Religion and the naked body
Note 1: I am not a religious person. Let that be clear. If anything, I'm a Pagan, a heathen.
Note 2: I'm entirely fine with anyone following their religion of choice (or upbringing or whatever), as long as said religion doesn't go around inviting its followers to kill others.
With that out of the way...

Christian religion is quite on the fence about nudity. I had a look around and found this. A bit of insight on why Adam and Eve decided to put on their fig leaves.
It doesn't read like their god ordered them to dress up, but their own shame. And that very shame is the anvil most christian non-naturist priests will hammer on, preaching brimstone and hell and what not, instead of appreciating what their god has created: the human body without artificial additives.
Islamic religion is quite a lot more difficult on the subject. According to this site: "As far as Muslims are concerned it is forbidden because it is immodest and contrary to the principles of Islam, The Quran says:
Say to the believing men that they restrain their looks and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. And say to the believing women that they restrain their looks and guard their private parts. (24:31, 32)
Apparently nudity for the sake of not being dressed is a big no-no, but I admit, I didn't explore the whole internet for this, nor did I convert to Islam to have personal insights. Anyone who knows better or more, please let me (us) know in the comments.
In most things religion I looked at and read, it's mainly the people who place a NOPE-stamp on the nude body. The people who want to be in control of their "flock".
Paganism is a lot smarter. There are rituals done in the nude, and no one has an issue with them. (Book tip: check out Naked Crow 1. 😉 )

Be well.