Nudity and children

Ohhhh, yes. Touchy topic. I know.

That’s why I pick it.

Children on the beach, by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida

To kick in an open door: children are the future. I am quite certain that most people will agree with that.

Children, then, are also the future of naturism, nudism, the clothes-free lifestyle, or whatever label you care to slap on it.


We all (almost all?) know that kids prefer to run around naked when they’re young. Of course, there will always be exceptions, like Inuit children, but even on good days I can imagine they want to run around nude in the snow. When there’s no wind, and abundant sunshine, what’s not to like?

I think it’s strange that adults, who probably happily ran around naked when they were kids, are so persistent in trying to prevent children to ‘appear’ in a naturist environment. “Because it will mess them up,” is an expression that I once heard.

The crazy thing about this is, that it’s the adults who are already messed up (by society, norms, religion, culture etc). And it’s so bad with them that they have forgotten (repressed?) the fact that they were nude kids once themselves.

About a month ago, here in town, it was very warm. I had to go get something and crossed the central square, where since a few years a water display has been set up, with jets spouting up in unpredictable places. There was one mother who had stripped her very young daughter down to the skin, and the girl had all the fun in the world running after the jets, trying to guess where the next one came from.

I loved how lots of people laughed at her antics, and no one made any weird comments about decency and shameful behaviour. I also noticed that no one had a phone in hand to take pictures. (Had I seen that, I would have stopped that. It was not their child, after all.)

No, folks. The kids won’t be messed up being naked and among naturists. They’re being messed up by people who got messed up as adults.

The eighth week

At the moment of writing this, I’m in my eighth week of almost total nakedness.


The weather has been amazing here over the past couple of months. Hot even. Yes, also much too dry, which is an unfortunate bonus, but with respect to being clothes-free, it was fantastic.

I only wore the least bit of clothes to go to customers’ sites, to work on location. That wasn’t very often, and my drying laundry is proof of that. Loads of towels, a few pairs of socks and some shirts.

The weather is now turning, colder weather is coming towards us, but there will also be rain. Being naked just about all the time is great, but if the land is parched and nature goes belly-up through that, I’ll gladly put on clothes again if I need to if rain and colder weather comes along.

It’s interesting to see how this balance happens. Naturists like their sunshine and their nude-time. Nature, however, requires the other end of the spectrum as well, simply to properly function as our nude playground.

I’m not sad about the nude period coming to an end soon. That, I think, is a stoic attitude towards things, and a stoic I’ve been. All my life, as far as I can remember.

Morning walk in the nude, fog in background
Morning walk, with fog

I had this wonderful nude time for 2 months, maybe even more (I didn’t mark each day on the calendar) and I will remember it fondly. There will be another time for that, and I can be nude at home whenever I want – as long as the temperature’s right. Mourning the period ending is a waste of time and energy, as that won’t bring it back.

I’ll hang on to the memories and feelings during that time, do what I feel is needed, and look forward to what might / will come.

Have a great day everyone. Make it as clothes-free as you can!


All the same

It’s odd that textile people all want to look the same, and how nudists and naturists have mastered that.

What do I mean by that?

As I’ve often gone on about, it’s the fashion industry, which is doing its best to destroy our environment without telling anyone.

A new person has a new idea for a new line of clothing, and once that’s gotten

All the same?

enough attention, everyone runs to the store to get it. To look the same. For this, the garment(s) come in lots of sizes, to make sure that every different body can look the same. I guess the basic idea behind this is that a model shows the item, and once you wear it, you look like the model. Presto, no diet or gym required! It’s like magic!


Say this to the clothies and they will laugh at you, probably, because they are all their own person with their own clothes.


Now let’s look at the non-clothies. That’s us, the ones who like to run around in the nude. It is my conviction that we’ve achieved what the clothies want with all their attempts to look the same.

Naked people nude beach
They’re all the same…

If you look closely, you can see that all the people up there look the same. They’re all nude and happy, ready for a plunge into the water. And are they ‘the same’? No, they’re all different in their similarity. It’s the attitude that makes them (hence us) the same.

We all show the real ‘us’, instead of attempting to impersonate a model that’s being brushed up and photoshopped to be “perfect” (meaning “showing something that’s impossible to attain for anyone, even the model itself).

This was something I thought of suddenly, on the way home from an onsite visit to a customer. I’m glad I have a way to share this with the world. So, world, what are your thoughts about this?

Bathing suit days

No, that’s not here and now. Please, stop that thought 5 seconds ago!

Last week, my girlfriend and I went to a wellness resort. The day we picked had a problem, though. That day, at the resort we frequent, was a bathing suit day.

Shock, terror, horror, fear

We are not bathing suit kind of people, so I looked around a bit further and found a ‘sister branch’ of the resort. 100 km away. I’d rather drive 100km (and 100 back) than do something bathing suit related.

In a weird manner I can ‘accept’ that many people mentally tend to jump to ‘bathing suit’ when they see ‘swimming pool’. From day 1, this has been ingrained in most people’s minds – and hooray for those who escaped that lunacy – but why do people insist on bathing suits in a sauna? Most people (at least from my generation, which is probably semi-stone age) remember that saunas originated in Finland, and people were naked in there from the start of the tradition.

Covered people in a sauna
Who would cover up like this in a sauna??

Perhaps it has to do with this faux interpretation of sauna visits, that being covered is normal. Which, as we all know, has to do with the ‘prudish’ attitude of our society that seeing skin is lethal for people’s mental health, unless it’s used for sex.

The drive was worth it. A great place, surprisingly busy for a Wednesday, but due to the size of the resort it wasn’t crowded anywhere. And many people who didn’t feel the need to wear bathrobes or go wrapped in towels most of the time. Normal people with normal bodies. It was good to see there were many younger people too. (Note, for someone of the semi-Stone age, 30 and up is ‘younger’.)

I will always avoid bathing suit days in a spa or wellness resort or sauna.

Nude rules.

Nude is addictive

I hate to break this news to you, but it is. At least for me.

nude, having coffee

Over the last few weeks we had a lot of warm and hot days. 25C to 28C, add about 55 for Fahrenheit, and you’ll be close enough.

That kind of weather warms up my apartment rapidly, and it makes me lose my clothes at the same rate. Working from home, only meeting people via video-conferencing, makes that easy. Just have a shirt handy for those video-calls.

Until there is the need to go on-site to a customer. Then the big world insists on clothes again. And then I find how addictive being nude is. Clothes feel like an insult after a few days of none of them. That only gets worse when that number of days goes up.

After such an on-site visit, I don’t know how fast I should get out of that cloth prison again. It’s amazing how extra hot my body feels when the heat from the outside world comes in and has no way to escape.

Nude in Space

Why can’t we all be ‘au naturel’ when the weather’s right for it? When I see how climate is changing (climate change deniers, please stop reading here), the world that I’ve depicted in “Nude in Space” seems to get ever closer. The idea of villages where everyone lives nude is great, but the other side of the medal (and you know that if you read the book) is that life is being made impossible on Earth. And the tragedy is that ‘life’ is doing that to itself.

Let’s hope things don’t get that far (the impossible part). Just the naturist / nude people villages. I can’t wait for those to pop up. The more the better!

Meanwhile I’ll avoid clothes as much as I did over the last weeks, as long as the weather is beneficial to that!

Look how naked I am!

A clothie never said. Until now.

I kid you not. Watch and shudder over what I found.

Our enemy called Fashion has a new ‘moment’. The naked look.

What you see here is clothing with life-like nipples on it. Because printed nipples are fine, where real nipples are EEUW NO GO AWAY DIRTY PORN!

How much more crazy do we go?

Is this bad enough? Oh, look how naked I am… I found this on the Guardian.

“It’s a statement – I guess it’s that punk attitude of like, ‘We don’t give a fuck.’ If I want to wear something that looks like my naked body, I can.”

London designer Sinead Gorey

I am not sorry. This is not a punk attitude of ‘we don’t give a fuck’. If you don’t give a fuck, you go naked like real people. The no-clothes version.

The article says there has been a t-shirt like this before (although I don’t agree that this is in the same category as the idiocy up here).

Created by Vivienne Westwood, late 1970s

I couldn’t be more flabbergasted than when I saw all this ridiculous stuff.

Don’t these people have any shame??

Clothes are putting the squeeze on you.

But you already knew that, didn’t you?

I am sure I wrote about that before. It’s never enough, though.

Clothes are body-prisons, they are often too tight. And why? Because ‘we’ have to look slim and fit and tight. If a body isn’t tight, then cloth prisons to the ‘rescue’. How many people do you see in a week whose clothing is too tight? Far more often than you like probably.

Girl in tight pants

This can’t be healthy. The skin shows when you wore something that’s too tight – with lines that shouldn’t be there. No one worries about that, because those lines will go away by themselves (the skin is awesome like that), and also, you don’t see those lines and marks when they’re hidden beneath the fabric. And also, the body gets used to the squeeze. “It’s natural.” No. It’s normal but not natural.

Which is more comfortable, you think?

This isn’t comfortable!

Being a naturist myself, I find myself disliking clothes more and more because of that. Sometimes we all are required to wear those things, but why is it such a problem to wear something comfortable then?

Loose clothing for men

This isn’t accepted in the ‘business sphere’, I know that. The norm dictates the tight pants, the neckties (urgh) and the ‘fitting shirts’. Those don’t ‘fit’ me, though, and I do my best to stay away from them.

Working from home as a default is a good thing that way. I can be naked as much as I want, apart for online meetings too. Wish everyone could be that lucky!

Pajamas. Why?


I ve been trying to find out why people wear night-clothes. Pajamas. Nightgowns. Nightshirts.

Seriously. Why?

I did some research and found that the “pajama” was copied from the clothing of Indian Maharajas and Rajas. They didn’t wear them to bed. Instead their pajamas were “recorded as the “uniform” of both the Indian gentry and peasants, also transcended sex, being worn by both men and women.” (According to an article on Dolce & Gabana.)

Pajamas were brought over to Europe by the English, who seemed to think it looked neat. The word pajama comes from the Hindi “pae jama” or “pai jama,” meaning leg clothing, and its usage dates back to the Ottoman Empire. (Source.)

Before the pajama, there were ‘nightshirts’ or nightgowns. According to Wikipedia, these were in fashion since around 1530. Before that time, it was apparently commonplace to sleep naked.

Now, with the lack of heating and a handful of cold winters I can imagine that people do their best to stay warm, but then fashion hits (even back then) and these things get turned into wannahaves and even fashion statements.

In our time, with most people not suffering from cold in winter (unless they want to), there is no reason for those floppy bits of fabric around your body. As we all know, sleeping in the nude is much healthier.

Woman sleeping naked
Sleeping naked

Whoever started using pajamas (which were day clothes!) in bed is still a puzzle to me, and I think to anyone who’s investigating that. It probably had its use back then, but today… it’s so unnecessary.

Stay naked, everyone. Also in bed.

What if nudity was a religion?

Many people frown on nudity. I still don’t understand (and you probably don’t either). We’re all born naked, and we can’t take any clothes with us (even if we wanted to) when we move away from this realm.


To start with, even the Christian bible starts off with nudity.

Eve and Adam, drawing.
Eve and Adam

Would the power of religion really be strong enough to convince / convert people to be nude more often? It’s something I suddenly wondered about. Of course, this is mostly a thought experiment, because the big religions with their shame attitude towards the nude body (a very good way to keep people under their thumb) cover most of the world and its population.


Still, there are areas in the world where things are different. For example there is a World Naked Religion in India – Digambara, the Jainist sect.

Digambara, (Sanskrit: “Sky-clad,” i.e., naked) one of the two principal sects of the Indian religion Jainism, whose male ascetics shun all property and wear no clothes.

It’s a bit weird that this is only done by men, but it’s something, at least.

Note: low quality video.


Long ago there were Adamites, who practiced holy nudism during worship. Followers of ancient Adamism were centered in North Africa and Spain. The strength of the ideas, and its subversive nature to some, can be seen in authorities’ reactions, for example how they charged the ascetic Priscillian with praying naked, which was one reason for his execution as a heretic in circa 385 CE. (Via HistoryOfYesterday.)

Mid 18th century Adamists being arrested in Amsterdam

Adamists were not only men. Men and women would gather naked for everything about their religion.

Our now

nude, having coffee

Would there be room for a nude religion? Would it be viable? Accepted?

Would many people join? Perhaps at first, to peek and laugh, I’m convinced of that. But what would they do after the peeking and the laughing? Would they notice how much more pleasant life and body are without those coverings?

I wonder…

Be nude. It’s better.

Disclaimer: which follows is my opinion, as this is my blog. Feel free to disagree.

Paul in the woods
Note: older picture, same me.

When the winter is upon us, and also autumn and spring, I tend to put some clothes on. Yes, I’m not a hardcore naturist who’s nude as much as possible, no matter what. As I’ve stated more often, I never graduated the Polar Bear training, and that’s okay with me.

clothes too tight

When I wear stuff, I wear things that is as loose and light as possible, because garments that squeeze, press, constrict and are unpleasant in other ways, should be abolished all over. Those things are, in my opinion, bad for a body in more than one way.

Despite the ‘lightness’ of the clothes I mentioned, I keep coming back to the feeling that nude is better. This tell me, for one, that I live in the wrong place. I should be in a place where it’s warm enough, year round, to be naked. It also tells me that clothes design is wrong. No matter how loose clothes are (as far as I have experienced, at least), nothing comes even close to the “freedom to move” as the naked body. Now, I can imagine something of fabric around me that is as free as being naked, but that gives me scary flashes of carrying a tent around me.

Something like this on the left, perhaps. In case this gives you nightmares: you’re welcome. Always ready to help improve your life’s experiences! LOL! (And if this is not bad enough, imagine the whole thing going down to your ankles!


And now I ponder this contraption, I think this might actually work for going nude outside. Wear that thing, with a kind of gauze or other fuzzy fabric/curtain around it, with ample space to look around, and you can be all the naked you want, while wearing it outside. I mean, if burka’s and hajibs are acceptable, this should be fine too, right? And these things can come in a multitude of hip colours and prints too!

I probably digress into all directions at the same time. That’s how my brain works.

Point is, that naked will always be better. It’s how we’re born, and the best reason to put on clothes are environmental influences. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

(Yes, this is country&western. Don’t click if you’re allergic to it.)