
Selfies? What are selfies? Selfies are pictures you take of yourself, usually with a small camera like the one in a smartphone. Many people engage in that “sport”, so you can find examples of them everywhere. Try Google-ing selfies.
There is nothing wrong with taking a picture of yourself. Since everyone does it, nudists/naturists do it too. There is a trick to doing it right though, especially if you do it more often.
Many people forget to make the picture slightly interesting. They just stand there, at best try a smile, and that’s it. Later they might find that there is a reflection in a mirror they entirely overlooked, or something else that destroys the image:
It pays off to make sure, and it costs nothing.
Don’t just stand there.
Another thing that’s worth considering is “don’t just stand there”. Try to get the environment in the picture if that’s what you’re there for. If you want to have a shot of you because it’s you, it might benefit the picture to do something, hold something in your hand, or look at something (which preferably is also in the picture).

Now I don’t claim to be an expert, but I like to look at nice pictures. Maybe this little post on DIY pictures encourages you to look at the pictures you take a little differently.
A webpage with some good tips is here. It might be a strange place to go to (it’s one for dating tips) but the tips on taking selfies there are really good.