Podcast. No such thing…

You may wonder what this is all about. Well… this is a bit about naturism.

The team of ‘No such thing as a fish‘ (which is a very entertaining British podcast) talks about facts they discovered in the past week. And fact number 1 in the above episode is… naturism.

Feel free to stop listening after the naturism part of this podcast, or not to listen to it at all (the section is about 12 minutes long), but I thought it worthwhile to share it here. I learnt a few facts about Eastern Germany naturism I didn’t know.

Oh, just in case there are sensitive people here: the team doing this podcast does not bleep out words as <bleep> or <bleep>, so proceed and listen at your own risk. Also the word ‘penis’ will be mentioned.

That is not a good reason to be naked!

This is what I just heard from my neighbour.

Okay, this happened in the past as I am writing that way before you read this, but that’s fine.

I just was outside on the balcony, getting a whiff of fresh air after many boiling days (100+F / 35+C days are not common yet here). My neighbour, curious as she is, saw me.

In the forest

“You are naked.” Her observational skills are definitely amazing. I told her that I had been naked most of the time in this heat.

“That is disgusting,” she shared with me. Because people have clothes so they should wear them. (Note: sweat was waterfalling down from her.)

I detailed somewhat that it was very warm inside my house, and lacking an air conditioning (I hate those things) I could either put on clothes and sweat horribly (I doubt she noticed the jab) or be naked. I had once told her I am a naturist but still she was appalled:

“That is not a good reason to be naked!”

I asked her what would be a good reason. Can you imagine it actually took her a few moments to come up with showering?

I am sure I will be known as the naked pervert of the neighbourhood now, as far as she’s concerned. Good thing the rest of the neighbourhood, as far as I know, isn’t so anally retentive.

Do you have people like this in your circle of acquaintances?

If so… my condolences.

Entertaining Google alert

I have set up a few Google alerts to inform me about interesting things regarding – you guessed it – naturism and nudism.

I got in a mail with a few links of interest that had one or more keywords in it, and the summary of one of them was highly surprising:

For naturism blue 18 approximately three days blue for power ナチュリズム 3rd of the black oolong tea Rakuten kenko express: For naturism blue 18 approximately three days blue for power ♪ ナチュリズム 3rd of the black oolong tea [healthy supplement] [diet] …

Okay, this looks weird. Naturism blue? Powder?

Sunday Nudist

I doubt this powder will turn you into one of those (and if they have powder for the other colours too) so I decided to click the link. Sometimes I’m a fearless rebel without a clue, you should know.

And that is what I saw…

And yes, the label actually says Naturism!

Maybe someone who visits this particular article is experienced enough in Japanese to convey what this is all about. It made me laugh more than it should, but I like to laugh so that is all fine.

Of course now I wonder if there are other people who have discovered weird references to naturism, nudism or the nude way of life. I’d love to hear/ read about them because I always fancy a good laugh!