The natural thing

For me, the sad truth is evident.
Humankind in general has put itself over nature. "We" are the masters of nature, and so nature will have to bend to our will.
Nature did so for a long time, but now nature is striking back. (I only mention snow in weird places, record heat, tsunamis where there should be none, drought, heavy rains, and such.)
Whatever those nudist folk consider 'natural' should be fought. It's not normal, not their kind of natural. It's like artificial intelligence, which isn't intelligent at all, only artificial. Humankind has created its own artificial concept of nature, and that's it. And the way we're going, it won't end soon. (As in years.)
It will end 'soon' (in Earth time) unless humankind gets its wits together and does something to quiet things down. Stop with the 'ever growing economy', for instance. Earth has limited resources, hence the economy is limited too.

Of course we can. So far we've seen how costly that is, and how cumbersome, and how unhealthy. Bone structure suffers, muscles suffer, radiation is a huge problem (sorry, SciFi Fans, it's reality for now). Also, humankind isn't making much of an effort to get all that figured out. Yes, of course, the USA goes to space, China does, Europe does, India does, whoever else does, but the real breakthrough will only happen when they join forces and don't spend energy and money on inventing the same thing ten times over, independently.

If they aren't dangerous, what does?? (Okay, cynicism and sarcasm off for a moment. I think.)
I hope humankind will see things have to change. We can still do it in a (relatively) gradual way. Before nature decrees change upon us in a not so gradual way.