On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

children (3)

P.Z. Walker

Think of the children!

This is a hot iron and it's in too many fires. Think of the children. A while ago I found a brilliant comment on that somewhere. I don't remember where. Unfortunately, I don't remember where. This means I don't have it any more. But.. I…

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P.Z. Walker

My first children's book

Yes. It happened. I wrote a naturist children's story, and it is about to come out. On February 24th of this year, to be more specific. The idea emerged after receiving a list of naturist books from Paul Levalley, who manages the American Nudist Research…

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P.Z. Walker

Naturism, religion and kids.

Naturism, religion and children. Is this a strange combination? Yes, and no. The interesting fact is there that many people, doused in religion, are against naturism. For whatever reason. There are also non-religious people against it, and some religious people are in favour. It's a…

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