How to protect your naturist pictures.

Hi there.

Picture poaching.

Some days ago on Twitter I was into a discussion on how people are annoyed that the pictures they post are harvested by porn collectors, reposted by others without their permission and more things close to that issue. You may recognise several of those things. Many people don’t want to share their own images because of that.

Some tips on how to protect your pictures.

There are ways to make your pictures less interesting for collectors, harvesters, call them what you want.

Shrink the size

People who are looking for pictures for their personal, lewd entertainment usually want big images. Full screen, high resolution shots. By resizing your images to something a lot smaller that is a step towards making them unappealing.

On my android phone I use an app called ImageShrink. The free version is great and does a great job. There is a similar app on the itunes store called image size. Resize your image to 480 x 320 pixels and your pictures are already a lot less interesting. For example, this picture:readingintheparkis 300 pixels wide and 150 pixels high. Nothing wrong with it, you can see what’s happening – a man reading a book in a park – but hardly anyone would want to steal this for its quality.

Add some text

Yes, it is ugly but it is the ultimate way to make your pictures unappealing for poachers.

Good morning
Good morning

This picture is 480 pixels high and has text on it. Not pretty. Not exciting. But a lot safer from harvesters.

If you use Google to search “image resize program free” then you’ll find plenty of software to easily resize your images, even online ones. Note that online ones might not be the best choice because you can’t tell what happens with the pictures you upload to a site. The service might be wonderful but remember that the original might not be deleted until the owner of the site had ‘a look’ at it. Just something to be aware of.

The advantage of that also is that more and more people are on mobile devices. Small images download faster so they will love you for being kind on their data plan!

You can also see I added some filtering to the above image. It makes it more interesting (for me) but it also makes me a bit less recognisable. Play with filters a bit. E.g. snapseed on Android gives you a wide choice of those. I am certain Apple has something like that too, and you can find software for your PC for that as well. Just use your Google skills.

I hope this little ‘tutorial’ has given you a few ideas how to keep your images safe from porn gatherers.

More naked authors

Naked authors – part two

Yes, there are more naked authors than the list I showed you earlier.

Anthony Crowley

Anthony CrowleyAnthony Crowley is an award-winning author, poet, actor, photographer and film maker. Anthony has contributed to numerous magazines and anthologies, including official Haunted magazine, Sanitarium magazine, Fear Magazine and Art Decades magazine, Folk Horror Revival: Corpses Roads anthology.  His works have been featured on various known media resources, such as the BBC. His novella the mirrored roomThe Mirrored Room was also a SEMI FINALIST winner at the authorsdB book awards. Anthony has also been featured in anthologies amongst legendary writers like, H.P.Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Thomas Hardy and Ramsey Campbell. Anthony has been a naturist for many years and he’s also a proud member of British Naturism. During the cold month of October 2004, Anthony wanted to honour people close to him whom passed away from Cancer, he decided to walk across the Shropshire Hills with nothing more than a pair of shoes on his feet. This present day, Anthony is working on many projects  simultaneously while sitting at his desk as nature intended.

anthonyAnthony is working on a documentary film called ‘Nude Britannia’ and the poetry/photo book ‘Tales from the Nymph Garden’ which will be naturist related side projects.

If you want to know more about Anthony, you can stalk him on Twitter and Facebook. 😉

Ted Bun

TedBorn in 1956, Ted discovered naturism in 2004, during a trip to the island of Menorca. After some travelling he discovered the South of France. With his wife he moved there to open a welcoming home for naturist visitors (it’s called L’Olivette) and in the quiet season he discovered he was coming up with stories. Since then he’s been writing, and welcoming naturists from around the world to their home. It’s quite a change from his previous job, being engaged in IT projects, but they have decided that this is what they really want to do. And who could blame them? Ted’s work consists of police/detective stories with – of course – a naturist twist. You can find his work in the naturist’s library.


Flu and the crazy ideas it gives me

Flu. It’s not funny.

A few weeks ago I was in the dumps because of our friend the flu. Felt horrible, awful, and didn’t get up for 5 days.

Of course I need to add here that I did not get a flu shot. I only got those twice and each time I got violently ill. Blaming the shots for that was a bad idea apparently, because this time I got seriously ill with the vicinity of a shot.

Crazy ideas.

Apparently my brain was in turmoil for a while during those first 5 days of badness. At some point – I don’t exactly recall when but that doesn’t matter – I almost woke up from an avalanche of images that had been churning through my head and that sort of gave me an idea for a new naturist story. I grabbed my notepad (always have one next to the bed) and scribbled down what I could remember of the idea. Then I collapsed into the void of the flu once again.

crazy ideas

Historical fiction.

So far the books I wrote and am writing are in the fantasy and science fiction realm. I love those two genres and I think I can do them pretty well.

historical fiction

This new idea is in the Historical Fiction genre. For those who aren’t aware of what that it, historical fiction describes things from history (obviously). Usually it involves well known places or people. Think for instance of books about King Arthur, Jeanne d’Arc, a war, or perhaps even the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The story doesn’t have to deal with that actual event but the event can take place during the course of the story. It’s that easy to write historical fiction, but it also makes it difficult because you have to get the facts right. Anyone can believe a bug-eyed, yellow monster coming from Pluto to devour our clothes, but for instance claiming that Marilyn Monroe always appeared naked on the set of her films… most people know that’s not true.

The story in my head

The naked veil
The naked veil

The story I came up with in my flu-ridden dream doesn’t deal with any of those subjects. So far it doesn’t feel like a difficult or complicated story, more something light and easy; something short.

I am definitely going to develop that idea  and see where it leads me (and you). So far the future of the story is still in veils, as is the naked lady on the right. She’s from the right era of my story, I think, so for a while I’ll keep her as the mascot for the new book.

I’ve never thought that I would ever find a way to write something in the historical fiction genre concerning nudism/naturism. No matter how this story will end up, I’m thrilled that something actually appeared for it.

The writerI hope you’re having a great day. I’ll be writing.



Naakt sporten

nederlandse vlagDutch post – Nederlands artikel.

Naakt sporten.

Wie wil dat nou niet? Wat is er prettiger dan gewoon lekker in beweging te zijn zonder last te hebben van kleren die te strak zitten, zweet opnemen en daardoor onfris gaan ruiken?

Het probleem is natuurlijk dat we een ondergeschoven kindje zijn. Er zijn amper sportscholen die hun deuren willen openen voor een stel idioten die zonodig in hun nakie willen komen sporten. Het grootste struikelblok: hygiëne. Dat is natuurlijk een lachertje want mijn ervaring is dat nudisten over het algemeen schoner zijn dan kledingdragenden. Zo vaak als ik in een sportschool zie dat kledingliefhebbers zich niet eens douchen na het sporten… daar krijg je de griebels van.

Bloot Pétanque.

Naakt pétanque spelen

Via de NFN kalender vond ik een leuke mogelijkheid om pétanque te spelen. Er is een naakt toernooi gepland in Hellevoetsluis. Pétanque is een soort Jeu de boules.) Het toernooi wordt gehouden van 30 april tot en met 1 mei 2016 dus voor de liefhebbers is dit een uitdaging!

Naakt jeu de boules.

Helaas nog steeds geen sportschool, voetbal of hardloopwedstrijd. Op 2e pinksterdag, 16 mei 216, wordt in Reeuwijk een Jeu de Boules toernooi georganiseerd.



Nu komen we ergens. Op 18 en 19 juni 2016 is er een volleybaltoernooi voor de sportlustigen. Je moet ervoor naar Het Vinkel in de buurt van Den Bosch, en houd er rekening mee dat je tot 1 juni kunt inschrijven. Opschieten dus!

World Naked Bike Ride Amsterdam.

Voel je iets voor fietsen? Zorg dan dat je op 2 juli in Amsterdam bent. Dan wordt er weer een WNBR gehouden; een wielertoer door de stad waarmee op een ludieke, naakte wijze aandacht wordt gevraagd voor de kwetsbaarheid van fietsers in het verkeer. De WNBR begint om 1 uur ‘s middags in het park Frankendael, meer lees je achter de link.

Nog niet genoeg?

Als dit nog niet genoeg is kijk dan eens op de evenementenkalender van de NFN. Daarop staan nog meer evenementen, zoals een hardloopwedstrijd en een aantal mogelijkheden om te gaan wadlopen.

Alvast veel plezier met deze evenementen. Mocht je zelf nog leuke activiteiten weten, laat het dan weten via een commentaar hieronder, of stuur me een mailtje.

Naked Dreamers – No to body shaming

I am going to promote a group of people from Norway here. Why? Because they are going to make a film about body positivity. Anyone who is in any way active about that deserves my – and your – support!


If so, then go to

Shoot a short video (e.g. with your mobile phone) or send us a few words where you present yourself and tell us about your relationship with your body.

Is it important to you how others see you? How do you deal with being naked? How are you affected by all these things, and do you want to change how you feel in relation to this?

Remember, we also need: your full name, email address, mobile phone number, date of birth – and attach a photo of yourself.

Send the email to
Use or similar if you attach a video.
More information:

If you want to see and hear Dalchows Verden, the person who wants to make this film, go to their facebook page and look at the video he made and where he addresses you.

The disadvantage of nude exercising

I thought that would get your attention. Yes, there is a disadvantage of nude exercising. You feel it the moment you go to the gym. No nude exercising there…

Gym. Dressed. Sweaty. Smelly.
Knee lifts
Naked knee-lifts.

I have taken up doing naked morning exercises since a while. A month at least. Every morning I do a number of exercises which usually take 5 to 6 minutes.

They feel good, they make that I feel good through the day. Yes, only 5 minutes a day. But once a week I try to go to a proper gym where I want to work out for an hour or more. And that’s where the pain begins. Stuff on my body which at least 6 mornings a week isn’t there.

Naked sit-ups

Not only is the stuff I  wear there quickly too warm and wet (which in turn makes it smelly), it’s also restrictive. Sports clothes up, down, left or right, they’re clothes, and clothes are by default limiting movement.

Naked push-ups

Doing exercises naked is much better and feels better. Nothing pulls and yanks, nothing hinders you in any way.

For that I’m glad I can do this mini-workout every morning. Naked. With nothing bugging me.

A naked gym in the area for those who want that. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Naked Planking on Twitter

Yes, it seems to be a trend! Naked Planking on twitter.

Clothesfreelife posted about it here. I’m game, of course:

If you care to join the fun, or see more about it, have a look at this search on Twitter. If you post a planking picture, do let me know. It’s a great exercise for your core and I’d like to cheer you on.

More naked plankers:

And a radical here:

Unashamed Nudists: Exploiting the Theme of Nudism in the 1930s

I located this post at the blog of Vadim aka t-maker. It’s a great one so I’m reposting it completely. Thank you, Vadim, for this great post!

Unashamed Nudists: Exploiting the Theme of Nudism in the 1930s

The technical definition of exploitation movies is cheaply made pictures distributed by roadshowmen or by local independents called states’-righters. A major studio was opening, in those days [the 1930s and 1940s], 400 prints. An exploitation picture never had more than 15 or 20, and they moved around from territory to territory…[1] (David Friedman)

Wikipedia defines “Exploitation film” as a “film which is generally considered to be low budget, and therefore apparently attempting to gain financial success by “exploiting” a current trend or a niche genre or a base desire for lurid subject matter” [2]. According to exploitation producer David Friedman, “exploitation pictures are as old as film itself” [1]. It is not surprising that “many exploitation genres relied on nudity as a source of spectacle” [3]. Eric Schaefer, an author of “meticulously researched, interdisciplinary study” of exploitation films [3], calls the “nudist films” (something about “unashamed nudists”) one of the “cornerstone genres of classical exploitation focused on the spectacle of the nude body”.

Recently, while browsing Internet Archive (which is a “non-profit digital library with the stated mission of “universal access to all knowledge” [4,5]), I came across the classical exploitation “nudist film” called “Expose of The Nudist Racket” (see [6]; it also can be found on Vimeo [7] and YouTube [8]). It was filmed in 1938 for “Hollywood Producers and Distributors”. Producer is, in fact, unknown. The Short Format film is now distributed under Creative Commons license (Attribution 3.0).

Image: frames from "Expose of The Nudist Racket" (1938)Image: frames from “Expose of The Nudist Racket” (1938)

In the first half of the 1930s, the American press considered nudism mostly unfavorably. “Crude jokes were made and the reporters liked nothing better than going to a nudist camp and teasing the members for a story, which was usually written up in disrespectful ways”. Later “nudism came to be viewed by the press as a benign, if unconventional, practice” [3].

Film producers used different strategies “for bringing nudism to screen”, in order to “legitimize” the subject. For example, it could be a pseudoscientific, “anthropological approach” with references to “customs among primitive peoples” [3]. The “Expose of The Nudist Racket” took a different attitude. The creators of the film tried to be funny employing “titles and narration for comic effect”. Jokes about fat women are the height of their humor capacity.

Eric Schaefer admits that “some spectators went to see the films to satisfy their curiosity about the nudist movement” , but he insists that “the nudist exploitation films were designed to create sexual arousal in, or at the very least titillate, viewers”. However, “despite the exploitation films’ sexualization of nudism, the nudist’s advocacy of sunshine and simplicity of life found an ideal vehicle for expression in the movies, in part because of their overlapping ideology” [3]. “Nudism was presented as a middle-class lifestyle option” and “a possible antidote to modern life”. The nudist films pointed to the “precedent of social nudity in ancient Greece, which was “simple” yet highly “civilized” according to modern standards”.

“Expose of The Nudist Racket” can convince you that time goes by, but nothing changes. The nudists still want “publicity for their movement”, while the second word in a word-combination “social nudity” remains the key one for most people.

1. David Chute, Washes of Sin: An Interview with David F. Friedman, Film Comment, July-August, 1986
2. Exploitation film – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. Eric Schaefer, “Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!”: A History of Exploitation Films, 1919-1959, Duke University Press, 1999
4. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
5. Internet Archive – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6. Expose of The Nudist Racket. : uncredited : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
7. The Expose Of The Nudist Racket (1938) on Vimeo
8. Expose of The Nudist Racket. – YouTube