On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

nudity (4)

P.Z. Walker

Non-sexual nudity

The title alone says enough about this society we're moving in. Nudity is by default sexual, these days. Otherwise we wouldn't have to add the 'non-sexual' bit to it. Really? And there are other things we need to nominate as being non-sexual, like standing in…

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P.Z. Walker


Recently I've been listening to a 'new' podcast. New for me, because I didn't know about it until Will Forest mentioned it. I like the format, and the interviews. Also the appearance of correspondent Lisa Monroe is a nice addition to the podcast. The latest…

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P.Z. Walker

Naked pets

(The reason for this post is an article on Bored Panda, for which the author reached out to me in an interview kind of way.) If you don't care to click, or think it's perhaps "TL;DR", the article reports on a young man who got…

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P.Z. Walker

The nude bubble

Bubble Image found online, no source given. I like my nude bubble. I enjoy the knowledge that I know lots of nice nudists and naturists. More and more non-naturists in my circles know that I am a naturist - I don't throw it into their…

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