Nude on Earth.

Nude in Space

Some of you may remember this book.

Nude in Space. A story that tells about a world that’s heating up and becoming unbearable to live in, unless you go naked or when you live in a sealed, cooled dome that adds to the heating of that same world.

A few days ago I read that soon the world’s population will hit or pass 8 billion people.

8,000,000,000 humans. Imagine that.

Many, many people with clothes on.
Not 8 billion, but lots of folks.

When is this going to stop? How is this earth going to be able to handle so many people, with needs for housing, food, water and other basic life necessities?

It’s a crazy place that we’re in and it’s about to get worse. And almost all of these people are wearing clothes. While the planet warms up. Which means more people want air conditioners. Which means more need for energy and more heat exhaust. I guess I don’t need to paint the entire picture.

I hadn’t thought that the world from “Nude in Space” would come closer this quickly, but at the rate we’re continuing to breed, that’s going to happen. Many places of the planet are already becoming uninhabitable due to the heat. Because of that, more people will crowd onto the places that are still fine, pushing more heat out, and so creating even more hot spots that, I guess, will just accelerate the speed of bad things to come.

Nude is not rude

Why don’t people come to their senses and accept that going nude is at least some help to face the problem? Sure, it won’t solve everything, but no clothes means less need for air conditioners, and less production and waste of clothes.

Humanity is at a crossroad, and it has been there for a while, slowly moving towards the point of no sustainable return.

I see this happen. And many do so with me. There has to be a way to make ‘the world’ see that nude people aren’t as harmful as all those air conditioners and (heat) pollution producing factories.

If someone knows, or has an idea, I’d love to know.

Be well. Be nude. Be happy.

And be vigilant.

Nude is addictive

I hate to break this news to you, but it is. At least for me.

nude, having coffee

Over the last few weeks we had a lot of warm and hot days. 25C to 28C, add about 55 for Fahrenheit, and you’ll be close enough.

That kind of weather warms up my apartment rapidly, and it makes me lose my clothes at the same rate. Working from home, only meeting people via video-conferencing, makes that easy. Just have a shirt handy for those video-calls.

Until there is the need to go on-site to a customer. Then the big world insists on clothes again. And then I find how addictive being nude is. Clothes feel like an insult after a few days of none of them. That only gets worse when that number of days goes up.

After such an on-site visit, I don’t know how fast I should get out of that cloth prison again. It’s amazing how extra hot my body feels when the heat from the outside world comes in and has no way to escape.

Nude in Space

Why can’t we all be ‘au naturel’ when the weather’s right for it? When I see how climate is changing (climate change deniers, please stop reading here), the world that I’ve depicted in “Nude in Space” seems to get ever closer. The idea of villages where everyone lives nude is great, but the other side of the medal (and you know that if you read the book) is that life is being made impossible on Earth. And the tragedy is that ‘life’ is doing that to itself.

Let’s hope things don’t get that far (the impossible part). Just the naturist / nude people villages. I can’t wait for those to pop up. The more the better!

Meanwhile I’ll avoid clothes as much as I did over the last weeks, as long as the weather is beneficial to that!

Look how naked I am!

A clothie never said. Until now.

I kid you not. Watch and shudder over what I found.

Our enemy called Fashion has a new ‘moment’. The naked look.

What you see here is clothing with life-like nipples on it. Because printed nipples are fine, where real nipples are EEUW NO GO AWAY DIRTY PORN!

How much more crazy do we go?

Is this bad enough? Oh, look how naked I am… I found this on the Guardian.

“It’s a statement – I guess it’s that punk attitude of like, ‘We don’t give a fuck.’ If I want to wear something that looks like my naked body, I can.”

London designer Sinead Gorey

I am not sorry. This is not a punk attitude of ‘we don’t give a fuck’. If you don’t give a fuck, you go naked like real people. The no-clothes version.

The article says there has been a t-shirt like this before (although I don’t agree that this is in the same category as the idiocy up here).

Created by Vivienne Westwood, late 1970s

I couldn’t be more flabbergasted than when I saw all this ridiculous stuff.

Don’t these people have any shame??

Kids Kamp 2022 – Naturally science

There is a great initiative going to get kids to camp. And not just any camp, but a nudist camp.

Kids Kamp 2022, Cedar Trails Nudist Retreat
New Nudist Podcast logo

I heard about this initiative while listening to the New Nudist Podcast.

(You can listen to that episode here.)

First off, and don’t hold this against me, I have nothing with “children”. I never wanted them of my own and I have succeeded in that very well. That being said, I know the value of children, and what they can mean for ‘us’, being humanity.

The podcast is one long interview with Rick Sloan, the person who started Kids Kamp over a decade ago. Don’t be alarmed, it’s a very interesting and informative interview. The things that are talked about all touched me.

  • Nudism / naturism.
  • The health aspect of our lifestyle.
  • The mentioning of a therapist who suggested a family to visit a nudist resort!
  • The opportunity for children to learn and experience something first hand.

Hello, what’s not to like in this line-up? (Yes, of course, there are always things that someone won’t like, but really…)

At the moment of writing, the donations reach $6,785 dollars:

If you listen to the podcast, you will hear that this kind of camp does cost a lot of money. Something that I think is awesome: naturists can sponsor children to have this week of camp. Children from parents who can’t afford this. Doing something like this is paying it forward. It’s putting kids in a safe and healthy environment, smack in the middle of naturists, and they learn some great things too!

What’s not to like? AANR Mid-West is helping out. AANR is helping out. Children who were sponsored to enjoy this week are helping out by volunteering. If you have 1, 5 or 10 dollars to spare, help Rick and Susan with this cause, please.

If you want to make a donation, or visit the GoFundme-page yourself to check it out, you can go here.

Yes. I donated.

Thank you.


The power they want to hold over you

I’ve been thinking. (Perhaps that’s the reason there was no post last week. No, I’m kidding, I just had no time to come up with something and write about it.)

Nude woman in the water

Why are so many people screaming that nudity is a sin, that nudity is sex and nudity is all things forbidden?

It’s just one thing.



Power is the name of the game. As long as someone holds power over you, they can make you sit, run and jump, and even play dead.

Christians, for instance, shouldn’t fear to be nude if they want to. The famous couple, Adam and Eve, were nude to begin with. Only when Eve found those fun mushrooms, had some, “and then a snake started talking”, things went sour. They apparently were charged with “sin”, which is quite a power-stunt, and thrown out of their garden.

Of course not everyone is in that fix. Not everyone lives in a garden with ‘shrooms and “talking snakes”. Trees with wisdom fruit are hard to come by as well, but power is all around us.

Look at the people who can’t come out as a naturist / nudist because of work. “If the boss hears, I’m toast.” Or the people who can’t come out because of “the family”. There are plenty of reasons that our lifestyle is so conflicting, and I think it all comes down to the power. The power of ‘the community’ is another one. What if the neighbours see/report me? What if the police come and pick me up?

Paul in the woods
Lucky me, with a HUGE forest garden to roam free in.

Stuff like that is bad enough that people often can’t even be nude in their own garden. That’s the scourge of ‘power’ that hangs over everyone of us. Even the most naked person who reads this will find something in his or her life that connects to that.

May we all find a way to get rid of those power-mongers, so we can live our lives as free and freely as we want.

(Donations and suggestions for a naturist tropical island are always welcome!)

Night image of tropical island