Nude is addictive

I hate to break this news to you, but it is. At least for me.

nude, having coffee

Over the last few weeks we had a lot of warm and hot days. 25C to 28C, add about 55 for Fahrenheit, and you’ll be close enough.

That kind of weather warms up my apartment rapidly, and it makes me lose my clothes at the same rate. Working from home, only meeting people via video-conferencing, makes that easy. Just have a shirt handy for those video-calls.

Until there is the need to go on-site to a customer. Then the big world insists on clothes again. And then I find how addictive being nude is. Clothes feel like an insult after a few days of none of them. That only gets worse when that number of days goes up.

After such an on-site visit, I don’t know how fast I should get out of that cloth prison again. It’s amazing how extra hot my body feels when the heat from the outside world comes in and has no way to escape.

Nude in Space

Why can’t we all be ‘au naturel’ when the weather’s right for it? When I see how climate is changing (climate change deniers, please stop reading here), the world that I’ve depicted in “Nude in Space” seems to get ever closer. The idea of villages where everyone lives nude is great, but the other side of the medal (and you know that if you read the book) is that life is being made impossible on Earth. And the tragedy is that ‘life’ is doing that to itself.

Let’s hope things don’t get that far (the impossible part). Just the naturist / nude people villages. I can’t wait for those to pop up. The more the better!

Meanwhile I’ll avoid clothes as much as I did over the last weeks, as long as the weather is beneficial to that!


One word. A lot of meaning.

What I’ve seen over the many years I’m alive, is that freedom is precious. And unfortunately, there seem to be more and more laws that limit our freedom. All for the greater good of course, to protect us from bad things (even when it’s entirely unclear what those bad things are, or when those bad things only seem to live in the minds of an unhappy few, a.k.a. the lawmakers).

Hands holding the word 'Freedom'

I’m not going to make this a political thing though. There are plenty of blogs and other sources that dip their toes and more in that area of life, and this is a naturist blog.

Coffee moment

What struck me, the other day, is that some people in the textile world seem to be so ‘happy’ with limiting (or limited?) freedom that they happily will reject our rights to enjoy our version of freedom.

Here in the Netherlands and, I’m sure, in other places in the world, it’s fine to be nude in certain places. In the UK, for instance, being nude isn’t rude / illegal / officially offensive as long as the nude person is just nude, i.e. not displaying any sexual urges like masturbating in the road and things like that.

In the Netherlands we can be nude in places that aren’t close to the ‘main roads’. There’s even a specific law article dedicated to that (Article 430a for those from the Netherlands who don’t know). And yet, when I’m naked in such a place, some people have the nerve to tell me that it’s not legal to do that, or that it’s offensive, rude and whatever other words they like to throw at that.

Luckily there aren’t many, but those that have these objections are the least open to reason and debate, and they don’t even want to hear about the legality of nudity in such places.

Black nudists

And that is the kind of closed-mind, happy to limit other people mindset I’m referring to here.

Why do people have those tendencies? Do they feel threatened by us? Do they think our nudity is taking some privilege or right away from them?

I’ve been thinking about this, and I’ve asked people that on occasion, certainly the ones that don’t ‘want’ others to be nude in safe spaces.

So far I haven’t found a satisfying answer to those questions…

I worked so hard for this body

It is what I read in a tweet a while ago. A lady was very proud of her figure, and with reason. She looked fit and all that. The tweet, however, didn’t end there. The whole tweet was:

I worked so hard for this body that I am allowed to wrap it up nicely.

Yes. She was wearing clothes that she liked. Nothing wrong with that, I say, but…

Why do you feel the need to wrap it up?

Random internet image

Why hide your body from the world if you’re proud of it?

Okay, stop, hold your horses, we all know why. Because haters will hate, because the perverts will be perverts and the porn industry… argh.

But the question remains: when you are proud of something, why do you feel you should hide it beneath something nice?

People can be so weird, and the ‘modern world’, which I complained about so often before, is the reason for that. It’s that corrupted, twisted concept of freedom that reigns. Yes, you are free, you have all the freedom you want, as long as you move inside the constraints we impose on you. And those constraints shift and move closer all the time, I sometimes think.

Worst of all: most people don’t even notice it.

They don’t seem to see that this is happening, while we naturists, nudists, clothes-free-o-philes and what now are struggling to be who we want to be when we want to be.

It’s a strange place, this world, and it keeps getting stranger…

YouTube! STOP censoring our Naturist/Nudist community!

This is a cry for help from Hector Martinez against the censoring of Youtube. Hector is the president of the naturist community in Mexico. His cry, however, is not limited to Mexico. It goes out to all of us, naturists and nudists.

Youtube terminated his naturist channel on May 16th 2020. Hundreds of videos are gone. Thousands of subscribers are suddenly void of this important source of information.

After watching and listening, could you please join the movement and sign the petition at and act against the censoring?

Please also share this post / video / link to as many naturist friends as you can.

Thank you. Not just from Hector, but every naturist who values the freedom of expression.

A naturist’s view on nude-friendly social media

Nude-friendly social media. Really?

Yes. I know most of you have encountered the strange rules and shifting regulations on our most admired site Facebook.facebook censorship

I have tried a naturist-friendly approach there, trying to stick to their rules. I failed. Miserably and then some. Facebook jail for 2 weeks after what was perhaps the 4th post. The reason? An image of a statue of a nude male that showed from a post on this here blog. It didn’t even show genitalia. It’s not hard to understand, I think, that I deactivated my account there. Normal nudity is not okay there, but the amount of porn that goes around in that place is staggering. That’s okay. Nudism and naturism aren’t exciting enough I think.

So where are the safe places?

Me we groupsThe place I like very much at the moment is ‘Mewe’. You can find me there at Being a member of several nice naturist groups that are really naturist, so no porn and stuff, has proven the place good.

Note that ‘Science Fiction Fans’ is not a naturist group (just sayin’).

You can create an account for free and you get 8GB of space to upload images, videos, whatever. If you need more space you’ll have to buy that, but trust me: 8 gigabytes is really a lot if you’re not in the habit up uploading 4K, 2-hour feature films.

Another nice place is Branded mainly a site for creative people, ello also has no problem with nudity. For instance I follow the famous, Canadian naturist park Bare Oaks on Ello.

Images like this:

are perfectly okay on Ello.

Another site is Diaspora. Word of warning: this is a bit of an odd site and at the moment hardly seems to harbour naturists. After creating your account you will need to actively search for people to follow. Give it a try if you feel adventurous.

Not so much a social medium but a naturist forum is available at

Earth naturists

Inevitable question: are there more?

Do you know of places that are safe? Where naturists can be themselves and post images of themselves without feeling the hot breath of censorship? Please share them in the comments. The more, the better.

Outer nudity, inner nakedness. Do you know the difference?

Outer nudity and inner nakedness.

This popped into my head one early morning as I got out of bed. I sleep naked and wouldn’t have it any other way. Nudity is important to me because of the freedom it brings.

On Twitter I was engaged in a little thread about nudity being a taboo. (The article mentioned is worth a read, go do it if you have the time.) Is nudity a taboo again? Or is it so still?

Outer nudity.

relaxed nudityMost of you will know that I don’t do well with taboos. For me, someone who’s nude by choice is a far more relaxed person than someone who worries about taking their clothes off when he or she is alone in the bathroom. As soon as you’re comfortable with your outer nudity, I feel there is nothing left to fear. There is no inner nakedness anymore, which is something I’ll address in the next paragraph. Outer nudity is the acceptance of your body, your awareness that not everyone is as pretty as the media these days ‘prescribe’ you should be. People who share their outer nudity are easier going, or so is my experience. That of course doesn’t mean that nudists or naturists are 100% carefree. Even when you dump your clothes there can be dentist bills, mortgages and other modern-life problems piling up. Outer nudity just deals with one of the major hang-ups that is coming back more and more. The prudification of modern people when you compare life to the sixties and early seventies.

Inner nakedness.

suppressed nakednessOdd as it may seem, people who constantly hide inside their clothes are the true naked people. (For my reasoning between the difference between nude and naked, please read this older post.) They are the ones who are scared to be seen and do all they can to hide behind shirts, pants, skirts and sweaters, no matter how hot it is. Which, as we naturists and nudists know, is the most absurd thing to do when the weather’s inviting everyone to go nude.

Inner naked people are scared to show themselves, be it through conviction (e.g. religion, taking a vow of prudishness) or peer pressure (environment, family). I pity those people as they are keeping a very important part of themselves locked inside themselves. A part that craves unbounded freedom.

The relation of freedom and freedom.

question mark manHere is a question for you: do you think there is, or could be, a relation between physical freedom (outer nudity) and the freedom to find a deepened general happiness (which is a happiness that has nothing to do with nudism/naturism)?

I have my own thoughts about it but those aren’t important here as I am asking you, nude or clothed reader.

Talk to me. Surprise me.

Naked around the house. (And inside it.)

Naked around the house.

I’m curious how many naturists and nudists (let’s assume there is a difference between them) are able to be naked in and around their house.

The problem that many face of course is that their house is open to the view from the street. As far as I know there is no country where the law says you can be naked inside your own property, regardless if people from outside can see you or not.


Nudists with fenced-off backyards often are in luck. They can usually be naked as much as they want and do all kinds of chores there without the bother of clothes. Things like painting, like the lady on the left does here, will be easier too. Splatters of paint are removed from skin much easier than from clothes.

There might be a problem with neighbours though. Not everyone can lift their mind over such things as a naked body.


This is where I come in. Literally, because I live in an apartment.

My place is on the fifth floor , there are frosted glass panels between the balconies so neighbours don’t see me, and there is no building opposite where I live. I can be naked as much as I want, and sit outside like that whenever the weather allows.

I’m lucky like that.

The house in the street.

Okay. Nudists who live in such houses have a big disadvantage if they don’t have glass curtains or something like it. You’ll be seen from the street, and if you have a garden you’ll be seen by the neighbours. Do you have a house like this? How do you deal with it?

The house on the prairie.


This would take away so many problems…

Freedom does not come without a price.

Freedom does not come without a price.

We all know this. Some of you may even know the actual entire words said by Charlie Dent.

The idea for this post comes from a tweet I saw. One I agree with.


The tweet read: NUDIST LIVES MATTER TOO! Nudist are one of most discriminated segments of society charged money to live naturally!


Of course we all value our freedom and we all know that many people have sacrificed a lot to make all that happen. The odd thing however is that freedom is a relative concept. How free are we? As you see above, you have to pay to be free of clothes. It’s mad, but money matters more than lives, as usual.

This can also be said for the American right to bear weapons. Everyone is free to carry a gun – but they have to pay for that. The big difference of course is that we have already paid for the clothes that the greater community forces us to wear in the first place, and in many locations (think nudist resorts etc.) we have to pay (entrance fees, membership etc.) to take them off. There is something very wrong with that concept of freedom.


That is something everybody wants but not many actually feel up to. It’s clear though that without action there will never be change. Read up on your local laws. Find out what’s allowed and legal. Print that out and carry it with you. In the US of A and also in Canada for instance it is legal for women to go around topless in more places than you’d expect. Have a look here. Understandably not many women will feel up to that challenge as there are too many predators around. The way to counter that would be to have others go along, and that is not limited to women. Also bare-chested men! And that doesn’t mean they all have to look like the beautiful specimens you see depicted everywhere in the fake glossies that insist we all have to be twenty-two, slim, clever, blond and tanned, sporting a six-pack in muscle. Plain and simple, real people will do just fine. We will have to make a stand for what has been achieved. Others will not do it for us, because those others are happily confined within their cloth.



Something clothes addicts will never experience

We have an advantage over dressed people who are addicted to their coverings. Perhaps some would even call it a blessing. We know what it is to feel free. And that means really free. Many naturists talk about freedom, liberation, being unhindered, and that is what we are. We savour the freedom from restraints like clothes and such as much as possible.

naked freedom

The longer I’m a naturist, the more I understand how free we are. When I get home I take my clothes off. Clothes that have been on me all day while I did things I would rather not do. After all, work is a hobby that pays the bill but it does eat up an awful amount of time.

The joy of being naked is the feeling that so many have never experienced. It’s mind-boggling when you think of it. How did this happen? Why is being naked so bad in the eyes of the majority of people? As I said before, people are shocked more by the sight of a naked person than by the sight of a gun. Or violence. Or injustice. Naked people aren’t dangerous. Sorry if I bring in something horrible but look at suicide bombers who wear those belts with explosives. Beneath their clothes. A suicide bombing nudist wouldn’t go unnoticed in a crowded market place. And then I mean a market place crowded with other nudists. (Can you imagine how I would love to wander around in such a market place?)

Naked people are the most relaxed people that I know, and often also the kindest. Because they don’t need to hide and don’t want to hide. Because, indeed, they are free.

making the bedThe awareness that nothing like clothes is holding me back when I walk through my apartment often hits me like a brick wrapped in velvet. Hard but also very pleasant. I can do this. I am not afraid of my own nudity. Every real nudist or naturist feels secure in her or his nakedness. Because of that freedom. I am strongly convinced that such freedom isn’t only physical. It has its effect on one’s mind as well. Mental freedom. Now there’s something to be proud of. So many people long for that…