Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

A post I located on Facebook. (Copied here in full as not everyone is on there, and it’s too good not to share.)

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

Friends, wish to share some insights about Naturism and the spiritual values associated with it…What is needed is a subtle shift in the way we perceive things.

Health benefits:
The sweat that we have over the body (as the body is covered with clothes all the time) is the cause of various ailments and when the fresh air & light touches the body, it revitalizes the entire body.

We need to cover the body with clothes during extreme weather conditions and when we do our activities in the world but, we cover the body fully even when clothes aren’t required…This is one of the major reason why we suffer from multiple diseases / ailments.
Nude Sun bathing is very good for health and (if we can sun bath during for 1-2 hours between 7-9 am / 4.30 – 6.30 pm) we need not visit hospitals forever!
Being nude is compassion towards ourselves; being compassionate to our body and mind by not harming them…Love / compassion towards the world in the first place, includes this aspect of loving our body as well…

Spiritual side of Nudism: All of us here are spiritual, I mean everyone of us!

Being naked implies that we are getting used to living naturally, the way we have come to this world and slowly, we will let go of the inhibitions that we initially have towards nudism.
The attraction & desire one gets while seeing someone dressed nicely / scantily, will not be there while looking at someone who is naked…That way, being nude, we get rid of the inhibitions and other undesirable qualities and instill a sense of peace in others mind as well…
contrary to the popular belief, Nudism is part of ancient spiritual traditions / practices, and its been practiced in various degrees, even to this day…Many of our saints / sages (including women) have remained nude because it helped them to keep good health and for their spiritual betterment.
To start with, we do away with liking / thinking about the kind of clothes we need to purchase and preferences for the same.Anything that helps one to reduce the flow of thoughts is immensely spiritual…
We can remain nude @home and at other places with like minded people; that would enable us to evolve and understand the spiritual benefits of being nude in a group; there might be some initial excitation getting to see people naked, that would go away in due course of time.
Being naked does not mean that we get involved in a sexual act. It might happen according to the situation (as otherwise! nothing to feel bad about it; only if one can remain without loosing the vital energy, that would make it a spiritual experience) but it need not translate into sex, and that will be wonderful as well.
Many of our deeper experiences take us closer to higher states of consciousness. Our true nature is happiness and that’s why every human being seek pleasure in the world.

Two (subtle) things we need to be conscious about:

Need to be watchful or alert about what is happening within us at sub conscious level; we have to just pay attention; this awareness/ witnessing has to be there all the time, whatever activities we may be performing in the world…
Secondly, need to train ourselves, not to look back (to the extent possible) at the acts that we have done / events that have happened earlier. That way, we avoid getting to past and we get stabilized in the present moment. And, if we can do that, then anything that we do in the present would make us intensely spiritual…

Nude 24/7

Question to you, fellow nudists and naturists: would you like to be nude 24/7? All the time? Everywhere? I assume the answer is yes. That didn’t surprise me.

I know there are people who can actually do that. Somewhere online I saw a video on where they talked to a man who works in a nudist resort in Florida. He hadn’t been in clothes for over 3 months. In such an environment that’s possible. But let’s face it, most people aren’t that lucky. We’re not all in California or Egypt or Mexico where it’s almost always warm and nice. Most people require a form of clothing just to keep warm because the environment is too unfriendly to nudists. Our spring weather in the first 2 weeks of May averaged 12c / 53F and we had a lot of rain. Not the weather to go around naked, even if you want to.



So grab your chance when it presents itself!


Naturisme in Nederland

naturismNaturisme is een levenswijze in harmonie met de natuur. Het wordt gekenmerkt door gemeenschappelijke naaktheid, die als doel heeft het bevorderen van zelfrespect, respect voor de medemens en eerbied voor natuur en milieu.

Dit is de moderne definitie van naturisme. Naturisme in Nederland; waneer begon het? Naturisme en nudisme is niet iets van de laatste tien jaar. Het begon al in de vroege dertiger jaren van de vorige eeuw. Het was een gevolg van de naturistische beweging in Duitsland wat naar het schijnt de grondlegger is van het moderne naturisme.

Continue reading “Naturisme in Nederland”

Naturism in the Netherlands


Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature. It’s characterised by common nudity, which has as goal the improvement of self-respect, respect for others and reverence for nature and the environment.

This is the modern Dutch definition of naturism. Naturism in the Netherlands; when did it start? Naturism and nudism is not something of the last decade. In fact, in the Netherlands it started around the 1930s. This followed the early naturist movement in Germany which apparently is the foundation of modern naturism and nudism to date. Continue reading “Naturism in the Netherlands”

Barechested life for everyone

Lately there’s been a lot of commotion about women’s breasts in the United States.

The New York Times published about orders to the police that they should not go after women who bare their breasts. After that, PolicyMic posted about this as well:

topless, women, in, public, not, breaking, the, law,, says, nypd,
Topless Women in Public Not Breaking the Law Says NYPD

Ladies of New York , you are free to walk bare-breasted through the city! New York City’s 34,000 police officers have been instructed that, should they encounter a woman in public who is shirtless but obeying the law, they should not arrest her. This is a good step towards gender parity in public spaces.

This decision means that breast exposure is not considered public lewdness, indecent exposure, or disorderly conduct. It also notes that, should a crowd form around a topless woman, the officer should instruct the crowd to disperse and then respond appropriately if it does not. Relative coverage is no longer a factor.

It keeps surprising me that any country that wants to be seen as liberal is still making such a fuss about public nudity. After all, it’s not just the US of A, but just about every country in the world that goes against such things. And why? Because there’s something visible on a woman that’s just not so pronounced on a man.




When seen on the inside, everyone looks about the same in the chest area. We have to, we’re all human!






It’s just the added value of the female breast that makes things bad?

(If you have to think about the added value then you have no idea how many babies are raised.)


I hope that soon the day will be there that everyone can walk around the way they like and that humanity as a whole, advanced and intelligent as it now is, has gained some proper insight on personal freedom, a value that seems in decline since quite a while.

Be happy, be nude when you like, be healthy.

Nude recreation in the Netherlands

Delft.Probably all naturists and nudists in the Netherlands know about it. A while ago the city council of Delft close the local nude beach because of ‘too much sexual harassment’ as reported by people. Since then persistent nudists are fined time and again because they don’t give up on ‘their’ beach. Yesterday in an article in a leading Dutch newpaper: Herman van der Helm, who frequents the (prior) nude beach and co-founder of the naturist swimming association: “This week I already was fined 5 times, 3 of which in one day”.

Nude beach closed

The article mentions that the police received many positive reactions of clothed people:

According to the city of Delft did the police receive many positive reactions. ‘Clothed people praise the way the police handles this,’ says a spokesperson of the city.

This can hardly be seen as proof. No one mentions any numbers. Say there are 25 nudists who complain about losing their beach and there are 3 ‘positive reactions’ then the balance is entirely off.

The Dutch Nudist Foundation NFN keeps a watchful eye on the happenings in Delft.

Naaktrecreatie in Nederland

Delft. Waarschijnlijk hebben alle naturisten en nudisten het gehoord. Het naaktstrand in de Delftse Hout is officieel gesloten en het regent bonnen voor de mensen die er alsnog naakt recreëeren. Gisteren verscheen er een artikel op Hierin zegt Herman van der Helm, die vaste klant van het (voormalige) naaktstrand en mede-oprichter van de Naturistische Zwemvereniging Delft is: ‘Ik heb binnen een week al vijf bekeuringen gehad, waarvan drie bonnen op dezelfde dag.’

In het artikel wordt geschreven dat de politie juist positieve reacties heeft ontvangen van geklede recreanten:

Volgens de gemeente Delft zijn er bij de politie juist positieve reacties binnengekomen. ‘Geklede recreanten prijzen de aanpak van de politie,’ zegt een woordvoerder van de gemeente.

Dit is amper als bewijs aan te dragen. Er worden geen aantallen genoemd. Stel dat er 25 nudisten klagen over het verlies van hun naaktstrand en er zijn helemaal 3 ‘positieve reacties’ binnengekomen, dan ligt de balans wel helemaal scheef.

De NFN blijft alert op wat er in Delft gebeurt.

Nude walk Germany Friday 12 July 2013

I went for a check-out of a spot in Germany I had discovered via some browsing. The place turned out easy to reach and most important: as good as deserted!

 photo IMG_20130712_191008_zps30e7bfcf.jpgThis is the main trail that I followed most of the time. The total walk I did was 9.75km or 6 miles and I didn’t see anyone during that time.
 photo IMG_20130712_192232_zps88217b02.jpgThis is a stretch along a wider path. I discovered that this trail almost runs parallel to the Dutch border, which made me grin!
 photo IMG_20130712_193610_zps70e4b680.jpgIn the distance is a lake and that is in the Netherlands!

My walking gear.

 photo IMG_20130712_193748_zps184e6cfc.jpgSee, there even was a little bit of sun!