Naked Crow – great reviews


Naked Crow CoverI’m going to toot my own horn here for a bit, just because I’m so proud. I just found a number of reviews on my first naturist book “Naked Crow”.

On someone called it an “unusual nudist story” and ends the review with the words:

If you do not normally read stories dealing with nudity as a theme, I strongly encourage you to read this one book. I believe you will be surprised what you think about nudity and nudism after you finish reading this book!

You might find that deep inside you are a nudist and don’t realize it until now. Enjoy this fun read anyway. I think you will enjoy the story! Invest three dollars to see if what I have told you in my review is true!!

I also found 2 reviews on, both of them stating nice words about my book. I’m very proud now, and happy that I sat down to write this book. I had never thought that people would take an interest in it, but this encourages me even more to write a second book about Sheila and her friends at the Mighty Oaks resort.

Yet another single male nudist. Best to avoid him.

Post found on NakedHistorian:

There are a lot more single men than single women naturists.  This is a major issue that has been much debated for decades and yet nothing seems to be changing.  If anything the situation is getting worse.

I think a major concern for single female naturists is feelings of vulnerability. In a clothed social environment women are far more likely to have unwanted attention from men than the other way around. To be honest, men seem far more likely to get unwanted attention from other men than from women. This is why women usually go clubbing in groups. For security, as much as for company.
In a naturist context the single man, not anticipating unwanted attention, has far fewer qualms about going to nude social events than a single woman.

Whilst the gender balance is intended to prevent women from feeling overwhelmed by too many men and getting lots of unwanted attention it fails to do so.
The insistence on a ‘gender balance’ further exacerbates the issue, as it gives any single male nudist a further reason to try to get close to any single female nudist. The desire to get friendly with women, who have an interest in nudism, in order to have someone with which to go to nudist events etc, is likely to be seen by the lone female as having a sexual motive. (It may, but it may not. It is impossible to tell at first) Hence even more unwanted attention for any single females and more reason for women to avoid naturism.
I’m yet another single male naturist who has been denied membership of my local naturist group on the grounds of gender and I know a few others in the same circumstances.

Read more at the source: Yet another single male nudist. Best to avoid him. | Naked Historia.

Nudists and tan lines

You probably heard about this: True nudists have no tan lines.

I’m sorry, I think that’s bollocks. I think most naturists and nudists will agree with that to a certain extent.

We don’t live in a world where everyone can go naked all the time wherever they live. Imagine going naked in this busy street. You’d be picked up and sent off to a “safe place”. So you wear clothes, a t-shirt. That gets you tan lines. And so you can’t be a true nudist.

But not to worry! I think I have found the solution for that! Look here!

Wear a burqa or a niqab! It will protect you from tan lines, and it will allow you to go naked underneath! Problem solved!

Selfies. Don’t just stand there.


Selfies? What are selfies? Selfies are pictures you take of yourself, usually with a small camera like the one in a smartphone. Many people engage in that “sport”, so you can find examples of them everywhere. Try Google-ing selfies.



There is nothing wrong with taking a picture of yourself. Since everyone does it, nudists/naturists do it too. There is a trick to doing it right though, especially if you do it more often.


Many people forget to make the picture slightly interesting. They just stand there, at best try a smile, and that’s it. Later they might find that there is a reflection in a mirror they entirely overlooked, or something else that destroys the image:

It pays off to make sure, and it costs nothing.

Don’t just stand there.

Another thing that’s worth considering is “don’t just stand there”. Try to get the environment in the picture if that’s what you’re there for. If you want to have a shot of you because it’s you, it might benefit the picture to do something, hold something in your hand, or look at something (which preferably is also in the picture).

Now I don’t claim to be an expert, but I like to look at nice pictures. Maybe this little post on DIY pictures encourages you to look at the pictures you take a little differently.

A webpage with some good tips is here. It might be a strange place to go to (it’s one for dating tips) but the tips on taking selfies there are really good.

Bowling in België

Grooootse Nudistenbowling met broodjes 3de editie te AALST
Zondag 18 mei 2014

2,5 uur bowlen + Belegde broodjes : €15,- per persoon (drank niet inbegrepen).


De deuren gaan open op 10u00. We bowlen van 10u30-13u00.
Aansluitend is er voor iedereen belegde broodjes. (Drank is niet inbegrepen, de rest wel.)
Speciale broodjeswensen?

Inschrijven kan vanaf nu door €15,- over te maken op rekeningnr : iban : BE84 0016 3676 4559 & BIC : GEBA BE BB met vermelding van naam en email-adres van de personen die je inschrijft ! Zo krijg je vlot een mail met de praktische informatie. Schrijf je voor meerderen in en heb je geen plaats genoeg? Vul dan één naam en email in en stuur een mailtje naar: met alle namen en emails.

Schrijf gerust ook vrienden en vriendinnen in van buiten de groep, zolang het concept ze aanspreekt is dat geen probleem. We moeten zorgen dat we voldoende inschrijvingen hebben. minimum om het te laten doorgaan is 28 !!!

Er is zoals op vorige editie van de Bowling één fotograaf (de organisator) die lage resolutiefoto’s zal doorsturen naar alle deelnemers. Hogere resolutiebeelden van jezelf kan je dan ook krijgen, niet van andere personen!!

We maken een groepsfoto. Iedereen zal de keuze hebben om op de groepsfoto te staan of er niet op te staan! Vergeet je handdoek en je goed humeur niet !

Andere activiteiten zijn te vinden op :

Religious politicians vs. the sauna

Yes, we’re at it again. Time for politics in the Netherlands (city council elections). And the SGP party (heavily reformed Christian) in the city of Apeldoorn wants a ban on all public saunas and nude beaches.


These people don’t want to be confronted with nude people. The fact that nude beaches are well indicated doesn’t matter, the fact that saunas are controlled and you have to pay to go in there doesn’t matter. God doesn’t allow nude buttocks, it seems. (Why don’t they have a problem with Eva’s breasts being shown everywhere, I wonder?)

They don’t want to be confronted with nude people (how often do you run into those in the street during the week?). Well, I don’t want to be confronted with sermons and other religious outbursts during the week. (Thanks for that, Rob Meerwijk.)

God, so they say, gave us clothes to put on. (Uhm, it’s bad weather that made that happen, Google “Climate change”, guys.) Kind of hypocrite to blame their god as he first ‘created man after his own image’, and that man was… naked!

Dutch links to the matter: one here, another one here.

News about the naturist’s trial

Delftse Hout. Sign states “Nude recreation”

The Dutch NFN (organisation for Dutch naturists) has taken the step to demand that all charges for all the naturists are dropped that received a ticket for being naked on the former nude beach in Delft. (Original article in Dutch here.)

Despite the many acquittals the NFN is not pleased with the verdict of the judge. The criteria of 150 (other/dressed) beach visitors is completely arbitrary and practically unmaintainable and for that reason it should be withdrawn. The adequacy of the beach can’t have changed all of a sudden because of a number. All the fined people as well as the NFN state that the beach was perfectly suited for nude recreation at the moment of the fines and they wish to see this affirmed in an appeal.

Naked Yoga School (over 200 episodes)

Did you ever try naked yoga? Did you every try yoga at all? It’s not about being flexible enough to put your leg in your neck while standing on the finger tips of your left hand. It’s about becoming and being healthy. Have a look at Naked Yoga School, with over 200 episodes of exercises. There has to be something in it for you!

Note: be careful, try the exercises at your own risk. They are labelled in difficulty; don’t start with anything advanced when you’re not advanced!