Nature shower.
Author: Paul
A glorious day in September
The past Saturday, my girlfriend and I were off to a sauna/wellness complex in the neighbourhood. It’s called “Thermen Berendonck“. We knew the day would be good, but it turned into a glorious day, because the weather was amazingly kind to those who want to relax in the nude.
Sunshine and 21C (70F), barely any wind and a wonderful area, inside and out, to enjoy. What more could you ask for? I mean, have a look at this:
It was good to see “many” people there. The sauna still maintains a strict count on the people allowed in at one time, due to Corona measures, which is great, but to see so many people enjoying this place was nice.
Again it struck me that there are many folks who cover up to the nose when they’re not in a sauna, a steam bath or a pool. Bathrobes, towels, anything goes. These are the people who also keep their towels around them until just before the moment they sit down in a sauna. As if that small difference between standing and sitting makes that no one can see their nakedness. And some people actually keep their towels wrapped around, to keep their ‘dignity’, or whatever they would call it, intact. And that while there are plenty of people walking around naked and carefree, the way such a day should be enjoyed.
To each their own, of course, but I do wonder what could go on in the minds of the people who keep their ‘shields’ up. Are the appalled by the sight of all those naked people? Curious and peeking? Proud that they, at least, maintain their chastity and don’t throw themselves at the mercy of the world’s eyes?
For me it will probably always remain a mystery why some people are so scared to unload their clothes, even when so many nude ones are around. Don’t they see it’s normal to be naked? That not every naked one is the symbol of physical beauty-standards and youthful attractiveness? Or don’t they want to see that?
It’s probably something else. I can’t help but pity those people, but I do hope they enjoyed their version of that glorious day to the fullest. Like we did.
Sunday Noon Naturist
Found on Tumblr
via Vivre-naturiste.
Habit is perhaps the problem
As I write this, I got home from a walk.
The sun was out, it was warm. Perfect for a nude walk, but, being in a populated area, that’s not always an option. (Haven’t we all been there…)
When I got home, I was close to boiling, and I didn’t know how fast I should get out of my clothes. My body couldn’t get rid of the heat that had accumulated inside the textile prison, and only after a few nude minutes I actually started to feel better.
At that point I wondered: is everyone feeling that way?
Most people are in the habit of wearing clothes. All the time. Even in bed (insert scary feeling). I suspect that those people are not affected by the same heat-sensation that I had gone through after the walk. Or at least not that much. They trained their body (or rather, their mind) to ignore this problem (for the most part). And the part that can’t be ignored is going to be fixed by switching on the air conditioner or a fan.
Nude-aficionados probably have ‘trained’ their bodies and minds to lose all that excess heat by releasing it immediately, or not even ‘storing’ it – which is possible when you’re nude. Not so much when you have the fabrics all around. And that, I’m sure of it, made me get that hot flash as I came back home.
Maybe I’m entirely wrong about this (correct me if you know better), but does this make any kind of sense?
More and more I am convinced that nudity would solve a lot of climate problems, if enough people would go for it and stick to it. Look at damage done, and pollution created by the fashion industry. Look at the power consumption of air conditioning. Look at climate change. This place appears to move towards the situation as I described in “Nude in Space“! Parts of the world overheating, and those who can afford it, hide in air conditioned cities, making the situation outside even worse.
Let’s hope it doesn’t get that far. And let’s also hope we can find some kind of leverage to make the nude life more accepted.
Sunday Noon Nudist
What a way to spend a day…
The Sunday Noon Nudist series
Maybe you caught one or two images in the Sunday Noon Nudist series if you’re a frequent flyer on weblines. I’ve been posting these images since 2012 or 2013; I’m not even sure when it started. There are over 400 of them by now and…
I’m running out of images.
Before I start ‘recycling’ the images, there’s a question or two I’d like to throw at you.
- Should I indeed reuse the older images? I’m okay with that, but I’m more in favour of fresh content than digging up the old stuff, unless the old stuff is very good.
- Should I find a new source of Sunday Nude things? Like artwork? There are plenty of sculptures, paintings etc to draw from, but they might not really fit the naturist label.
- Would people be up to sending me their own images? I know this is a tricky topic, most people feel their pictures are theirs and theirs alone, which I can understand. Not everyone likes their face and other body parts out there on the interwebz for all to see.
I understand that many people enjoy the Sunday Noon Nudist tradition, but when the sources dry up, there’s something I have to do. So I’m asking you, the visitors of the site, for ideas. I’m putting this thing together, but you have to suffer the ‘consequences’ of those actions, so I thought I’d try something resembling democracy.
It might be clear that my dictatorial voice has the final say, but let’s pretend for a while, okay? Just like real politics. 😉
I’m looking forward to your ideas, thoughts and suggestions!
Sunday Noon Nudist
Nude surfing.
How’s that for a Sunday afternoon pastime?
Do you feel healthy?
Yes. Serious question. I know not everyone is totally, entirely, 100% healthy, but as far as you can be, do you feel healthy?
If you can state that you feel healthy to a degree, how much do you think a nude lifestyle contributed or contributes to that?
Is it a little? A lot?
I ask this, because everywhere one can read about the health benefits of naturism and nudism, and through this post I would like to get a feeling about how true such statements are. Health, after all, is one of the most important ‘goods’ we can have.
There are people who sacrifice their health for their work, and then they spend most of their fortune to get their health back. Which won’t happen, I’m
convinced of that. Money goes a long way, but not all the way. What got ruined can’t be fixed by medication or surgery. It will always be more or less a shadow of what a person could have been.
Skin, air and sun
Those are a good mix, as far as any lifestyle goes. That’s proven. More and more people seem to avoid that though, which, given COVID-19, is kind of understandable, but social distancing isn’t the same as becoming a hermit in one’s own house. There are plenty of ways to enjoy the outside without being packed on top of each other. Sensible people know that.
I, for one, am convinced that my nude life has made me a healthier person. I don’t need to be in the sunlight 24/7 (imagine the amount of travel that would take!) but some sunlight, some air, and all of that on all the skin, is wonderful.
Do you feel the same?
Sunday Noon Nudist
Being nude. The way to feel golden!
Sunday Noon Nudist
The way to walk. Unhindered by clothes or annoying