On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.


On the joy of being naked.

P.Z. Walker

Sunday Christmas Nudist

Merry Christmas! Stay nude and safe, everybody! Merry Christmas, from Paul, Sheila, Jeremy, Henry, Hannah, Suzy, Mark, Negali, Cedric, Margarete, Max, Rose, Elisabeth, Soran, Cobyo, Gloria, Roger, Yalda, and all the other characters who aim to entertain you through the power of words.

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P.Z. Walker

Clothes and status

Yes, that suddenly popped into my mind. The fact is, that clothes also throw in a lot of social status. In fact, clothes are one of the few things I can think of, that create such a symbol of 'position'. It's the very thing that…

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P.Z. Walker

The Earth is inside you.

I found this online a few days ago. This resonates with me deeply, because weΒ are part of nature. Also a few days ago I came across this part of a poem: β€œYou're comprised of 84 minerals, 23 Elements & 8 gallons of water spread over…

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P.Z. Walker

Unity in diversity

People in a sauna

A few weeks ago, in a spa / sauna / wellness complex, I was again struck by the ease with which nude people mingle and 'are the same'. It's an odd thing. Fashion wants everyone to buy the same thing. Everyone who's into clothing will…

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P.Z. Walker

Nanowrimo 2022

Today is the last day of the mad writing event called NaNoWriMo. I've participated in that a few times already. Like last year. This November I decided to write a sequel to the story, as it was so well received. This sequel, for now called…

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P.Z. Walker

Book review: Clothing Optional

Clothing Optional by Matthew Black My rating: 5 of 5 stars Fabulous story about a couple running a hotel that is turning into a money pit - until they discover that naturists need places to go too. The antics with the local city council are…

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P.Z. Walker

Household announcement

As people seem to like like-buttons, I changed the comments option on the site, which now has like-buttons. Let me know if you like it by liking it. Or not liking it. (No, silly, use the real ones at the bottom, but I do want…

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P.Z. Walker

The nude bubble

Bubble Image found online, no source given. I like my nude bubble. I enjoy the knowledge that I know lots of nice nudists and naturists. More and more non-naturists in my circles know that I am a naturist - I don't throw it into their…

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