Are naturists the real freethinkers?

I’ve been pondering this. In a world where you find promotion to be the same, beautiful, following the same screams of fashion and think the same thoughts, it takes a lot of guts to step out of the defined order.

As long as everyone is the same, do all they can to ‘fit in’ so they are part of the collective, there is a good handle for ‘higher up’ to get and keep control on the people. It’s where people become sheeple, all in the same colour of wool, and all saying beeehhh to the same tune.

They are part of the Borg collective, so to speak, all in the same hive, all under control of the Borg Queen.


And then there are these people who don’t conform to that all the time. Who take off their clothes and are naked among each other. Everyone in their own skin, colour, size, shape. Scratched and scarred, yes, but also honest about their appearance. Beautiful in their own way

Is it strange that The Thinker by Rodin (pictured here) is naked as well?

Naturists don’t always feel the need to fit in. They step out of the defined borders of ‘normal decency’ to keep their bodies covered all the time, preferably in the prescribed colours and fabrics of a lower Borg Commander.

That is why I wonder… are naturists the real freethinkers?


It’s not just about you and not just about me

Dressed peopleYou. Yes, you who thinks that everyone has to dress. I don’t live according to your standards. I have my own. They are not higher, nor lower. They are simply different.

Just because most people are afraid of a naked arm or a naked leg doesn’t mean that we all should be like that. A naked arm, a naked leg, they are part of us. Of our naked bodies.

You scream about nudity as if it’s the worst thing. Don’t deny it, we all heard it. Despite all the porn everywhere nudity is bad. Bad when someone shows it. Is that because it brings your vulnerability into the daylight? The fact that you peek at naked people when no one is watching? Don’t worry, we won’t tell.

nude personI hear you say that nudists should dress. Like decent people. Meaning like all the people who hide their true self, only showing the outside world the part of them they want the world to know. Be young, be pretty, be strong and happy. Hide the flabby arms, the sagging breasts, the beer belly and the scars. Don’t think of showing the wrinkles and the deformations. Be young, be pretty. Be as misguided as the rest of all those who love their clothes, always and everywhere.

I wonder why you close your eyes to reality? You won’t be young forever. You will wrinkle, flab, crease, scar and sag. Why hide that? Why not show the world that you’re still standing after all you went through? Where is your pride? Is it in the back pocket of your new designer jeans? Do you wear it on the lapel of that fancy jacket that’s in fashion now and gone next year?

Reblogged: nakedly refreshed

by hontouniheart on June 19, 2015

Originally posted on clothesfreelife:

Last night I had an amazing time being out with a small group of women and sharing from the heart. Every now and then, the group of us get together and catch up on the latest changes in our lives. In the past, I have talked about some things, but last night, I really opened up and talked about things I never thought I’d confess to others in all my life.

This level of openness I credit to my clothes free life for a number of reasons. Firstly, being willing to sit with myself and see my truth, rather than run away from it or ignore it, is due in large part to my practice of being clothes free. I find healing peace is letting my truth breathe.

 Secondly, seeing myself clothes free and living my daily life clothes free has boosted my confidence. You know, I used to look in the mirror and think, “Yeah, I look OK, but as soon as I get those extra few pounds off and fix my hair and suck in my gut, that’s when I’ll really be there.” Now, I don’t place conditions on my beauty or awesomeness. I am wholly and completely beautiful and awesome right now, head to toe, inside and out. And that attitude is beginning to shift how I speak and share myself with others. It’s not, “I’ll be beautiful and great when I have my life together.” No, I’m beautiful, powerful and awesome right now even if I’m a hot mess, even when I make mistakes.

Thirdly, some of the things we, as a clothes free community, talk about with regards to public nudity laws and people’s reactions to our discussions of being clothes free or naked outside are actually helping me to be more mindful about how I share myself with others. We talk about some of the negative ramifications of being caught naked, including folks who immediately turn it into sex and impose upon others their sexual comments or images; shaming from family, friends or strangers; loss of jobs; incarceration and so forth. Being naked in heart is also a huge risk. Indeed, I had, perhaps a month ago, confided something in one woman, and she betrayed my confidence. In the same way that not everyone is ready to deal with clothes free life, some people don’t know how to respect or honor a naked heart. So, while I am feeling more powerful, confident and open about myself from my clothes free life, I’m also discerning more carefully when to take my soul’s clothes off and with whom to be naked in spirit.

Finally, having been clothes free in the presence of others now and seen how it can heal and inspire (see posts where I wrote about my mom and friend for instance), I am seeing how important it is to share openly and deeply, with discernment of course. I spent a lot of this year being secretive and closed off, worried about what people would think of me with regard to many aspects of my life. I just didn’t know who I could trust. But that hiding also made me feel hopeless and alone. Last night, in this trust circle, we women opened up to each other about some very intimate things on our hearts, and it was so healing and freeing to speak about our experiences. I was so freed up once I shared about things in my life, and it moved the others to hear me share. And I was incredibly touched and inspired by their bold and honest shares. We were so supportive of each other, and I left the gathering feeling free, empowered and grateful, and the others echoed similar sentiments.

This morning I feel refreshed and renewed after a night of healthy sharing with a great group women. It felt like our naked hearts spent hours at a clothes free spa just washing out, healing and being.

I don’t want my daughter to see you naked

This is the oddest thing I’ve heard in a while. Really. I have temporary neighbours. They are in their late 60s/early 70s and nice people. When they moved in (waiting for their new home to be finished) I warned them that I may wander through my own house not wearing anything.shocked woman For a while nothing seemed to be a problem, until either he or she actually saw me. The next occasion they met me outside he told me, “I don’t want my daughter to see you naked”. Uhm, what? He insisted that this wouldn’t be acceptable because his daughter might have her children with her. Note that his daughter is almost forty and since she has children I am convinced that she’s seen what naked men look like. Of course I don’t want to harm the tender children’s psyche by submitting them to the horror of my naked body but somehow I think that it wouldn’t be the big deal he’s making of it.In the woods  Add to that the fact that his daughter usually visits during the day when I’m either off to work or working at home in my living room (usually naked but far away from the bedroom window). My neighbour is really worrying about something that’s not worth the energy spent on it. Did this ever happen to you?

It’s not about the body, folks


Nudism and naturism, nude recreation, they’re not about the body, and certainly not the bodies of other people. Many people, certainly the unenlightened ones, will think otherwise. Why else would you hear things like “when you go to a nude beach you see the people you don’t want to see“?

That makes me wonder why such people go to a beach. To stare at others, probably, not to have a relaxing time.

Naturism (for me at least) is about body freedom. The awareness that nearly no body is perfect (mine certainly isn’t) and that you can be happy with that.

We’re not here to be perfect in every way, even when advertising tries to convince us otherwise. They’re wrong and they just try to get into your wallet. After all, unhappy people are more willing to spend money on ‘improving’ themselves than happy people.

Happy people don’t need all that. It basically comes down to “Love the person that looks back at you in the mirror, that’s where it all starts.” (Via twitter, by @AphroditeAfter5)

What’s so special about nudism?

I guess that’s a question on the mind of so many people. And probably many nudists have been asked this question.

There are several answers to this one.

What’s so special about nudism?

I think most nudists/naturists will mention the freedom. No more bonds of clothing that restrict you in your movement.The falling away of social boundaries based on clothes is also something that many people in the nudist lifestyle will recognise.

But think about this: basically there’s nothing special about nudism. It’s just something that isn’t seen as ‘normal’ these days, with everyone being brainwashed and trained into believing that wearing clothes is ‘normal’.

Dressed people walk around, talk, have fun, watch TV, read books, eat and sleep. Naked people walk around, talk, have fun, watch TV, read books, eat and sleep. The only difference is the few layers of fabric that one chooses to wear. Or not.

Too bad that clothes are such a big deal…


nudeSometimes I’m surprised about how people in the nudist/naturist way of life emphasise how nude they are. Nude when they read something, nude when they sit on the couch and watch TV, being nude while stripping off wallpaper, nude… everywhere possible.


happinessOf course, being naked is something crucial in that lifestyle, but something that hardly ever is said is happiness. For me being nude is not the reason to be nude. It’s to be happy, to feel free and unrestrained by the burden of clothes, straps and elastic bands.

I can imagine how all that emphasis on nude is something that puts dressed people off. After all, it’s not their piece of cake, we’re not trying to convert them (unless I missed a memo about the Church of Nudity, or worshipping the Nude Spaghetti Monster).

For the message to come across I think nudists and naturists should more focus on displaying and telling how happy being nude makes them. How relaxing it is, how free it feels. Those are values that mean something to dressed people, because let’s be honest: how much is there in this modern world that can make a person happy, relaxed and free these days?

(This post appeared earlier on The Nook.)

Free the Nipple – Censored in America



Question: What is the legal penalty and fine for a woman walking topless on the streets of New York City?



  • 3 days in jail and $1,000
  • 1 days in jail and $5,000
  • 5 days in jail and $1,500

Answer: It’s a trick question, because, according to statute 245.01 per the Appeals Court of The State/City of New York, it is completely legal for a woman or a man to opt not to wear a shirt (or bra) in public. Of course, a man wearing a bra will get more stares than a woman wearing a bra (thank you, Madonna) and a woman going bare-breasted will draw more stares than a man doing the same, but why? Why is a woman’s nipple so controversial? I decided to tackle this subject with my new film — Free the Nipple.

More, if you want, at Why I Made a Film Called Free the Nipple and Why I’m Being Censored in America.

Being Nude is unrestricted freedom

Clothes are cumbersome. Often it takes a while to find something you like, then it takes time to find the right size, and once you have them, there usually are all kinds of things you have to watch out for so you don’t ruin your precious and often expensive clothes. Or your shape.

tight jeans
Is this comfortable?

Clothes restrict. No matter how you twist or turn it, unless you wear something 2 sizes too large, there will be something that’s tight, blocking the blood flow, presses down on muscles or other fun things like that. And not to think about where clothes often are made, by poor people who work too long for too little, so others can fill their pockets some more.

Clothes also help you to disguise yourself. You buy something expensive and you look expensive, even when you’re not rich enough to be expensive.

Enter nudism.
In the woods

Drop your clothes. Be yourself. Accept and appreciate your body, like nudists and naturists do. It is liberating, and at the same time a statement that you throw off the standards that ‘modern life’ throws upon you. Live your own standards, and do think hard and be honest about that, so you don’t confuse what everyone else thinks with what you really think. Drop your clothes in the safety of your house, your bedroom, with the door locked so no one can see you. And discover who you really are. Try it several times to get used to the idea, the feeling, the sensation and the look of your body. It’s yours, unhindered by clothes. Enjoy the freedom you have in moving around in it.

Just try it.

Running up that hill

I was out for a walk on my vacation, had dropped the textile rather quickly already and then I came upon this large area with a beautiful hill sloping up. I had to…

Running up and down a hill like this is exhilarating and feels like the ultimate freedom. If you can, try it. Even if you can’t run fast or at all, walk up and down.