There’s normal. And then there’s nudity.

Or: is the world too sexualised for naturism?


The most common state of being. Accepted by the majority.


Considered either weird and not normal, or exciting and something to be secretly enjoyed by (probably) that same majority, these days.


What nudity is associated with, these days.

Coffee moment

Making people see what naturism actually is, seems to be an uphill battle more than ever. The entire world is so sexualised that anything involving skin is immediately considered erotic, if not worse.

Or am I using the wrong word and is the world sexually repressed? At times I’m not certain. Maybe it all comes down to the same thing, who knows.

It’s a sad state of affairs though.


So many people could lead a much happier and carefree existence if they could escape their clothes once in a while and experience true freedom.

Every time I hear or read about the kind of freedom someone experiences when submerged in naturism the first time, I smile. A dozen people will say a dozen different things, and they will never really touch the essence. Maybe it is such a deep-rooted feeling that there isn’t even a word for it.

Sunday Noon Nudist


Lots of people also mistake ‘normal’ for ‘natural’. Most of the time they couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not natural to wear clothes when it’s hot; it’s adjusting to the normal. Natural would be to take off the clothes and be less hot, instead of switching on an air conditioner (which is ‘normal’).

Normal in nature

It’s not natural to have a car, it’s normal for most people and very convenient.

This shows how far the ‘normal’ people have removed themselves from nature, where being ‘natural’ is normal.

I will keep my naked fingers crossed for a more natural normal. Maybe it’s not too late.

Clothing optional?

This is probably something people will never agree on. Should clothing optional be a thing?

Clothing optional
Image stolen from loopnews.

I think that clothing optional is a nice idea but that it will never work to make naturism more accepted.

The social pressure, instilled onto almost everyone of us from a very young age, to wear clothes ‘or else’ is something that most people won’t ever shed of lose.

At best, clothing optional places are good for when people in and out of clothes are very happy and comfortable together, disregarding the fact that some are dressed and some are nude. It sounds very simple. But it isn’t.

Why is it that people in some prisons are stripped naked while their guards stay in uniform? To make a difference. You may say, “I’m a naturist, I couldn’t care less”, but that’s just the physical part. The psychological part is there, whether you want it or not. The naked person is the exposed one, the one who can’t hide anything (regardless if you want to or not – you have no option), while the clothed one is ‘in control’. Because of our textile conditioning that’s always there, no matter how you twist or turn it. (Again, excepting the lucky few, this is the last time I will add this, so remember that 😉

Bathing suited family at the beach

Folks in bathing suits will usually feel just a bit ‘better’ about themselves, because they are following the ‘civilised’ guidelines of wearing clothes. Even at the beach, no matter how ridiculous those things are, and no matter how open-minded they are towards nudity and naturism.

Summer of 2019
Nude or nothing.

One of my sayings is “when everyone’s nude, no one is nude”. This creates equality. A nude banker is as nude as a nude construction worker or a nude astronaut. There is no equality in bathing suits vs nude people, and also – wait for it – no equality among bathing suit wearers. There will always be people with more expensive, fancier, more modern bathing suits than others, and so there is the social divide again that (my idea of) naturism aims to remove.

That’s why I think clothing optional will never really work.

Do you feel healthy?

Yes. Serious question. I know not everyone is totally, entirely, 100% healthy, but as far as you can be, do you feel healthy?

naturist vacation
Healthy people having fun

If you can state that you feel healthy to a degree, how much do you think a nude lifestyle contributed or contributes to that?

Is it a little? A lot?

I ask this, because everywhere one can read about the health benefits of naturism and nudism, and through this post I would like to get a feeling about how true such statements are. Health, after all, is one of the most important ‘goods’ we can have.


There are people who sacrifice their health for their work, and then they spend most of their fortune to get their health back. Which won’t happen, I’m

convinced of that. Money goes a long way, but not all the way. What got ruined can’t be fixed by medication or surgery. It will always be more or less a shadow of what a person could have been.

Skin, air and sun

Those are a good mix, as far as any lifestyle goes. That’s proven. More and more people seem to avoid that though, which, given COVID-19, is kind of understandable, but social distancing isn’t the same as becoming a hermit in one’s own house. There are plenty of ways to enjoy the outside without being packed on top of each other. Sensible people know that.

I, for one, am convinced that my nude life has made me a healthier person. I don’t need to be in the sunlight 24/7 (imagine the amount of travel that would take!) but some sunlight, some air, and all of that on all the skin, is wonderful.

Do you feel the same?

Cloth Vader. The dark side of clothing

You probably know this gentleman. Darth Vader. Seeing his clothing, I doubt that he was aware of the idea that being naked can be a relief.

However… his mental attitude was mostly a bad one during the series.

In an older blog post I already talked about the way that the fashion industry is a big bad player in the pollution ‘industry’.

The whole affair is taking a step in an even worse direction: climate change and the heating up of areas. The whole pollution part must have an effect on the climate, with all the mess that’s put into the ground and the water. But the all-hallowed clothes have an effect on air conditioner sales as well. I am convinced of that. And air conditioners have a few bad sides:

  • They consume energy which has to be created, which in turn will add to the heat that is already in the atmosphere. (Hello America and Canada, heat domes?)
  • Air conditioners produce a lot of heat as well, which is conveniently blown into the atmosphere. (Heat dome revisited.)

I really wonder how much difference there would be if more people were to strip off their Cloth Vader and thus reduce part of the need for air conditioning. Yes, part of it, because I’m not stupid. Temperatures that go up to 45 and 50 degrees Celsius (113 – 125 F) or more aren’t for humans, no matter how nude they are.

Naked people nude beach

Sherwood forest in the news.

Maybe you caught it too, the hoolabaloo around Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, UK. Maybe you aren’t interested in the antics of Robin Hood. This is not about Robin hood.

This is what it’s about:

Nudists spotted in Sherwood Forest

It was in the Nottingham Post last Friday. A bunch of non-nudists had complained about seeing nude people in the forest.

All the upheaval boiled down to nothing, which is good, although the textile community is still up in arms about it, probably.

Nude in a forest

In England, nudity is legal as long as the nude person(s) are not making a nuisance of themselves. See the official UK Crown Prosecution Service site.

The funny thing about this, when you look closely enough, is that the good and dressed people of Nottingham are screaming that this is illegal.

If they knew the law, or at least make the effort of looking it up, they would see that they’re wrong.

(But who would want to look for their own wrong, right?)

British Naturism

Donna Price on talkRadio

Donna Price, British Naturism’s coordinator for Women in Naturism, had a video talk with a talkRadio host about the stir this all caused. At the moment of writing, there is a link to the talk here. Click at own risk, it might have been removed.

As so often, the biggest issue was that ‘people don’t want to see this’.

I think they should learn that the world isn’t just about what they want, but that there are other people with other views and ideas. If they don’t want to see this, they should look elsewhere. I have never been to Sherwood Forest, but if Robin Hood could stay hidden from the soldiers so long, it must be big enough for every kind of person.

Nudists were not and are not ‘ruining’ the forest, as the banner on the image states. That’s just in people’s one-track minds.

Unfortunately. Because there are so many of them.

Nude upper bodies.

Or: people can be bat-shit crazy and totally inconsistent.

A few days ago on MeWe I followed a post that was copied from a Dutch newspaper. Granted, it is a newspaper that thrives on sensational content, but the background of the article made me shake my head.

Note: this is not the man who is mentioned.

The “problem” of the lady who was interviewed in the news paper article was that she found it ‘distasteful’ to see men with bare upper bodies outside, despite the heat. She mentions ‘men with double B breasts, hair everywhere and beer bellies‘.

In the same article, however, she says: ‘This all is fine up to a point‘ (what? First it’s distasteful and then it is ‘fine up to a point’?).

The first valid claim in the article: ‘Can I do the same, being a woman? I don’t think so.’ … ‘This is discrimination.‘ Even though I suspect she would never actually do that, this is the only point in the entire article I can get behind. This is indeed discrimination and it should stop.

This kind of discrimination is a blemish on the freedom of people. Women should be allowed to be topless just as well. As it is the case in many places in, surprisingly enough, the United States. The ‘Free the nipple‘ movement has played a part in that too.

I keep hammering on the problem that religion slipped into ‘our culture’ that nudity is a bad thing. It’s not. It’s a way of religion to control the masses, and it’s been so successful that the idea has become mainstream. And the brainwashing has become so successful that people into that mindset aren’t even aware of it. They, like the lady with the complaint, prefer to take away even more freedom, unaware of the many things that have already been taken away from them (and us).

Nude is not rude

As this picture shows, nude is not rude. It’s perfectly fine, liberating. People are having fun, and it’s something that should be allowed for everyone. But as long as mainstream thinking is convinced of the opposite, we’re fighting a battle. Most of the time it’s an uphill one, but I think we have to keep it up. Otherwise the ‘mainstream’ will wash over us and take the few rights we have (beaches, resorts, parks) away. We can’t allow that.

It’s bad enough that women are discriminated against in many parts of the world. Let’s try and turn that tide, not make it seize control over everything.

Animals don’t care about ‘nudity’

Yes, I added quotes around ‘nudity’ up there because they belong there.

Nudity is a human concept. Animals have no concept that relates to it.

When it’s warm or hot, I tend to be clothes-free. My cats don’t give a damn. They probably don’t even consider that I’m not in my “furs” or whatever they might think of clothes.

Come to think of it, they probably don’t even have a concept of clothes. Simply because they don’t have them. It’s nothing that exists in their frame of thinking, in their world. The fact that we, people, sometimes ‘change colour’ is something they just accept as a fact, as long as they get their food and attention…

Does that make sense?

To me it does. People can relearn a lot from animals. Relearn? Definitely. I am sure that homo sapiens or whatever came before us (Aha, Neanderthals. I had to know and now you know too)… ehm….

I’m sure that Neanderthals knew that clothing isn’t always necessary, even when we usually see them depicted wearing some form of skin covers. Out of ‘decency’ and ‘normality’ of our current state of mind, probably.

Man (and woman) is the only animal species that made clothing and elevated it to some kind of weird religion, a necessity. Glad I escaped that…

A hide-away in sunny Spain

Before you think I have relocated: I haven’t. But do read on!

On Mewe I met a few very nice people (okay, I met lots of them there, but this post is about 2 specific ones). These two are Huw and Kitty.

Huw and Kitty moved to Spain about a decade ago, in search of their happiness, and some five years ago they found it.

Spanish land

They were lucky enough to obtain 12 acres of land where they can do as they want. And, which probably isn’t surprising to you, dear reader, they do mostly nude.

The wonderful thing that Huw told me is that they don’t want to keep this fabulous place to themselves. If there are true and serious naturists interested in staying at their place for a while, they’re more than happy to facilitate that. Do note that they don’t manage an actual guest house, so if you’re looking for a hotel or a camping, this is probably not the place for you.

If you’re willing to make a contribution to the food and to lend a hand in doing some work on their land, you’re very welcome. Huw and Kitty have 28 olive trees to look after, they have herb beds, and they grow things for personal use, and all that needs to be handled, looked after and taken care of. I am sure you don’t need to be a full-fledged gardener. There’s always something that has to be done that only requires a little information and/or guidance.

Huw, out and about with the dogs

It’s not just work and more work. If you feel up to visiting them, there are lots of ways to enjoy the outside in the most natural state. 12 acres is a lot of space, and there’s no need to dress up unless you plan to go into a town.

Huw allowed me to use these images. As he said:

“This gives you an idea of what we have here and the true connection for anyone out naked with nature. We would be blessed to have genuine others here naked who appreciate both the naked way of life and land/countryside and nature itself.”

Their wonderful nude haven is located in the Valenciana region, an hour south of Valencia inland. They’re a mere 20 minute drive away from some lovely beaches, and those are available to you too, of course. Because you are on vacation.

There is a possibility for camping and camper vans with an electric hook up as there is access to the land for that. Two important things though:
1. No barbecues
2. No smokers smoking out on the land.

As you can well understand, in the summer one tiny bit of ash and the whole valley is lit up like a Christmas tree.

So there you have it. Maybe Huw’s and Kitty’s place is something for you to visit, to have a really free vacation!

If you think it’s for you, please let me know, or get in touch with them directly on MeWe.