I was gone for a week and I loved it. It would have been even better had the week been a month, but sometimes things just don’t happen the way we want them to. I’m sure you know how that feels. (If not, let me know how you manage that.)
Ocean, Canary Islands
During that week I went out for a swim in the ocean. Some of you might live next door to an ocean so for you it’s probably not a big thing, but for many others, like me, it is. Going into that enormous expanse of crystal clear water (see above picture), knowing that almost all that water is connected to the rest of the world, is quite an experience if you stop to think about it.
When I got into the water, I was prepared for it to be cold. Oceans tend to cool down at the end of November. Still, it wasn’t too cold for a swim (not even for me!). I loved it.
There was a swimming pool at the place where we stayed. That water was definitely too cold. I still wonder why that wasn’t just one block of ice.
The ocean experience, though, was fabulous. I realised that I was in touch with that water, water that was in touch with all other places in the world, give or take a few.
I wasn’t in the water alone. There were four others, also entirely nude, enjoying the early morning swim. It was a fabulous experience. (Unfortunately my girlfriend wasn’t there at that moment, she had to tend to something personal.)
Next time we’ll swim there together. Naked. In that big water.
No. She doesn’t. I do. I go on vacation, and I’m taking Emma Nelson with me. Of course that’s not her in person, but the third story I’m trying to keep going.
I think I made comments about how hard it is to write crime stories before. In case you missed those:
It’s bloody hard to write good crime stories!
Just so you know. The third story is slowly moving along, but that has to change.
That is where vacation comes in.
The Art of Stealing
I’m off on a vacation at the end of this week. I’ll be out of the country and on the island of Fuerteventura, to be with a special person who is not Emma Nelson. Still, there will be time to write, because a day without writing is a day without writing.
My plan is to only work on the third Emma Nelson story while I’m there, to see how much of a kick in the naked butt I can give it. I’ll be gone for a week, which should give me ample time to get some text down on the typewriter. (In fact it’s a laptop, but I type on it to write, so that makes it a typewriter. 😉 )
There probably won’t be Sunday Noon Nudists and a sort of weekly post next week, unless something amazing happens, so you’re warned.
Before you think I have relocated: I haven’t. But do read on!
On Mewe I met a few very nice people (okay, I met lots of them there, but this post is about 2 specific ones). These two are Huw and Kitty.
Huw and Kitty moved to Spain about a decade ago, in search of their happiness, and some five years ago they found it.
They were lucky enough to obtain 12 acres of land where they can do as they want. And, which probably isn’t surprising to you, dear reader, they do mostly nude.
The wonderful thing that Huw told me is that they don’t want to keep this fabulous place to themselves. If there are true and serious naturists interested in staying at their place for a while, they’re more than happy to facilitate that. Do note that they don’t manage an actual guest house, so if you’re looking for a hotel or a camping, this is probably not the place for you.
If you’re willing to make a contribution to the food and to lend a hand in doing some work on their land, you’re very welcome. Huw and Kitty have 28 olive trees to look after, they have herb beds, and they grow things for personal use, and all that needs to be handled, looked after and taken care of. I am sure you don’t need to be a full-fledged gardener. There’s always something that has to be done that only requires a little information and/or guidance.
Huw, out and about with the dogs
It’s not just work and more work. If you feel up to visiting them, there are lots of ways to enjoy the outside in the most natural state. 12 acres is a lot of space, and there’s no need to dress up unless you plan to go into a town.
Huw allowed me to use these images. As he said:
“This gives you an idea of what we have here and the true connection for anyone out naked with nature. We would be blessed to have genuine others here naked who appreciate both the naked way of life and land/countryside and nature itself.”
Their wonderful nude haven is located in the Valenciana region, an hour south of Valencia inland. They’re a mere 20 minute drive away from some lovely beaches, and those are available to you too, of course. Because you are on vacation.
There is a possibility for camping and camper vans with an electric hook up as there is access to the land for that. Two important things though: 1. No barbecues 2. No smokers smoking out on the land.
As you can well understand, in the summer one tiny bit of ash and the whole valley is lit up like a Christmas tree.
So there you have it. Maybe Huw’s and Kitty’s place is something for you to visit, to have a really free vacation!
If you think it’s for you, please let me know, or get in touch with them directly on MeWe.
It won’t be a surprise that the vacation and recreation industry will take a severe hit from the current “flu crisis”, as I saw the COVID-19 situation described somewhere.
It will be obvious to anyone with a bit of sense that COVID-19 is more than just a flu. It makes weird things happen and more weird things become necessary. Like keeping social distance.
Social distancing on vacation.
This made me think about what the title of this post already warned about. Camping versus hotels.
I expect that camping grounds will see a boost in visitors. On a campground it is much easier to keep the 1.5 metre/6 ft/whatever is current in your country distance than in a hotel.
Hotels will be fine as long as it comes to rooms, but they aren’t prepared to keep people at any required distance when it comes to food or simply moving around. At least, that is my experience with naturist hotels. (If you have any other experience, I would like to hear about it.)
Camping grounds are made to give people space.
Naturist camping on the Dutch island of Texel
Camping plots/lots/spaces usually are quite a bit apart. That, in this situation, is a good thing. As you can see my grasping for the right expression, I am not an experienced nor avid camping visitor. In fact I’m far from that (sorry, camping owners, don’t hold that against me!).
Do you run a naturist hotel?
If you, dear reader, run a naturist hotel, how will you tackle the upcoming vacation season? Is there any way to actually do that? I suspect, the larger your hotel is, the harder it will be to deal with the social distance aspect of life.
I am very curious about that, and with me there are probably many others, because your kind of vacationing experience is very dear to many people, also readers and followers of this blog.
This is me, this morning. Trying to catch a few of the early rays of the sun.
I’ve been on my vacation address since last week Friday. The first days were awesome, with nice weather and lots of plans for places to go.
And then… lockdown. We all know the problem. Covid-19, also known as the Corona virus.
That put a stop to all the fun. Spain went in lockdown, meaning no one is allowed to go outside any more, except for food, medical attention or when you have important work that needs to be done on the spot.
Yesterday we went out for food. It was great to be outside for a while, to walk around. A queue at the supermarket wasn’t a big surprise. People had to stay a metre (3 ft) apart. No more than 6 people were allowed inside the store at any moment. We had to wear plastic gloves. Some shelves were empty already (not the stuff we needed, luckily).
This is such an odd situation. So far it still looks like I can fly home again on Friday. That’s good. Let’s hope it stays good.
Take care, naked friends and acquaintances. Don’t overhype this virus, just be smart about it.
What are good naturist vacation options in Latin America?
My girlfriend and I are looking at a naturist vacation far away. I understand that South America doesn’t sound very far away for people in the US. From Europe it’s quite a haul.
I’ve been looking around for Mexico but the options there seem to be quite limited. I found a place that’s super luxurious and costs an arm and a leg for a night. That’s not what we want.
Also it’s not what we can afford.
I had a look at the Dominican Republic as well. The only nudist hotel there that I found is Eden Bay. There are many references to it online, e.g. on TripAdvisor, but their website is either down or broken – I can’t get to it. Does anyone have experiences with Eden Bay? Is it still operational even? (Since their website doesn’t work…)
Through naturist-resort.com I found 3 options. 2 no longer have a working website. Only Caribbean Nature on St Martin looks operational, and that seems to be a nice place.
I’m genuinely surprised that the number of naturist vacation options in South America is so limited. Either that, or they do their best to stay hidden and under the radar.
It really makes me wish that the resort from Naked Crow 3 had really been built.
So yes, this is not your regular blog post. This is a call-out to people who have been to decent naturist resorts or hotels in Latin America. I would love to hear from you. Where were you, what were your experiences, what do you recommend and what is totally a place to stay away from? A big, nude thank you from me and my girlfriend!
For many people, a vacation is an opportunity to escape, unwind, and relax. But in a world increasingly perpetuated with an obsession to be “connected” at all times, the care-free holiday is disappearing. How many likes did my photo get? Do I have any work emails waiting? How do I look?
For those seeking a true getaway, sometimes turning to a naturist, or nudist, holiday is the breath of fresh air they were looking for. Surrounded by like-minded people, free of judgment, naturists enjoy the chance to leave the material world behind and embrace a trip consisting only of themselves and their destination. Nothing else. For those looking to throw their inhibitions to the wind, we, along with our friends atAllTheRooms, have arranged a list of ideas for around the world, clothing-free holidays.
Ideally located on the Mexican Mayan Riviera, the Hidden Beach Resort features luxury accommodations all within view of the Caribbean. As an adults-only hotel, Hidden Beach caters to both couples looking for a romantic retreat and nudists looking for a community. The highly-praised staff also host fun events nightly.
Sunland Holiday Village
A nudist take on glamping, Sunland emphasizing everything “au naturel” with a focus not on full-service luxury but rather embracing the nude lifestyle in a peaceful, natural setting. Located on the relatively untouched Limestone Coast of Australia, don’t be surprised if you’re joined on the beach or in the bush by a kangaroo.
La Jenny
One of the largest naturist destinations in Europe, La Jenny, found on the Atlantic Coast of France, has a family-friendly atmosphere where adults can enjoy a round of golf while the younger crowd enjoy the resort’s Kiddie Club. Outside of La Jenny, visitors take advantage of convenient access to the world-class vineyards of Bordeaux.
Caliente Tampa
Much of the United States seems to have notably stricter regulations around beach nudity, but there are some world-class nudists options in the country, many of which are either in Florida or the desert of California. The pick of Caliente Tampa is a nod to those who are potentially looking for a rowdy atmosphere, as the resort enjoys a rich nightlife schedule to go along with its many activities.
The relatively new Lemon Tree Resort, opened in 2016, has been so successful the owners are currently working on opening another Phuket-based nudist resort in the near future, named Peace Blue. Guests at the Lemon Tree enjoy friendly BBQs, movie nights, numerous nude sporting activities, and day trips to a naturist island.
Vritomartis Naturist Resort
Vritomartis, on the historic and stunning Greek island of Crete, boasts an incredibly welcoming atmosphere. Potential guests are assisted through the booking process based on whether they are first-time naturists, occasional naturists, or naturists with years of experience. Once at the resort, visitors are greeted by ocean views, numerous leisure activities, and a location in proximity to multiple nude beaches.
Zack is a recovering technical recruiter who traded in his suit and tie in Silicon Valley for salsa music and a passion for writing in Medellin, Colombia. When not writing for AllTheRooms you can find Zack with his nose in a book, puttering around nature, or getting ultra-competitive while watching Jeopardy.
Yes. That would be me, away from home, off to a vacation destination for a week. To rest and relax, and to get inspiration for more mischief. I mean interesting stuff for all you people.
Naked vacations are the best as we all know. I hope you all will be able to get at least one in your life, if not more!!
Yep. Laundry. We all know it. Even nudists know it.
This was a surprise to one of my coworkers, a few days ago. In a fun talk about vacation, said coworker complained about the loads of laundry that had to be done afterwards. I felt good about saying that I didn’t really have too much work with that. Of course, there are shorts and shirts and the odd bit of underwear, but nakations (a concept I had to clarify a bit 🙂 ) mainly get you a bunch of towels that need to be washed.
Towels. A bare (person’s) necessity.
My coworker was quite surprised about that. “If you walk around naked all day, why do you need towels?”
Well, for instance at a pool or the seaside, to dry off if there’s a chilling wind. And… yes. To sit on. Also on chairs. This to needed elaboration so I enlightened her about the fact that when you’re naked, your bodily saps won’t cling to clothes (unless you sit on a dressed person 😉 ).
So you use a towel on a chair. It didn’t take much more to convince her about that need.
Image courtesy of www.ibtimes.com
It’s always nice to talk with someone who’s open-minded about such things. Many folks will never understand the joy of naked freedom. My coworker said to never try naturism or nudism but told me it was interesting to hear about such things.
Have you ever been able to talk about your lifestyle freely at work? Let me know. Or let me know about the weird things you’ve heard about it. It’s time for a laugh, folks!