On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

nature (3)

P.Z. Walker

Put nature into naturism

You've seen this image before, last Sunday. That was the big edition. It fits this post, though. Despite the word naturism often being another one for nudism (and yes, use your preferred dialect here), I am a strong proponent of the 'nature' part of the…

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P.Z. Walker

The natural thing

Awesome question, isn't it? For me, the sad truth is evident. Humankind in general has put itself over nature. "We" are the masters of nature, and so nature will have to bend to our will. Nature did so for a long time, but now nature is…

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P.Z. Walker

The Earth is inside you.

I found this online a few days ago. This resonates with me deeply, because we are part of nature. Also a few days ago I came across this part of a poem: β€œYou're comprised of 84 minerals, 23 Elements & 8 gallons of water spread over…

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