Why you should not be naked

Strange title for a nudist blog, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I’m not going to convince you to put on clothes. I’m trying to collect as many reasons as possible why the world of textiles in general won’t let us be naked when we want to. So here we go:

GodGod or religion forbids it.
1. The Islam forbids nudity to its followers (article on Nudist America) because it preaches modesty. For some reason being nude is not modest in the eyes of Islam.
2. The Christian God forbids it (article on GotQuestions). Even though Adam and Eve were nude at first (the way that the Christian God made them) their sin (eating the wrong apple) suddenly made them the bad guys and the Christian God made them wear animal skins. Since then nudity is sinful and shameful.
Interesting detail: there are plenty of Christian nudists, including preachers:

You look better with your clothes on.
I think this is something that trickles down from religion as well, as that’s what people were taught / brainwashed into believing. Certainly, people can look nice in clothes, but still they cover themselves, they hide themselves. It is a way to avoid revealing your true self.

cigaretteIt’s unpleasant to look at nude people.
Again a brainwash situation, and an expression you can also use for so many other things. It can also be unpleasant to watch someone eat, or smoke a cigarette. It’s what you’re used to, and far too few people are used to seeing naked people.

Clothes set us apart from animals.
Oh yes, such a fine distinction, and look at the big polluted mess the animals made of this planet.

childrenYou have to think of the children!
Silly reason. Children usually are the most accepting and open kind of people, they usually enjoy running around in the nude. It’s after being told a thousand times that you shouldn’t do that, that their conditioning starts to set in.

It leads people into temptation!
Rubbish. How can something you see everywhere be tempting? It’s a fact that what you can’t have or see is what makes something tempting.

Inuit Children in Winter Furs


You won’t be cold.
Ah, now there’s a reason for not being naked.


Nudity in art and the downfall of morality

It suddenly occurred to me, while watching some old paintings, that nudity in art has been in decline over the last number of decades.Why do I think so? Look at this painting by Rubens:
 photo rubens_paris_2_zps5b104d08.jpg
Many nude people in it, and most people will appreciate this as art. In the time that this painting was made (1606/1608 –source-) no one made any fuss about it.

Then there is this painting, made in 1915 (-source-) by Adolf Heinrich Hansen:
 photo AdolfHeinrichHansen-MotherAndChildAtTheBeach_zpsca034c12.jpg
No one, except for the obvious, will have a problem with this scene where a mother and her child are at the beach. These days, when a photograph appears somewhere that shows the same basic image, many people will try to beat each other in shouting ‘child porn’. That’s wrong, as there is no porn in this picture. Just a nude child having a good time at the beach. I’m in Europe. When you go to a beach here you’ll see lots of small children running around naked, and nobody makes a fuss about it.

I’m glad that at least in paintings no censorship is used. Please, look at this and tell me if you think this option is brilliant:
Art censored
I’m quite convinced that it’s not. So why is harmless nudity (yes, nudity is harmless!) then so often censored in our modern age?

(Indeed, this is not a painting, but photography is a modern art-form.)

It’s all down to the excesses that the porn industry bestowed upon us, and the manners of extreme people that take things much too far. Because of them, the knights of morality put a stamp on anything that shows parts of a body that we ‘should be ashamed of’. Not only the sexually extreme are responsible for this, however. Overall hypocrisy which is often fuelled by religion and other factions also plays a part in it. It’s sad that the world desires so much ‘guidance’ in what’s acceptable in nudity. What happened to the common sense in morals?

Nudism and nature

I think that one of the biggest problems of today is that people are closed-minded “by nature”. By their environment, by the dogmas that are tossed onto them, by interpretations of religion, by the sad but true conviction that nudity is bad. “Sinful” even, as nudism/naturism these days is so often 1 on 1 connected to sex and porn, while it has nothing to do with that.

Being nude for no other reason than to be nude means being in direct and constant touch with your skin, and that again means being in touch with nature itself, something that most people these days seem to be scared of, or have forgotten/repressed. If something is not sterilised and wrapped in 3 layers of plastic, it’s unhealthy. Many kids in schools these days don’t dare to drink milk from a cow, because “real milk comes from the factory”. You don’t get your hands dirty any more, you wear gloves and a ton of protective clothing that needs to be cleaned afterwards.

Getting dirty when you’re nude means you wash yourself afterwards. That’s all there is to it. No attack on nature with the detergents needed for cleaning clothes, no disposable things (unless you need something to stay safe and/or in one piece).

Nude lumberjacks

There should nothing wrong with being naked, as long as others aren’t bothered by it. Let’s start with being nude in nature, in an uninhibited way. Everyone’s seen a naked body, and when you meet someone who’s nude you can see that this person literally has nothing to hide.

Driving in the nude

driving nude

I hadn’t done that a lot. Driving nude. Actually I was pointed to it after I had joined the Nook.

Why would you drive nude? Well, why wouldn’t you if you’re a nudist? You wouldn’t when it’s too cold, I can see that. But when it’s warm and nice, there would not be a reason to keep your clothes on while you’re in your car, unless you suspect you need to get out of your car at any moment.



A few things I have learnt since that time:

  1. It’s very comfortable. Nothing pulls and yanks, just like being nude in general.
  2. I needed to get used to feeling the seat belt on my skin. That was annoying for a while.
  3. Nobody watches you. I think this is a major thing to realise; people don’t expect you to be in your car naked so they’re not on the lookout for you. If you act naturally (and how else can you when you’re in your natural skin) they will do that too. They’ll also be paying attention to traffic. (Or their phone… 🙁 )
  4. Putting something on again is much easier when you slide the seat back all the way. (But only when you’re standing still, don’t try this on the motorway!)
  5. Keep something of clothing near in case you need to stop for a sign by e.g. a police officer. You can pull it over your lap to avoid compromising situations. (I do understand that this would not be enough for ladies.)
  6. Keep a towel in your car and sit on that. You’ll sweat and the sweat will go into the upholstery of the seat. A towel is much easier to wash.
  7. The air conditioning is much more effective: instead of mostly cooling your clothes it actually cools down you, so you don’t have to crank it up so much to feel comfortable.

 Some tips if you want to start carefullyNude behind the wheel

  1. Take back roads that you know to be quiet, or drive around quiet industrial areas in weekends if there are any.
  2. Drive in the evening when it’s (getting) dark. Of course, in the summer this would be difficult unless you’re okay with going for it much later than usual. In the winter it’s dark early, you could drive around a bit until the car’s warm and then take off your clothes.
  3. Drive around dinner time if that’s something in your area which makes most people be inside.


Should nudists be represented by beautiful people? | Naked Historia

Reblogged from NakedHistorian:

Should nudists be represented by beautiful people?

I was thinking about this whilst writing about Lady God1va.  Being an attractive woman, she is the sort of person the media want to have as a spokesperson for naturism.  It is unfortunate, but many people’s aversion to nudism is not directed to nudity as to ugliness.  How many times have you seen ignorant trolls posting “I don’t want to see that” and similar comments in response to articles which include pictures of old or overweight naturists.  A lot of people are very superficial.  Recent interviews in Portsmouth about whether men should be allowed to go topless often got the response “It’s ok if they are not fat.” The media would rather show (and the public would rather see) young, fit naturists; preferably female ones, who are seen as less threatening.

However, interviews with attractive female naturists are likely to attract the wrong sort of attention.  How many people watching “My daughter the teenage naturist.” chose to watch it because of an interest in naturism and how many were watching it because it featured a young naked woman?  Perhaps people might tune in to see boobs, but learn something useful and interesting about naturism.  However it could also perpetuate the sexualisation of nudity.

The use of attractive spokespeople also leads to the opposite effect, with people saying “It’s ok for people who look like her.”   This was the response of some people when nudists in Manchester were promoting a naked dinner party.  If attractive people are talking about being naked people with poor body confidence will compare themselves and think “I’m not good enough”.  If older, overweight people are advocating nudism, them shallow members of the public with take the attitude of “I don’t want to see that.” Which leads to wanting nudists to keep out of public areas.

The only solution seems to be having us represented by a mixed group of people of all ages and shapes, but this potentially invites both types of negative responses.

What do people think?

(Original at Should nudists be represented by beautiful people? | Naked Historia.)

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

A post I located on Facebook. (Copied here in full as not everyone is on there, and it’s too good not to share.)

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

Friends, wish to share some insights about Naturism and the spiritual values associated with it…What is needed is a subtle shift in the way we perceive things.

Health benefits:
The sweat that we have over the body (as the body is covered with clothes all the time) is the cause of various ailments and when the fresh air & light touches the body, it revitalizes the entire body.

We need to cover the body with clothes during extreme weather conditions and when we do our activities in the world but, we cover the body fully even when clothes aren’t required…This is one of the major reason why we suffer from multiple diseases / ailments.
Nude Sun bathing is very good for health and (if we can sun bath during for 1-2 hours between 7-9 am / 4.30 – 6.30 pm) we need not visit hospitals forever!
Being nude is compassion towards ourselves; being compassionate to our body and mind by not harming them…Love / compassion towards the world in the first place, includes this aspect of loving our body as well…

Spiritual side of Nudism: All of us here are spiritual, I mean everyone of us!

Being naked implies that we are getting used to living naturally, the way we have come to this world and slowly, we will let go of the inhibitions that we initially have towards nudism.
The attraction & desire one gets while seeing someone dressed nicely / scantily, will not be there while looking at someone who is naked…That way, being nude, we get rid of the inhibitions and other undesirable qualities and instill a sense of peace in others mind as well…
contrary to the popular belief, Nudism is part of ancient spiritual traditions / practices, and its been practiced in various degrees, even to this day…Many of our saints / sages (including women) have remained nude because it helped them to keep good health and for their spiritual betterment.
To start with, we do away with liking / thinking about the kind of clothes we need to purchase and preferences for the same.Anything that helps one to reduce the flow of thoughts is immensely spiritual…
We can remain nude @home and at other places with like minded people; that would enable us to evolve and understand the spiritual benefits of being nude in a group; there might be some initial excitation getting to see people naked, that would go away in due course of time.
Being naked does not mean that we get involved in a sexual act. It might happen according to the situation (as otherwise! nothing to feel bad about it; only if one can remain without loosing the vital energy, that would make it a spiritual experience) but it need not translate into sex, and that will be wonderful as well.
Many of our deeper experiences take us closer to higher states of consciousness. Our true nature is happiness and that’s why every human being seek pleasure in the world.

Two (subtle) things we need to be conscious about:

Need to be watchful or alert about what is happening within us at sub conscious level; we have to just pay attention; this awareness/ witnessing has to be there all the time, whatever activities we may be performing in the world…
Secondly, need to train ourselves, not to look back (to the extent possible) at the acts that we have done / events that have happened earlier. That way, we avoid getting to past and we get stabilized in the present moment. And, if we can do that, then anything that we do in the present would make us intensely spiritual…

Naturisme in Nederland

naturismNaturisme is een levenswijze in harmonie met de natuur. Het wordt gekenmerkt door gemeenschappelijke naaktheid, die als doel heeft het bevorderen van zelfrespect, respect voor de medemens en eerbied voor natuur en milieu.

Dit is de moderne definitie van naturisme. Naturisme in Nederland; waneer begon het? Naturisme en nudisme is niet iets van de laatste tien jaar. Het begon al in de vroege dertiger jaren van de vorige eeuw. Het was een gevolg van de naturistische beweging in Duitsland wat naar het schijnt de grondlegger is van het moderne naturisme.

Continue reading “Naturisme in Nederland”

Naturism in the Netherlands


Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature. It’s characterised by common nudity, which has as goal the improvement of self-respect, respect for others and reverence for nature and the environment.

This is the modern Dutch definition of naturism. Naturism in the Netherlands; when did it start? Naturism and nudism is not something of the last decade. In fact, in the Netherlands it started around the 1930s. This followed the early naturist movement in Germany which apparently is the foundation of modern naturism and nudism to date. Continue reading “Naturism in the Netherlands”

Nude recreation in the Netherlands

Delft.Probably all naturists and nudists in the Netherlands know about it. A while ago the city council of Delft close the local nude beach because of ‘too much sexual harassment’ as reported by people. Since then persistent nudists are fined time and again because they don’t give up on ‘their’ beach. Yesterday in an article in a leading Dutch newpaper: Herman van der Helm, who frequents the (prior) nude beach and co-founder of the naturist swimming association: “This week I already was fined 5 times, 3 of which in one day”.

Nude beach closed

The article mentions that the police received many positive reactions of clothed people:

According to the city of Delft did the police receive many positive reactions. ‘Clothed people praise the way the police handles this,’ says a spokesperson of the city.

This can hardly be seen as proof. No one mentions any numbers. Say there are 25 nudists who complain about losing their beach and there are 3 ‘positive reactions’ then the balance is entirely off.

The Dutch Nudist Foundation NFN keeps a watchful eye on the happenings in Delft.

Naaktrecreatie in Nederland

Delft. Waarschijnlijk hebben alle naturisten en nudisten het gehoord. Het naaktstrand in de Delftse Hout is officieel gesloten en het regent bonnen voor de mensen die er alsnog naakt recreëeren. Gisteren verscheen er een artikel op AD.nl. Hierin zegt Herman van der Helm, die vaste klant van het (voormalige) naaktstrand en mede-oprichter van de Naturistische Zwemvereniging Delft is: ‘Ik heb binnen een week al vijf bekeuringen gehad, waarvan drie bonnen op dezelfde dag.’

In het artikel wordt geschreven dat de politie juist positieve reacties heeft ontvangen van geklede recreanten:

Volgens de gemeente Delft zijn er bij de politie juist positieve reacties binnengekomen. ‘Geklede recreanten prijzen de aanpak van de politie,’ zegt een woordvoerder van de gemeente.

Dit is amper als bewijs aan te dragen. Er worden geen aantallen genoemd. Stel dat er 25 nudisten klagen over het verlies van hun naaktstrand en er zijn helemaal 3 ‘positieve reacties’ binnengekomen, dan ligt de balans wel helemaal scheef.

De NFN blijft alert op wat er in Delft gebeurt.