At the moment I’m writing this, I saw half of it. It’s 2.5 hours long; I can’t sit and watch something for that long, so tomorrow I’ll watch the rest.
It’s a well-made film I think. I love the special effects and the works that come with them. There is, however, something I don’t understand at all. It’s how the underwater people look.
Look at this bloke. In a bit, metal-looking outfit.
Excuse me? Under water? Look at the weird collar-stuff that point up. That scoops up water and will slow you down like a pro.
Another thing I really don’t understand is why some of them wear those long, flowing capes. Under water. Perfect to get caught in rocks or corals.
I understand that the filmmakers are bound to the rules and regulations of ‘decency’ and they also don’t want to shock people with nudity (while killing and murder is just fine)…
…but someone like this would make a lot more sense under water, in my view of things. Look at swimmers who try to go fast. They don’t wear capes. They don’t have collars that slow them down.
Look at scuba divers. They wear suits that make them as smooth as possible, so as to reduce the resistance of water.
I know this. I’ve been one:
(Shot in a Mexican Cenote, that’s why the water is so clear.)
Unless the film changes its attitude about clothes under water (and I know that isn’t going to happen), I’m going to enjoy the rest of it but I’ll shake my head at any full-costume scene.
I keep being shocked by the ‘dedication’ that people have in pursuing the fake perfect body.
Yes, I’ve posted a gazillion times about that, so if you’re tired of that, stop reading now.
Still reading? Great.
We naturists/nudists know that there is no such thing as the ‘perfect’ body. We see bodies everywhere, without the ‘safety net’ of clothing, as often as we can / want. And what do we see? People. Nice people. Big, thin, black, coloured (see left), white, skinny, you name it and it’s in the mix.
The clothes-free community doesn’t care how you look, as long as you’re kind and not making a nuisance of yourself.
That doesn’t sound very complicated, does it? And most people I know are just like that. Ordinary people who just want to live a nice life. Nothing posh, nothing fancy (okay, occasionally a splurge is nice, I know that too), and having a good time. Fun.
The very things that naturists also like, most of the time, as far as I know.
It’s the body that keeps many people from enjoying our freedom. It is so sad to hear that, even from people who are somehow quite close to the resident evil – I mean the reigning beauty ideal. What is it that makes people so uncertain about themselves?
I think it is as much a small as a big thing. The switch in your head that has to flip. I think many of us have felt when that flip happened. Many of us don’t even know about the switch but for many people it’s there.
I wonder if there is a way to access more switches in this world. To help people get over a lot of insecurities.
Life is too beautiful to be hidden inside a few layers of fabric.
I wonder who wears the pants in a house full of nudists…
Pants. Trousers. You know.
PANTS? Yes. We all know them. Some people call them trousers. The contraptions with two pipes made of fabric to put around your legs, and that also has a wider tube on top to wrap around your hips and your butt. I think I made this clear enough. If not, click here.
Many people online respond to this tweet. It’s fun and also the goal of that tweet. Engagement, making people tell how they feel about things, that’s the fun and power of Twitter. But this post is not about Twitter. (Are you on Twitter already?)
This post is about pants. If this is a punch in your naturist gut, I apologise and I will understand that you do not want to read on. You’re excused.
An, you are still here. Good. Pants. I’ve worn them since I was small. Many men have, and many women have too.
As many naturists, nudists and other clothes-free minds can attest: pants can be annoying. Very much so. Pants can be tight. Squeeze. Cut off your circulation. Force your genitals into a shape that isn’t pleasant. Studies have shown that tight pants aren’t healthy.
And they can make you look very awkward in the right situation. Or the wrong situation. Please check the image ->
Pants are useful, for sure, but why do they have to be “stylish” in that manner? Why are baggy pants “wrong”? And why are skirts (for men) frowned upon unless you consider kilts in Scotland?
I seriously wonder why men shouldn’t wear skirts when it’s not appropriate to be nude. Skirts give much more space to move. Squatting down in a skirt is much easier than in (tight!) pants. Of course, the feeling of being naked can’t be surpassed, but with the anal retentive way of thinking of the majority, we can forget about that for now.
How do men think about wearing skirts to free your genitals from oppression? (Or is that suppression? The squeeze?) And how do women think about men wearing skirts for that same reason? (Note that I am not considering the prettiness of legs. This is not an issue in Scotland either, as far as I am informed.)
Looking forward to any and all responses. In naked happiness as long as I can.
I think it’s an awesome image. A person swimming in the best way possible.
Yes, you probably saw this already, but I put it here again for a reason.
This is the reason.
Bathing suits. After looking at the image above, it suddenly struck me that bathing suits aren’t just pathetic pieces of fabric that make you feel unpleasant. They also disrupt the image that is the human shape.
The lady in the top picture is complete. Fine. Whole.
There is nothing that interrupts seeing her whole shape. It’s all human. People in bathing suits consist of parts. Look at the young boy on the left. He has a body, then there is this cloth thing and then there are legs. Visually this is entirely wrong. A 2 piece boy. The woman, I assume she’s his mother, even consists of 3 parts. Her shape is broken up twice by the 2-piece bathing suit. For the man the same thing goes as for the boy on the left. I’m quite confident you get my meaning.
Then there is this monstrosity.
Words actually defy the situation. I know this is Borat and it is meant to make fun of things, but apparently it is or was an actual thing in the not too distant past.
This ‘thing’ makes a 3-part man. It’s awful to behold, although, yes, it’s also funny to watch. (But not for long, because really?)
I have actually gone out onto the big web to see if this is sold. It is.
A hot day. 2 priests are walking past a river. One priests says, “I would love to take a dip in there to cool down.” The other priest argues they have no bathing suits with them.
Priest 1 says, “That’s no problem. There’s no one around.” Number 2 is convinced, so the two throw off their clothes and jump into the river to cool down. Of course, 5 minutes later a tourist bus drives past.
The priests grab their clothes and run off. When they are safe from the viewers, priest 2 asks, “Why did you put your habit over your head instead of over your you-know-what?”
Priest 1 says, “I don’t know how they recognise you, but with me it’s my face.”
Note: that was the joke. From here things might get more serious, but no guarantee for that.
So why this joke?
Well… with nudists and naturists having to wear masks, I suddenly thought that some people who have never considered naturism, might feel ‘safe’ to give it a try. Because of the mask on their face. Because, as priest 1 said, “I don’t know how they recognise you, but with me it’s my face.“
Having that ‘fence of recognition’ there could give people a sense of safety to try something they would otherwise never try.
Maybe I am entirely wrong, but the idea that arose from the memory of that joke made me think of this.
Perhaps I am the only one, because not everyone knows that joke. Which is a pity. I think it’s a good one. And it might benefit the hopefully former naturists to give our lifestyle a try.
But really, I love it. Nuding from home for me is working from home in the nude. The main portion of the word ‘nuding’ will make it clear what the most important part is there.
Workplace goodness
Honestly, this is one of the best things that came out of the entire COVID misery for me personally. And I pity the people who don’t have this liberty. I know there are many of you out there who can’t enjoy this freedom in your own house. If you have to go out to work, you’re totally out of luck (unless you work at a naturist resort, I guess).
This has become so normal for me that it has happened more than once that I forgot to put something on in a video meeting with people. Now the camera doesn’t catch my nude lower body, which is “good”, I guess, but the few times this happened made me realise how crazy this whole ‘no nudity’ thing is.
Things get even sweatier when you know that summer is coming on the norther hemisphere. (Sorry George Martin, you keep Winter. Summer’s mine / ours!)
No need for air conditioners to keep any clothes cool. If it gets ‘bad’ I will turn on the fan and I’ll be fine. I’m a fan of fans, so to speak. 😉
I had to go out to work at customer locations a few times this past week. It was bad. Clothes and temperatures over 25C (77F).
Of course, work needs to happen, but… clothes… seriously?
I think the days of good, old fashioned naturism are behind us. With the Corona virus crisis still going strong (and unfortunately getting stronger again), there is no outlook for going back to how things were before this year, in my eyes.
I’m perfectly happy to hear anyone disagree. The old times weren’t so bad, right? But the old times weren’t the best either. Naturism was looked at as something bad by many people.
Who knows, maybe this social distancing encourages more people to try naturism with the new normal that will undoubtedly appear.
Why do I dare think that?
Body shame is the name of that game. I’m convinced that many people would love to give naturism a try, but they are ashamed of their body not being the perfect beach boy and girl shape. You know the type. They are the bodies we don’t see at nude beaches and resorts either.
If people are ‘forced’ to keep more distance, perhaps more people will feel inclined to undress near others. Because the extra distance will make them ‘less visible’, even when it’s just a psychological distance. 1 metre / 3 feet can do a lot for someone who is insecure, I think.
It is a pity things may never go back to this, but who knows, if everyone wears a mask, there are still possibilities. I think it’s important to look at what is possible in the coming days. As long as we gaze at what was lost, progress will be at a standstill, and no one is served by that.
Taking nude hikes should be fine if people keep their distance as well. People from the same family are still able to stick together. People who know and trust others to be virus-free can be closer together as well. And for those who don’t trust things, it is still possible to enjoy being with others while relaxing nude on a beach or at a resort. It will be a bit louder, because talking over 6ft requires a bit more volume, but regular beaches etc. aren’t the quietest places anyway, so that’s no biggie, right?
That is the title of an article from a British newspaper that I found in my news feed a few days ago. The original is here. The article talks about a sign that was clearly put up by nudists:
According to the article, the sign said, “You may encounter naturists enjoying this area naked today. Simple public nudity is not illegal in England and Wales.”
Next, there is this: A spokesperson from Forestry England said: “This is an unauthorised sign. We have not permitted or been made aware of any events taking place. The sign was removed last week by our rangers.”
Obviously neither this spokesperson nor the rangers who have removed the sign are not aware of British nudity laws. There is no need for an ‘event’ to take place when people simply want to put in some recreational nude time.
It’s scary to witness that, in this age of information and communication, this kind of information is barely communicated. Of course it could also be that there is too much regulation and communication. People can get overloaded with that. In my job however, it is common practice to first check if there are rules and agreements on things, before acting. (I wonder what happened with the sign too. Did it get returned to the owner or the person who put it up as a courtesy for other visitors?)
This is yet another sign (pun intended) where people are reacting on the trigger word ‘nude’.
It is sad to see that there is no progress being made in this area, in a time where the world is warming up and clothes are more and more unnecessary.
This is a post that doesn’t preach to the naturist choir. We are used to being naked and we know how good it feels.
If you have always worn clothes, you have no idea how good it is to be out of them. It’s a strange feeling not to be covered. It may even feel cold, despite the nicest and warmest weather. Your brain will scream at you because you’re doing it wrong. You’re not following the program or regimen that you’ve been brought up with.
Don’t worry. Give it a try for half an hour. Do the things you usually do, without paying attention to the clock (unless staring at the clock is what you usually do. In that case, what is your occupation?)
Why would someone want to be naked when there are clothes?
Of course, I understand that question. Clothes are perfect to stay warm. Clothes are also perfect to hide everything that you were told is wrong with your body. The scars, the flab, the stuff that’s not up to the standards of advertisement.
Now let me tell you a secret: no one is. Not even the perfect models you see on TV, on your computer and in magazines.
Nina Garcia. Before and after “treatment”.
If you want to know more about this, have a look at this BoredPanda page. Yes, even the prettiest people are ‘fixed’ up digitally before they live up to what the industry thinks is fine. In other words, it’s total BS.
Are you still with me? Good. Let’s skip the BS part of beauty. It’s impossible. I mentioned clothes to keep you warm. I totally agree. Nudists wear clothes when it’s cold as well. It makes perfect sense and us humans have been doing this for ages.
But then the climate changes. Summers get hotter. Temperatures up to 35C/40C, over the 100F, 110F, are becoming more normal than before. And still, despite the heat, people have to wear their beloved clothes. And when it gets too warm, we simply turn on the air-conditioners. Lots of them. And all of them eating up energy like crazy, and to supply that energy we need to heat up the earth some more and add to the climate change that is already threatening us.
People in underwear
Is that smart?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to wear fewer clothes so your body can deal with the temperature more easily? And once you’re down to just your underwear, why not get rid of that too? What’s the use of that, apart from hiding the parts you were taught to be ashamed of, that need to be hidden?
While we all know you have them…
Why not be naked?
Being naked has the advantage of letting your skin breathe, deal with heat, and also it allows you to move easier. When you squat down, nothing is tight in the wrong places.
I would really appreciate it if you would give this a try. A few times, because your conditioning, your depending on clothes isn’t something you can undo in half an hour.
If you have seriously tried this a few times (more than 15 minutes, no cheating!) and you really don’t like it, okay. You tried. Switch on your air conditioning this summer and pay the bill for it. In electricity and sweat. And clothes. And washing them a lot (which also costs money and adds to climate change…)
As you have seen, being naked more has more effects than you might think. Thank you for reading. And giving this an honest chance.
As I already posted, there is a lot happening in the book area.
Next Saturday Naked Crow 9 is hitting the e-shelves. But as if this is not enough, another book will be out soon, being the 21st of this month.
On that day, an anthology will see the light. Lots of it has already been posted on Twitter.
The name of this book: Murder in the Nudist Colony.
Does this sound ominous enough for you?
Let me tell you a bit more about it:
Early in 2020, naturist fiction author P. Z. Walker had the idea for a collection of mystery stories to be called “Murder in the Nudist Colony,” deliberately using the antiquated term “nudist colony” for a slightly retro, humorous touch. On social media platforms, mostly Twitter, other folks associated with the fine network of naturist authors chimed in. Ted Bun put together the call for submissions, Robert Longpré set up the page to share documents as well as the ISBN, Fabien Barabé designed the cover… and we’ve ended up with fifteen submissions within a relatively quick timeframe. Will Forest and Ted Bun volunteered to edit. The project has been a strong example of an online community working together!
So there you have it. I am the one who’s to blame for the whole thing getting to life. I’m very proud of all my co-conspirators who have done so much work to get this anthology to life.
If you want to have a look at the available bookstores for a preorder, click here for the Amazon store and click here for a selection of other locations!