The wealth of being in nudity

Hey. You.

Hey you

Yes. You. Do you like being nude? Do you like being among other nude people? Yes? If so, do you know how wealthy you are?

Really. I’m not kidding. I’m convinced that people like you and I are among the emotionally wealthiest folks around. The most mentally mature too in ways. Because we know people. Real people.

Sunday Noon Nudist

Nude people. Surprising? Hardly, I’d say. Nudists and naturists have overcome the ‘problems’ that so many people in this world have with skin, with a proper body. We know how real people look. We don’t need Photoshop to look our unattainable best either. All we need to do it take off our clothes and there we are. Our naked best.

The more time I spend in the nude, either alone or with others, the more I am surprised how being this way can ever be a problem. Of course, we all know it is because of the big brainwash that is advertisement, crazy body ideals that will never be possible, and the general fear of nudity as proclaimed by many forms of religion and other groups.

I know there are (religious) groups that aren’t scared of the naked body. That’s a good thing. I don’t dabble in religion but if ever I’d have to, I’d pick one where being naked would be the accepted norm, not something to be frowned upon.

But no matter what your preference is, religion-wise, the fact that you are reading this (and hopefully agreeing), tells me you’re a rich person. Rich in awareness that all bodies are good bodies. Perfect bodies, having become so after accepting what life threw at them. Not picture-perfect (as in Photoshop and so on) but, indeed, body-perfect.

The wealth of not being scared of nudity is something money can’t buy. It’s something experience and personal growth brings. Sometimes also upbringing, if you are/were fortunate enough to have open-minded, nudity embracing parents.

For that, I congratulate you, wealthy fellow human being.

Outer nudity, inner nakedness. Do you know the difference?

Outer nudity and inner nakedness.

This popped into my head one early morning as I got out of bed. I sleep naked and wouldn’t have it any other way. Nudity is important to me because of the freedom it brings.

On Twitter I was engaged in a little thread about nudity being a taboo. (The article mentioned is worth a read, go do it if you have the time.) Is nudity a taboo again? Or is it so still?

Outer nudity.

relaxed nudityMost of you will know that I don’t do well with taboos. For me, someone who’s nude by choice is a far more relaxed person than someone who worries about taking their clothes off when he or she is alone in the bathroom. As soon as you’re comfortable with your outer nudity, I feel there is nothing left to fear. There is no inner nakedness anymore, which is something I’ll address in the next paragraph. Outer nudity is the acceptance of your body, your awareness that not everyone is as pretty as the media these days ‘prescribe’ you should be. People who share their outer nudity are easier going, or so is my experience. That of course doesn’t mean that nudists or naturists are 100% carefree. Even when you dump your clothes there can be dentist bills, mortgages and other modern-life problems piling up. Outer nudity just deals with one of the major hang-ups that is coming back more and more. The prudification of modern people when you compare life to the sixties and early seventies.

Inner nakedness.

suppressed nakednessOdd as it may seem, people who constantly hide inside their clothes are the true naked people. (For my reasoning between the difference between nude and naked, please read this older post.) They are the ones who are scared to be seen and do all they can to hide behind shirts, pants, skirts and sweaters, no matter how hot it is. Which, as we naturists and nudists know, is the most absurd thing to do when the weather’s inviting everyone to go nude.

Inner naked people are scared to show themselves, be it through conviction (e.g. religion, taking a vow of prudishness) or peer pressure (environment, family). I pity those people as they are keeping a very important part of themselves locked inside themselves. A part that craves unbounded freedom.

The relation of freedom and freedom.

question mark manHere is a question for you: do you think there is, or could be, a relation between physical freedom (outer nudity) and the freedom to find a deepened general happiness (which is a happiness that has nothing to do with nudism/naturism)?

I have my own thoughts about it but those aren’t important here as I am asking you, nude or clothed reader.

Talk to me. Surprise me.

The weird world according to a naturist.

Yes, according to many naturists (I know that for certain; I’ll never say I speak or write for all of them) the world is a weird place.

The ‘general’ (non-nudist/non-naturist) world is obsessed with sex and nudity (if you don’t believe me then just open your eyes and look around).

kiltEveryone is curious, almost hungry to see what’s under your clothes, even though it’s too obvious what’s there as there are only 2 genders in humankind and everyone has seen each of the models in the nude one time or another.

Of course, shape, size and colour may vary but the basic package for everyone is exactly the same.

For instance at a beach you can see girls wearing the most skimpy little things to “cover” what shouldn’t be seen, while at the same time the skimpiness of it all is meant to uncover everything so it can be seen. How stupid is that?

And it gets even worse.

Beneath the kiltAs soon as a member of this very same curious general public is given an unobstructed view of what’s actually there, there’s no relief to their curiosity. On the contrary: shock, horror, finger pointing and screaming will ensue (probably after enough people grabbed their phones to take pictures of the corpus delicti). Indecent exposure is the least of one’s problems, being accused of sexual harassment very probably, and with some luck the police force is called out to pick you up and throw you in the back of their car and finally into jail where you, being the pervert that you are, belong. (But we do have the pictures, those are fun to show around!)

Skimpy bikini This is much better.

More honest too, because there is nothing in the way of ‘indecent exposure’.

Or isn’t it? I don’t think so.

Nudism is acceptance of and honesty about one’s body and that of others, no buts or maybes.

Covering things up is social hypocrisy.


Nudity in art and the downfall of morality

It suddenly occurred to me, while watching some old paintings, that nudity in art has been in decline over the last number of decades.Why do I think so? Look at this painting by Rubens:
 photo rubens_paris_2_zps5b104d08.jpg
Many nude people in it, and most people will appreciate this as art. In the time that this painting was made (1606/1608 –source-) no one made any fuss about it.

Then there is this painting, made in 1915 (-source-) by Adolf Heinrich Hansen:
 photo AdolfHeinrichHansen-MotherAndChildAtTheBeach_zpsca034c12.jpg
No one, except for the obvious, will have a problem with this scene where a mother and her child are at the beach. These days, when a photograph appears somewhere that shows the same basic image, many people will try to beat each other in shouting ‘child porn’. That’s wrong, as there is no porn in this picture. Just a nude child having a good time at the beach. I’m in Europe. When you go to a beach here you’ll see lots of small children running around naked, and nobody makes a fuss about it.

I’m glad that at least in paintings no censorship is used. Please, look at this and tell me if you think this option is brilliant:
Art censored
I’m quite convinced that it’s not. So why is harmless nudity (yes, nudity is harmless!) then so often censored in our modern age?

(Indeed, this is not a painting, but photography is a modern art-form.)

It’s all down to the excesses that the porn industry bestowed upon us, and the manners of extreme people that take things much too far. Because of them, the knights of morality put a stamp on anything that shows parts of a body that we ‘should be ashamed of’. Not only the sexually extreme are responsible for this, however. Overall hypocrisy which is often fuelled by religion and other factions also plays a part in it. It’s sad that the world desires so much ‘guidance’ in what’s acceptable in nudity. What happened to the common sense in morals?