check each account that is following you, me, anyone. Still: keep doing it. No one is doing it for you, and if you want to keep your presence as clean as possible, it’s a necessary evil. The ones with explicit names or profile images are easy to catch. Some require inquiry. Alas.

An idea I suddenly had was to get some kind of swap-space going where naturists can swap their block lists, at least the one from Twitter. On Twitter you can export your blocked-list by clicking your profile image and select Settings and privacy from the menu:

From there select Blocked Accounts on the left, click advanced options and export your list:

Save the list and that’s most of the work. On the swap space everyone can then download your list and import it to their own blocked accounts (which, as you see, is also a choice in the advanced options, and that will save everyone a lot of work going after each suspicious account.

A drawback is that you might block an account that someone finds offensive, gross of insulting while you might like that account very much. It’s a personal trade-off.

I wonder what you think of this idea, and if you have specific ‘controls’ in place to keep your online, naturist presence ‘clean’.

Entertaining Google alert

I have set up a few Google alerts to inform me about interesting things regarding – you guessed it – naturism and nudism.

I got in a mail with a few links of interest that had one or more keywords in it, and the summary of one of them was highly surprising:

For naturism blue 18 approximately three days blue for power ナチュリズム 3rd of the black oolong tea Rakuten kenko express: For naturism blue 18 approximately three days blue for power ♪ ナチュリズム 3rd of the black oolong tea [healthy supplement] [diet] …

Okay, this looks weird. Naturism blue? Powder?

Sunday Nudist

I doubt this powder will turn you into one of those (and if they have powder for the other colours too) so I decided to click the link. Sometimes I’m a fearless rebel without a clue, you should know.

And that is what I saw…

And yes, the label actually says Naturism!

Maybe someone who visits this particular article is experienced enough in Japanese to convey what this is all about. It made me laugh more than it should, but I like to laugh so that is all fine.

Of course now I wonder if there are other people who have discovered weird references to naturism, nudism or the nude way of life. I’d love to hear/ read about them because I always fancy a good laugh!

A naturist’s view on nudism. (And naturism!)

Nudism. Naturism.

Is there a difference? I know that in most of the US of A the words are used interchangeably.

nude people
Nudists or naturists?

I also know that in Europe, for instance, the two words are used differently. Naturism appeared after nudism. I’ve been thinking about those two words recently.

Thoughts on the difference.

Nudist bowling alleyNudism. The word has ‘nude’ as its base. Being nude. Like the people in the image on the right, playing bowling, having a clothes free, good time. Great for them, and if you’d ask me I’d join them in an instant. For one it’s a great way to be socially nude, and for another it would be nice to practice bowling again. (I truly suck at it.)

Naturism. The word has ‘nature’ at its base. Being with/part of nature, like the people

Naked mountaineeringon the left. Naked in nature, being part of it and experiencing it that way. Exposing themselves to the real, rough world in their own vulnerability. It’s a way to get things into perspective.

An average human, in clothing (be it protective or not), will consider himself or herself master of the world, maybe because we’ve conquered just about everything. How untrue such a statement is when you’re naked and perhaps even afraid!

naked and afraid
“Naked and afraid”

We’ve not conquered things. We’re adjusting them – and often with disastrous results, like the acid rain the world faced and still faces, climate change, and earthquakes that happen because we empty the earth below us from fossil fuels.

Can you be a nudist and a naturist?

I think that’s perfectly possible. Being naked in and around your house, whenever that’s possible, makes you a nudist (in my view at least). Enjoying the outside in the nude, being close to and having respect for nature (one of the pillars of naturism according to the INF) makes you a naturist.

More and more I feel like dropping all those words and labels. Be who you really are. Be naked and nude and a nudist and a naturist and clothes-free. As long as you feel good about it and you don’t intend to shock others when you’re in your natural state.

A naturist’s view on nature

Naturism belongs in nature.

NatureSounds kind of logical, doesn’t it? Naturists should have some connection to nature. They do, even when some don’t know it. In nature nothing’s clothed. People, how shocking this might be to some, are part of nature, so they shouldn’t be required to be clothed either if there’s no good reason for that.

But without clothes you’re… naked!

Yup. You got that damned right. And guess what… that’s the whole point. Tell me one thing that’s not naked out there in nature, apart from most human beings.

Oh, dogs with their fur? Bears with their fur? Birds with their feathers?

surprised animal

How could I have forgotten! Of course I didn’t. Those creatures didn’t go shopping for fur or feathers to cover themselves. They don’t rummage through shops and online catalogues to get the latest and greatest in new fashion. That is how they are. In that light you might agree that naked people are also what they are.Man dressed undressed

woman dressed undressed

Like this. Just natural, the way they were born, without the obligatory garments.

Don’t get me wrong: clothes can be necessary. When it’s cold, or when the environment is too dangerous for bare skin.

Unclothed creatures are the real deal. The “what you see is what you get”. Like with animals, furry, feathered or scaled. When you hide behind clothes you are hiding your true self. No one will ever know the real you because all they see is the projection of you that you chose at that moment.

Consider that. People see what you want them to see. This means that you also just see what others want you to see! Do you really know the people you know?


A naturist’s view on yoga

Naturists and Yoga

YogaMany people may not understand the connection. Yoga is something that others do, tying themselves into complicated knots and holding weird positions forever.

Just like, indeed, the lady to the right who also appeared in the Sunday Noon Nudist set recently.

And this was not by accident. 😉

What is Yoga?

Yoga practice
Yoga practice at a beach.

According to the mighty Google:

Yoga – noun
It is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation.
Yoga is the Sanskrit word for ‘union’.

Don’t get your knickers in a knot (I love this one with respect to naturists!). Yoga is something for everyone. If you can sit or stand, you can do yoga. If you can breathe, you can do yoga. (If you are not breathing and reading this, tell me how you do that.)

You can do yoga in any form, shape or fashion. It’s up to you how far you want to go. There are simple breathing exercises, simple stretching exercises. If you can’t bend well on your own, you can hold on to a chair. Yoga isn’t the complicated things that most people think.

YogiThis man is taking his yoga to some extremes with his extremities.

Yes, this too is yoga but I’ve never gone this far. I like my bones in place and in one piece. (I also like to eat more. 🙂 )

Naked yoga.

Since yoga is something you very much do with your body, it’s always advised to practice yoga with as loose-fitting clothes as possible. Well, how much easier is it then to not use clothing at all. Naked yoga (Google, ) is becoming “a thing” more and more all over the world, which is understandable. Moving without being hindered by clothes is the best, even when many people don’t know this yet.

Naked yoga

If you are interested in more things yoga, visit (). You might get enthused. And remember, anything you learn you can do naked in the comfort of you home. (Note that I am not connected to this website, it’s just a courtesy link. 🙂 )

A naturist’s view on clothing

A naturist’s view on clothing

What? Clothing? Yes. It’s the stuff we have to hang around ourselves in most of our daily lives to be ‘acceptable’.

tight jeans

You know, the comfortable stuff that can make sitting, walking and moving so unpleasant. It’s something the world has bestowed upon us all for the sake of ‘decency’ and ‘normality’. Because everyone’s born dressed, right? 😉

Why textile?

First of course there’s the obvious reason. Staying warm. Contrary to popular belief that should be the reason for our fabric prisons. Not fashion, not being hip, not being pretty. Staying warm. I’ve seen people take that to extremes. Imagine a summer day, nice and toasty, of about 30C / 86F. You’re sweating because it’s so warm, despite you are down to the bare acceptable minimum. And then you see someone on a bicycle in long pants, a sweater and… a coat.

Or something like this gentleman, having a blast at the beach:

There is a time and a place for everything but if he’s not there for a wedding then I wonder what got into him. (At least he took his shoes off.)

Why dress up when there’s no need for it?

I keep wondering about that. What’s this strange clothing-addiction good for? It’s expensive and most of the time uncomfortable. People who say it’s comfortable have been brainwashed by their bodies for so long that they can’t tell the difference any more.

Give me the freedom of no clothes when possible. I am not the only one. It’s with a reason that in Munich, Germany there are several parks that have clothing optional areas, and since a while there’s a huge park in Paris, France that allows the same.

Check out a nude beach in summer and you’re going to find many naked people. People who shed their garments as soon as they can.

Clothes? I think they’re highly overrated. Brainwash and hogwash. Nude’s good. Nude’s honest. Nude has nothing to hide.

Media interest in Hampstead Heath naturism

Somehow, being lucky as I can be at times, I located this written piece through the website of the Naturist Action Group.

I’m reposting this in the full.

Thank you John Paine, the original author of this very interesting article.

Media interest in Hampstead Heath naturism

An incredible 93% of initial responders to an online newspaper survey would support naturism on Hampstead Heath. The Hampstead & Highgate Express published an item on Thursday 25 May after contact by NAG. Carlie, John, Harvey, Steve, of the NAG London group, who met with reporter Anna Behrmann. A photo of naturists on Hampstead Heath was supplied by NAG supporter Natasha, who shows her work on her Natansky website. That immediate opinion response was to the Ham & High online question they ran with the published article. National daily The Times then covered this story and response.

On the morning of 1 June BBC Radio London’s Vanessa Feltz held a live interview with NAG’s Harvey Allen. That day Chris Baynes of the London Evening Standard contacted John Paine, NAG’s London co-ordinator. On 2 June the London Evening Standard online version carried a large item Naturists call for naked sunbathing rights on Hampstead Heath. That same day BBC London TV interviewed Harvey at Hampstead Heath, which was then broadcast in their tea-time news programme.

NAG says there are health benefits to open air nudity and make clear that public nudity is legal if it is not “intended to cause alarm or distress”. NAG maintains that parks in London are heavily used, and only in the larger parks is discreet naturism possible. The City of London Corporation was legally given management responsibility for Hampstead Heath when the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, abolished the GLC in 1989. However, the Hampstead Heath management mistakenly claimed to the London Evening Standard that ‘nudity is a criminal offence’ and is prohibited there. Nudity is not mentioned in the Hampstead Heath bylaws, which were written in 1932.

Photographer Natasha Porter says “There needs to be more spaces available to be naked and free around London. I think that it actually reduces the sexual connections to nudity. Naked bodies do not need to equate to sex”

In all the media interviews NAG mentioned the annual London WNBR. For over 10 years thousands of street spectators have happily accepted the WNBR nudity. It is estimated that on 10 June 2017 over 1,500 cyclists, of all ages and sexes, took part in the London WNBR. Up to 90% of the cycling participants were naked this year, and the usual enthusiastic public response from the crowded pavements was evident. One male cyclist rode naked from arrival at Euston station to the Kings Cross start point, with no adverse public reactions!

The recent media actions described here are part of the various ongoing NAG campaigns to change public perception of naturism. John Paine said “People who are naturists see it as a lifestyle choice rather than a peculiar hobby.”

NAG will hold several ‘vox pop’ interviews on Hampstead Heath in June. Small teams of NAG supporters will ask 4 quick questions of users of Hampstead Heath. They will be asked if they support the idea of naturists discreetly using Hampstead Heath. In fact, this has been happening for over 50 years and in recent times NAG has organised for small groups of naturists to do so collectively. The Hampstead Heath management want proof that many London naturists do want naturism to be allowed there.

London naturists who want to help this NAG campaign can do so by contacting us through this NAG website. Elsewhere on this website you will see more information about what has been done by NAG in London, and ideas that are being explored. This includes action with other naturists internationally, including in Paris and Munich.

John Paine 15 June 2017

Clothing Optional Nudist.


Clothing Optional Nudist
Nudist group on MeWe. (Note: this image is clickable!)

In case you wonder about this image: it’s a snip of the banner from a group on MeWe. MeWe is a rather unknown social media platform totally unlike Facebook. Where Facebook collects and sells everything you put there, MeWe leaves your things where they belong: with you.

On there I’ve found a nudist/naturist/clothing optional group. It feels like a good group, one with the right attitude. Porn mongers and other unlikable characters are removed to keep it a safe and sound environment.

Being clear on do’s and don’ts.

To make things clear from the get go:

Naturist/Nudist pictures in a Naturist lifestyle setting is always welcome, feel free to post, but any pictures with the sole focus on sharing genital pictures will be removed.

Enjoy yourself otherwise.
Please partake, share information and ideas.
Its more fun when everyone pitch in from time to time.

Not everyone is comfortable with nudity, not everyone is comfortable with their own bodies. Believe in yourself. !!

If you’re here to talk to true Naturists, hopefully gain a better understanding of the lifestyle, then I welcome you to this page.

Whatever your sexual orientation, no discrimination will be allowed.

Please note: Any member who don’t treat the ladies (or men) with respect, or by sharing dick pics, making lewd remarks etc will be banned and blocked without a second warning.
This is the first warning.

It’s that simple. If anyone is looking for a good place to hang out with nudists without having to be careful with images like at Facebook, Google+ and lately also on Pinterest (I know because my account there got killed), this might be worth your investigating while.


Accounts on the Internet
Accounts, accounts, accounts

Yes, you’ll need an account on MeWe. Just like everywhere online these days.

If you don’t like setting up yet another account I suggest you move away from the Internet. 😉

Will we see you there?

Clothing optional

It won’t cost you much. Just some time to get your account set up and the (simple) application to the group. We don’t let anyone join just like that to warrant the safety inside as much as possible.

Naturists and their clothes


Clothes storeA few weeks ago I was out as I had to get some new clothes. At times even naturists/nudists need to go through that. I don’t know about you but I hate clothes shopping. These places are usually very busy and at the same time they go against how I feel about their merchandise. I usually don’t want to wear clothes. Another reason against them: the price. Good grief, it’s insane what you have to pay for even more simple things if you want them to be comfortable.


I don’t know how it’s where you live but even when the temperatures rise way above what’s necessary to be naked, I see people who dress like it’s wintertime. A while ago it was 22C (71.6F) and very sunny here. On the way home I wondered why I hadn’t driven most of the stretch in the nude. Outside the car I saw people in thick, black winter coats and one man actually wore a wool hat. In the sunshine. I thought to myself that he was overdoing it, without his mittens. What’s wrong with people these days, acting like that?

Body temperature.

I know. I’ve said this before. Clothes are good to keep your body temperature at a certain level but they are at the same time very good at fooling your body to think it’s cold while it’s not. Because only parts of your skin are exposed to the real world and the rest of your body is nicely close to boiling inside your clothes, the difference is large and makes a body think it’s cold while it’s not.

UndressingMany of you probably discovered the odd awareness that you start feeling warmer as soon as you’ve taken off your clothes.

That’s exactly what happens then. Initially you can feel cold because the (close to) overheating parts of your skin as suddenly exposed to what seems to be cold air. After that has regulated itself there’s no longer any cold.