On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

My first children's book

Cover Witch Kids

Yes. It happened. I wrote a naturist children's story, and it is about to come out.

On February 24th of this year, to be more specific.

The idea emerged after receiving a list of naturist books from Paul Levalley, who manages the American Nudist Research Library. There were several kids' books in the list, which pleasantly surprised me.

Of course, my brain told me this had to be done too, so I thought up a subject, and out of that thinking came "Witch Kids". It's a story about four children, who read a book called "Witch Kids" 😁, which takes them into a land of magic and nudity, and several big adventures before they can return home.

A good online friend mentioned his daughter, who - like all of the family is an avid naturist - works at a library. I asked if she could find some children to test-read the first few chapters, to make sure I had the right tone, vocabulary and pace for the story.

She found the children (all from naturist families), asked them to read the part, and it was approved. The children's parents also read the part, to make sure it was child-safe, and they, too, approved. That, with some suggestions and recommendations from the lady librarian, resulted in "Witch Kids".

I'm happy I got to do this, and I value the support from everyone very much. I hope this book will convince more people - children - that nudity itself is not bad.

