Nude art?

This is an older video and it’s in German but don’t let that put you off. The title of the video is A Chair for the Brave.

The supporting text on Youtube says:

When you’re brave you can become part of a piece of art. A simple chair waits for someone to sit down on it. The catch is that this person needs to be undressed. This idea stems from the artist Franz West who died last year. (Note: this video is from 2013.)

I think this is a brilliant bit of video and the stunning thing is that even when the people who undress and sit down on it aren’t avid nudists, they all were impressed how natural it feels. The young lady at 1 min 48 seconds says, “It’s a bit of a threshold you have to get over at first but after undressing there’s nothing to it.”

At 2 min 40 the artist says, “If you consider how ‘naked’ we are these days, with all the scandals around listening devices and how health care insurances can deny you medication or other help if you didn’t do all you can to keep fit, then there is no way that we can still provoke people by the view of a real naked person.”


chairiconDo you know we all sit too much?

And do you know that too much sitting around isn’t good? Don’t worry, this is not going to be a post about all the things that are good for you because what’s good for one doesn’t have to be good for the other.

It’s just something I want to draw attention to because it’s something we probably almost all are doing. Sitting too much.


I noticed this with myself too. I used to get home after a day at work (where I mostly sit)  and after dinner or whatever the time is I would sit (!) down at my computer and check mails, share and read on the few social media that still allow nudity and then I’d write.

The Naked Crow books require a lot of writing, so they also require a lot of computer work. (No, I’m not doing all that writing by hand!) And computer work is usually done sitting, until I had a great idea. Well, I think it was great then and I still think it is:
I got a simple high bar-table and put my laptop on it. I now switch my computer work between sitting at the desktop (above) and standing at the laptop (left). And I can tell you that wasn’t easy at first. My legs had to get used to this VERY much. In the beginning I could barely stand for 10 minutes. Now I’m doing better. I can stand at the laptop for 2 hours without a problem. The thing to remember is that you occasionally have to move about, use your legs. Otherwise you get painful feet and knees. It’s the joints that then get the rough times.

I don’t know if you have experienced something like this already. If you did and you went for a solution, good for you. If you didn’t yet, maybe this post stimulates to think about sitting and how you could avoid doing it too much.


Nudism in Egypt

Nudism in Egypt isn’t visible but it exists. I just read an article in the Dutch NFN magazine “Uit!” about a reporter meeting with 6 people from Cairo who occasionally get together in secret somewhere to be naked. Nothing more. They’re naked, watch TV, drink beer and talk. It is highly illegal what they do because Egypt does not allow nudism and they go to extremes to prevent it, apparently…

One of these people is mentioned with his Twitter ID, @EgyptianNudist. I ‘know’ this man. I follow him on Twitter and we exchanged many tweets. And since last year August he’s gone very silent, as if he disappeared from the earth. In the article there’s mention of someone threatening him and the people in the secret nudism group. (Isn’t that utterly sad?)

I hope he’s okay. I hope they all are okay. Maybe you’re even reading this, my Egyptian nudist friend. If you do, please let me know things are okay with you and your friends. I’ve heard of others who also miss you and wonder where you are. If someone knows anything about him, I’d really like to hear it. Thanks.

pYou can e-mail me if you don’t want to respond online.

Naturism in Brazil

As found on

As naturism can leverage the tourism?

January 23, 2015

With only 8 official beaches naturism in Brazil has a lot of growing up to do


In November the city of Rio de Janeiro sanctioned the law which made the Praia do Abricó in Rio legalized for the practice of naturism, seven other beaches are they, Bull’s eye in Rio de Janeiro, in Paraiba, Tambaba Massarandupió in Bahia, Dry Bar in Espirito Santo and the beaches of pine, Galheta and Pedras Altas in Santa Catarina are officers by virtue of Decree or byelawsin any other point of the coast where the bather undress he can be arrested for obscenity.

São Paulo being Brazil’s most populous state and still doesn’t have a shoreline dedicated to naturism unfortunately, this not counting other States could also have areas for the practice, following the example of France and other countries cities all over the world even the most demure already realized that naturism is a bonanza for the tourism marketbecause in addition to having millions of followers he cause good impression right next to those who do not practice it.

The last World Cup held in Brazil contributed to increase the number of foreign tourists in Praia do Abricó, because the number of regulars naturists more than doubled during the World Cup, these tourists usually have a higher purchasing power which helps to inject money into the local economy.

Praia de Tambaba in Paraiba is the example of this as it ended up contributing to the growth of tourism in the South coast of the State of Paraiba and thanks to six other nearby beaches naturist beach of Tambaba began to be visited by many tourists from the northern hemisphere. With their arrival, the small local businesses and the real estate sector also grew. The secret is the result of coordination between associations of naturists and the Town Hall.

To the University professor José Wagner, education leads to behavior change. “Nobody creates without making revolution. Naturism is progressing “. We did several events on the issue of naturism within the schools, so that people understand that it’s something odd Tambaba on our planet, “he says.

Google Plus. A question to the people there.

And so my account on Google Plus is blocked. Due to indecent material.


I think this was because of the user icon that I used there. The same one I’m using here and in a few other places.

avt_nud02_sSuddenly this image on the left is considered ‘pornographic or sexually explicit’. I am not certain which of the two applies here. I have changed the user icon there (a while ago even) and removed some pictures that might be offending to them as well. If they still object then I can only imagine that this is because of images that show on Google Plus through posts shared from this blog.

If that is the problem then I’ll have to find a way to go around that.. if it’s worth that. This post should go to Google Plus as well. People on Google Plus: do you appreciate my blog?


These Sunday Nudist posts. The normal people.

You’ve probably seen them. After all, they’re up every Sunday. I try to post nudist images of normal nudist/naturist people. Not the glamour stuff that’s been photoshopped to death and beyond, not the pretty people that will never represent mainstream naturists. (They probably wouldn’t want to be found naked among us anyway, so nothing’s lost there.)

An image says a thousand words, as the saying goes, and I use that. Each Sunday. I got a few e-mails from people who ask why I don’t post the pretty naked people. The exciting ones. Well, if you read this: here’s your answer. The exciting naked people are online in too many places already. They’re called porn sites. You can Google that.

For the real naturists I’ll keep posting the Sunday Noon Nudists. Be happy. Be naked. Be proud of your body; it shows who you are instead of who you pretend to be when you dress up.

Widower plans to set up a nudist colony in his garden

Found on “Oxford Times“:

Widower plans to set up a nudist colony in his garden

John Weston in the gazebo at his home in Southmoor
John Weston in the gazebo at his home in Southmoor

First published Friday 2 January 2015

The Oxford Times: Photograph of the Author
by Alex Regan, Reporter

WE all want friends that we can bare all to. But for one man in Southmoor, he’s looking for that in a more literal sense. Avid naturist John Weston, 72, is hoping that in 2015, he can some forge firm friendships with fellow enthusiasts. He had been part of a naturist society but stopped going following the death of his wife Margaret. However, after watching the Channel Four documentary The Naked Village last month, he has been inspired to get back out there and make an appeal for fellow nudists to socialise with.

Mr Weston, who has difficulties in walking due to thrombosis, wants to establish a small community of dedicated nudists to come around his house in Southmoor, and enjoy being naked together. Mr Weston said: “It would be great to have people to be naked with and chat to.

“We could go in the garden now I’ve got the gazebo.

“All people have in the back of their heads is it’s about sex, it’s not.

“Being naked for me is like heaven and it’s not sexual.”

When asked why he enjoys baring all, Mr Weston said: “I can’t describe it really, but I feel liberated.”

He added: “It’s who I want to be.“I really do think naturism has given me a good outlook.

“I’m up-front with people and if they accept it, that’s fine.”

Jim Sinclair, chairman of Oxford naturist society Oxnat, said Mr Weston was part of the organisation for many years, but stopped going after the death of his wife Margaret.

Mrs Weston died in 2011 of lung cancer, aged 69.

Mr Weston, a former Thames Water technician, said: “My wife was all for it [naturism].

“She never went nude herself, but had no problems with it.

“When she died I went into a downward spiral during that time.”

In 1997, Mr Weston was supposed to appear in the buff on chat show Central Weekend to talk about naturism, but, at the last minute, producers decided against letting him appear naked on the programme. Mr Weston has been an avid naturist for 36 years, but has not been able to find any enthusiasts to join him in his naked pursuit.

The father-of-five has often found himself stigmatised by friends and family.

He said: “A member of the family said she couldn’t see me any more because she was embarrassed – ashamed of me.”

Mr Weston said that for some people, going nude can be quite daunting, but they should not feel pressure to go completely naked immediately.