Yes. I long for fairy land. Especially the area where a specific emperor lives.
Did you think of that one too?
I’d visit that emperor and convince him that this was the way to go. That everyone in his country should dress like this when it’s possible, weather-wise.
It’s a dream, I know, but I cherish it. Freedom for all, not having to cover up when you don’t want to. To be accepted the way you are, with the emperor in the lead. Literally, like in the above image.
Last evening I assembled a new desk. It’s a big, heavy thing from Ikea. Guess what I wore, doing that. Indeed. I wore the emperor’s clothes. If it’s fit for royalty, it’s fine for me as well.
Time and again I am so aware of how much easier it is to move around naked, to squat down and tighten a screw, to bend down and pick something up. No fabric that gets in the way, squeezes or is just plain old uncomfortable. Nothing like that. And nothing that held back the heat from my body – because putting together an Ikea desk is a warm job. The box said to do it with 2 people. This was where my split personality came in handy, by the way.
This, by the way, is the new desk.
Truly, that emperor should have stuck to his naked guns and he should have made going nude an official thing.
Yes. That sounds weird. Still, we do it. Maybe not all of us, but many. I’m convinced of that.
When we’re inside, out of our clothes, we’re still practising naturism. In the wintertime that’s usually the way I manifest the lifestyle, anyway. I know there are people who are braver than I am, and they go out into the cold no matter what.
My idea for that is: “Go ahead, have your fun while I have mine.”
If nature chases us inside, there’s no harm in saying you’re in your naturist attire when you’re naked. Being inside where it’s warm is in our ‘nature’, right?
I find it interesting to see how flexible ‘naturism’ is as a term and way of life. It can mean you want/need to be outside, in nature, but it can also be you’re in a natural (naked) state.
Of course, there are those who claim that, once you’re naked inside, you’re a nudist, not a naturist, but that’s a word-feud that will rage on as long as there are naked people, I’m sure, so I’m not going there.
I, for one, am happy with this arrangement. Especially since there is no one around that could give me any cr@p about being naked. My neighbours can’t see me so that’s fine. I’m on the 4th floor (5th for Americans 😀 ) , so people in the street aren’t bothered either.
With the pandemic not giving up so easily, I wonder: do you do more stuff online than you did before?
If you’re like me, the answer’s yes. Work mostly takes place online in my profession anyway, so I can do that anywhere with a decent internet connection.
Is she dressed of nude? No one can tell without a camera.
A huge benefit of that is that, unlike most offices, I don’t need to wear the amount of clothes that ‘society’ requires. That’s a good thing.
Video conferencing? A shirt will do – but take care when walking away with the camera on. LOL!
But entertainment also moved online a lot. For me, the fact that it’s “winter” also helps with that. I love morning walks, but not when it’s cold. Wind and rain comes down by the buckets very often, so walks are off for me. Call me a wimp. I don’t care.
Naked online yoga or Pilates are great things too. Moving around to places is a no-no, so sites like NakedInMotion provide a good alternative. Also DoriaYoga from London might be interesting for the folks in Europe, to avoid time zone issues.
With the lockdown continuing, I hope everyone is doing their best to stay fit in a way that works for you. I’m constantly looking for new ways, fun ways, and good ways to exercise, while I do try to stick with my usual set of exercises that – I think – work for me.
Maybe there’s a specific kind of workout you like and you can’t find a nude version online. I bet that happens a lot. My tip for that would be: follow the clothed version and do it nude when you’re not required to use a webcam. It’s as simple as that. People who complain that the instructor should be nude as well have the wrong mindset, in my eyes. It’s about the exercise, not the fact that you can look at nude people. There are other websites for that.
Keep yourself going, nude friends. Move as much as you can. Find exercises you can do anywhere. Simple tools like milk jugs filled with some water as weights or dumbbells can make it a cheap experience as well. Just know what you’re doing; don’t get hurt trying to stay in shape!
Last week I ran into a wonderful quote from Seneca:
Let us get used to dining out without the crowds, to being a slave to fewer slaves, to getting clothes only for their real purpose, and to living in more modest quarters. – Seneca
I got you at the ‘clothes only for their real purpose’, didn’t I?
If not, let me tell you that this was the part that stood out to me.
Many people have either not heard of stoics or they have the wrong idea about them. Stoics were not people who never had any fun. Those are doomsday-thinkers who only stare into some dark abyss.
Stoics understood (and still understand) that everything ends, and that you should enjoy and accept what you can while it happens. It will end. If you frantically hunt down all the fun you can, as if your life depends on it, and suddenly there is no fun, then your life will come crashing down. That’s not good.
That’s what modern society seems to be all about, for decades. We want and need more and more. Two cars, three fridges, another house, a fifth mortgage. Okay, that last part isn’t so much fun, but you get the picture.
I think that goes with nudism, naturism, clothes-freeism, whateverism in that respect as well.
Be nude if you can. Wear clothes if you need them. Summer will end, so clothes come into view. Winter will end, so nudity comes back. There’s no use in crying over a lost summer or the coming of the cold: that won’t change things. It happens.
The more you have, the more you can lose. Don’t lose the freedom to choose wisely. Take what you can, without being unjust or greedy. Be happy with what you can have.
Who doesn’t know this kind of image? A young child, having fun at the beach. And, indeed, not wearing a swimsuit.
I’m sure we’ve all seen this once or twice in our lives.
And why is there this switch in many people’s mind that tells them to put something on the body of their child at an uncertain age? Uncertain because this age seems to differ from parent to parent.
We all know that nudity is normal. At least, we should know that. It is how we and all other living creatures come into this world. No clothes, no nothing.
Mother and child
As I was thinking about this, I went out onto the world wide web to find out what that thought of this. The results weren’t surprising…
“Your Kids Table“: When kids have sensory issues with clothing it can be overwhelming, confusing, and exhausting.
Hmm. That says something, doesn’t it? Hardly surprising, because clothing isn’t natural. It can be necessary, but that’s something else.
“Today’s Parent“: “Children ages three to five are learning to dress and undress themselves, and often enjoy this independence and the feeling of being naked. Taking off their clothes may also be a way to protest, or to seek attention.”
The feeling of being naked. Well, if that doesn’t ring some bells…
And then there’s this question on Is it normal for my child to hate wearing clothes?
The top answer here is seriously sensible:
It’s perfectly normal and natural for children to prefer being naked. Any clothing is less comfortable than not wearing clothing, and other than to stay warm when it’s cold out, they don’t understand why they should have to wear it.
Most kids gradually give into their parents demands that they get and stay covered up, but sometimes takes years before they’re fully conditioned to be ashamed and embarrassed of themselves when they’re not wearing clothes. Not that it’s a good thing that they should ever think of themselves that way, but that’s the result.
Each child is different. Most kids will happily stay naked when you let them be naked, and personally, I believe there’s a lot more to be gained down the road by letting them be naked as often as possible unless there’s a reason they have to be clothed (out of the house or when guests come to visit).
It’s nice in our case to have happy naked grand-kids to remind us of how our kids and how we felt about wearing clothes at their age.
Clothes protect us from the cold, from getting hurt and even from sunburns if there are no other options, but seriously… stubbing the full human sensory experience for the ‘sake’ of this clothing fetish that goes around… isn’t that taking things a lot too far?
With Covid still keeping many of us in the house and therefore away from proper fitness facilities, that seemed a worthwhile subject to dive into.
(Image from
The blogpost I read first talks about 3 kinds of reasons for fitness.
At home workouts
Self Growth workouts
Stress Relief workouts.
As we all known, keeping our bodies in some shape is important. Of course, round is a shape too, but perhaps that isn’t the healthiest form. This said, your mileage as well as your body may vary, so I’m not posing absolutes here.
I’ve always been a proponent of nude fitness and activities like hiking.
With hiking out of the realm of options at the moment (definitely with the cold coming in), nude fitness is the way to go.
Adultfitness seems to be an interesting place to check out (I haven’t done that yet). After all, not everyone is an expert on figuring out the right kind of exercises that are good for you. Pulling a muscle is easy, and damaging your body in the long run is something we all should avoid (unless you’re into that kind of thing).
Adultfitness offers a free and a premium option, so that is nice. First give them a free spin and upgrade if you feel like it. (No, I’m not affiliated with them, I don’t get a free premium plan or anything. I’m just pointing out the options, okay? Wait, a free premium plan? 😀 )
The idea of stress releasing exercises sounds good to me. This isn’t an easy time for most of us. Stress builds up as the Covid pandemic creeps along and refuses to go away.
I hope this helps a few people to get their fitness mood on. Stay healthy, everyone.
It was a great day out. They had their COVID-19 measures in place, and no one there seemed to feel in any way unsafe regarding the virus. Kudos to the people who work at Thermen de Berendonk (note: Dutch website).
The weather was perfect for the visit too. It rained almost all day.
The fact that the temperature wasn’t bad and the wind kept itself to the speed limits as well made this a perfect way to cool down after a sauna stay.
In case you don know: cooling down after a stay inside a sauna is a must. Otherwise your body will overheat, and you’ll feel very bad for a while.
Most entertaining outside were the people who had wrapped themselves in towels and bathrobes, trying to protect themselves from the bit of falling rain beneath the spa-supplied umbrellas. Well, entertaining… it was also pathetic to witness. These same people walk around naked inside, but for some reason fear they get cold / seen / wet outside. I just stuffed my towel in a bag and went into the rain. When else do you get a choice opportunity for that, I ask you?
I had a great day and I hope I can repeat that in the near future. As long as the regulations for COVID-19 allow the place to be open, I’m ready for it.
The temperature drops. For most naturists the clothes-free arena is gone, which is so for me as well.
I’ve stated before that I will not crank up the heating in order to be nude. I’m trying to be an ecology- and environmentally friendly nude person. Using resources just to stay out of clothes is not that for me.
Next Thursday (tomorrow) I plan on going to a sauna. I won’t go on Wednesdays, because that is one of those weird ‘bathing suit days’ they have set up in order to get more customers. Not for me. So Thursday.
It’s going to be nice and warm and nude and relaxing.
Actually it’s a spa complex, with several saunas, pools, massage options (yes, COVID-19-approved and safe) and a very good restaurant too.
This is where I’ll go.
It’s called Thermen Berendonk and it’s located in Wijchen (link in new tab, to Google Maps), which isn’t far from where I live. I’ve been there many times before and it’s a great place to be.
What is your favourite nude place for autumn or fall, or however you want to call it?
I keep being shocked by the ‘dedication’ that people have in pursuing the fake perfect body.
Yes, I’ve posted a gazillion times about that, so if you’re tired of that, stop reading now.
Still reading? Great.
We naturists/nudists know that there is no such thing as the ‘perfect’ body. We see bodies everywhere, without the ‘safety net’ of clothing, as often as we can / want. And what do we see? People. Nice people. Big, thin, black, coloured (see left), white, skinny, you name it and it’s in the mix.
The clothes-free community doesn’t care how you look, as long as you’re kind and not making a nuisance of yourself.
That doesn’t sound very complicated, does it? And most people I know are just like that. Ordinary people who just want to live a nice life. Nothing posh, nothing fancy (okay, occasionally a splurge is nice, I know that too), and having a good time. Fun.
The very things that naturists also like, most of the time, as far as I know.
It’s the body that keeps many people from enjoying our freedom. It is so sad to hear that, even from people who are somehow quite close to the resident evil – I mean the reigning beauty ideal. What is it that makes people so uncertain about themselves?
I think it is as much a small as a big thing. The switch in your head that has to flip. I think many of us have felt when that flip happened. Many of us don’t even know about the switch but for many people it’s there.
I wonder if there is a way to access more switches in this world. To help people get over a lot of insecurities.
Life is too beautiful to be hidden inside a few layers of fabric.
Well, maybe you have never heard of a sun allergy but it exists. In several forms even. Some people call it sun poisoning, which is pretty to the point.
One form of sun allergy – Polymorphic light eruption.
Note: this is not me. 😉
As I wrote a while ago, I have a condition known as Lupus. In the linked post I wonder if that disease numbers my days as a naturist. After this summer, with plenty of sunny days, I can say yes and no.
Yes, because going out into the sun wouldn’t be smart. My affliction shows itself as a rash on my arms and legs, and it itches like you wouldn’t believe. But there’s more (just as with any month in this year). I’m not going to bore you with all that, but it’s no fun. I really have to watch myself when the sun is out. So yes, being an outside, in the sunshine naturist isn’t happening for me until there is a cure for lupus. (This link takes you to info on the Mayo Clinic website. TLDR: Lupus is an auto-immune disease.) I’m not holding my breath on that one.
But the good news is that not everything happens outside. There is also inside, and the apartment was pretty hot during our heatwave. Guess what I wore.
What, an anorak? Are you out of your bloody mind?
NOTHING! If this shocks you, then what are you doing here? LOL!
So that is the good news. As long as the sun shines outside, I can be naked. Inside.
And at night I can go out in the nude. Well, as long as the temperature isn’t trying to kill me, right?