On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

religion (3)

P.Z. Walker

Religion and the naked body

Note 1: I am not a religious person. Let that be clear. If anything, I'm a Pagan, a heathen. Note 2: I'm entirely fine with anyone following their religion of choice (or upbringing or whatever), as long as said religion doesn't go around inviting its…

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P.Z. Walker

Naturism, religion and kids.

Naturism, religion and children. Is this a strange combination? Yes, and no. The interesting fact is there that many people, doused in religion, are against naturism. For whatever reason. There are also non-religious people against it, and some religious people are in favour. It's a…

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P.Z. Walker

To convert or not to convert

I've been wondering about this for a while. When we, naturists and nudists alike, are trying to coax clothed people into trying the naked way of life, are we trying toΒ convert them? Are we trying to open their eyes to 'the light', so to speak?…

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