On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.


Recently I've been listening to a 'new' podcast. New for me, because I didn't know about it until Will Forest mentioned it.

Logo Naked Nudists and Naturists
Naked, Nudists and Naturists. (Link to website.)

I like the format, and the interviews. Also the appearance of correspondent Lisa Monroe is a nice addition to the podcast.

The latest one I heard was part 1 of the interview with Joshua Lisec, and as I was listening to it, again it occurred to me how impossible it is to convey how a person feels when the clothes come off. Again there was freedom, liberation, well-being, and talk about your real self. That gave me the idea for this word (actually two words).

Being naked is being yourself. The way to switch off the fake outside world, with its assumptions of who you are, being judged on your clothes, hairdo, jewellery, and the fact you do or don't own the latest and most expensive / biggest / smallest smartphone (insert preferred make and brand of choice).

PZ Walker, nude walk, Wales, 2016
All of us, fans of the nude way of life, naturists, nudists, whatever you feel like calling it, know how that feels. The pressure is off when the clothes are off.

This is when we enter self-being. Being our true self.

In the podcast, they mentioned leaving all electronics behind, just being a group of nude people have a good time, being who they really are. No more expectations, no more facades to keep up. Just people.

Isn't that just great? And simple? And true?

