Tips for nudists in cold places

Yes, that’s one big problem if you want to go outside.

Something like this looks pretty and feels amazing – but not for too long. A wool hat and mittens aren’t the thing to keep you going outside for a while either when there’s a lot of snow around and the temperatures are far below your physical comfort zone for months on end.

Cold rains in autumn can also ruin your nude fun outside.


The solution for nudist in these areas (where I live too) lies in several options.

Home nudism. Stay home, crank up the temperature and drop your clothes. Make the best of it. When you know people who are nudists too, invite them over and hang out nude together for a while. Of course, having the sun and some warm wind on your skin is better, but lacking sun and wind you make do with what’s available.



Sauna. Many saunas are bathing-suit free, they are good places to live the nude life, if only for a while. And they are very relaxing too!



Take a vacation to warmer areas. Of course this is a more expensive option, but it is one and it gets the nudism job done.



Some swimming pools, hotels and recreational parks offer indoor nudism options, it’s always worth to check those out.


As a last option I’d know of you can wait for a nice winter’s day and find a secluded spot outside, in the sun, and get a bit of nude time that way. It’s up to you if you want to take the risk (and the possible chill) though, it’s not legal in most places.

“The Naturist’s Lens” has written about this too, check out his post on it.

3 kilometres is not the world

I just returned from my first naked bike ride.

A proper naked bike ride.

As the title says it was not the world – unfortunately I could not make it to the official World Naked Bike Ride event in Amsterdam today. However, with the weather a bit cool, a chance of rain and the urge to really ride a bike naked I went out, loosely dressed, to a spot where I suspected no people. (I don’t need trouble, I don’t want to upset folks.) At the spot I took off my stuff and got on the bike. Well, lucky me met a runner who was coming my way. Before I could decide if I should put my stuff on again he was next to me and past me so that solved itself. After less than a kilometre it started to rain lightly. It felt wonderful. Not cold at all, contrary to how it would feel in textile. I rode along, turned left and right a few times and then retraced my route to where I had started. At that point I had to put my clothes on again, and what horror that was. It felt far too warm, the rain suddenly became annoying (even when it did not rain any harder), and it also felt as if the wind pushed harder against me than when I was naked.

First thing upon coming home was getting rid of the clothes, which made me feel a lot better. However the feeling of them, I’m glad I went out and did these 3km on the bike. It wasn’t far, it wasn’t dashing, but – they’re done.

Naturist beach visit

Today it’s very warm. It’s still warm as I write this, 31c / 88F. This afternoon I took some time to go to our local nude beach to relax, get some sunshine and try to finish the book I am reading, So far I have tried that 6 times, but there are always kind and friendly people at the beach and it’s really pleasant to talk with them.

Some nude beach
Note that this is not our nude beach. I wish!

It’s impressive to find out what people visit our little beach. Last time I met someone who makes his own exclusive wine. This time I talked to a lady who has travelled all over the world and spends the winter in South Africa.

As it was so very warm and muggy, a small group decided to go for a swim. I was with them – for the first time as I’m not much of a swimmer. The water was still quite cold, several people were a bit hesitant to go in, but it was by far not as cold as the sea in which I went skinnydipping for the world record. It was great to swim naked (I know, but it’s a nice surprise every time I do it), and I think we scared a few people who were rowing a boat along when they discovered they had reached the nude beach.

As we were back on the grass to dry up, one of my fellow swimmers looked at me and said he’d seen me on TV, in a short report on the news about the skinnydip attempt. Apparently it was only a fraction of a second but I have a few unique tattoos which was how he recognised me. I should try to locate that footage, would be fun!

No new world record skinny dipping

Yesterday I participated in an attempt for a new world record skinny dipping. Unfortunately we had far too few people at the beach: we needed at least 414 and there were only 153 people there. I think it was because a) the attempt was planned on a Friday afternoon (weekend days usually are much better for that), and b) because of the poor weather (water temperature was 10c/50F).

Still, those that had come went into the water (after waiting for a while, hoping for more participants) because that was what we had come for:

skinnydip zandvoort 2013
Skinnydip Zandvoort, June 2013

(Original image and more at Used with permission.)

Below a short clip (in Dutch) from the newspaper Haarlems Dagblad about the event:

Running up that hill

I was out for a walk on my vacation, had dropped the textile rather quickly already and then I came upon this large area with a beautiful hill sloping up. I had to…

Running up and down a hill like this is exhilarating and feels like the ultimate freedom. If you can, try it. Even if you can’t run fast or at all, walk up and down.

The 2013 London WNBR » Naked Online [is] OK

The 2013 London WNBR » Naked Online [is] OK.

The 2013 London WNBR was superb, well organised and very well attended, so many thanks to the organisers. Previous rides had about 1,200 riders, this year it looked like more. There were certainly more people in London looking on and as usual, their reaction was outstanding. No sign of people being upset, alarmed, distressed or even mildly put off by so many nude people. Rather I saw smiles and happy faces, children being ushered to get a better view and I heard plenty of cheers and shouts of encouragement. A good number stripped off and joined in including at least two tourist rickshaw riders and their passengers.

Read more at the site: The 2013 London WNBR.

History of nudism – Dutch – 1969

Reporters visit a naturist resort and interview the people present. Central question is: what is naturism and how is it experienced. About the ruling culture of being ashamed, and the relation between naturism and eroticism.

Verslaggevers gaan langs op een naturistenterrein en interviewen de recreanten. Centraal staat de vraag wat het naturisme is en dit beleefd kan worden. Over de heersende schaamtecultuur en de relatie tussen naturisme en erotiek.

Being naked outside. Isn’t that cold?

I’ve been thinking about the strange effect of being cold vs. not really cold with respect to the difference between being clothed and being naked.

A while ago I was sick and tired of the continuing cold spring over here (and that feeling comes fully dressed) so I went to the sauna.

Sauna interior

Being there was great, care- and clothes-free, and as I sat outside wearing nothing but a good mood and talking to nice people it didn’t feel cold at all. And that with the same temperature as before, around 14c/57F, which I found cold while wearing all that cumbersome stuff. I’m sure most of you have experienced something similar.

The same thing happened on my nude walk a few weeks ago; despite the 11c/51F, the wind and a little rain it felt just fine.


Now I’m not an expert on the subject, but suddenly I had this idea that the change in sensation might come because of the clothes. Clothes keep many parts of you very warm while other parts cool down. The difference between these two ‘sides’ of the body can give your brain entirely wrong information about the actual way you feel.

When you wear nothing, every part of your body senses the same temperature as it’s more evenly distributed over your entire skin. No big difference from head to toe, so no real sensation of naturally cold (cool) versus artificially warm.

Does that make sense?

Lots of hiking/walking today

Today was grand, great and impressive. And most of my out-time walking was textile-free too. I walked and hiked a little over 10km in 3 walks today, the last one a good 6km, and about 8 to 8.5 of them were clothes-free. 🙂

This would amount to 6.25miles in total, and 5 to 5.3 miles nude. The weather was gorgeous, people were scarce and a few I ‘suddenly’ met while nude were quite positive about it. (I try to cover up when I see people coming, but sometimes they are unfair and literally come around the corner and then I just keep going.)

today's nude walk

It was fabulous being out, had a great walk through a forest/heather area while going around a lake. I hope I can do something like that again in a few days. The weather also helped a lot, I hope we keep that for a while. Say until the week before Christmas? 🙂