Feeling naked
This is a post that doesn’t preach to the naturist choir. We are used to being naked and we know how good it feels.
If you have always worn clothes, you have no idea how good it is to be out of them. It’s a strange feeling not to be covered. It may even feel cold, despite the nicest and warmest weather. Your brain will scream at you because you’re doing it wrong. You’re not following the program or regimen that you’ve been brought up with.
Don’t worry. Give it a try for half an hour. Do the things you usually do, without paying attention to the clock (unless staring at the clock is what you usually do. In that case, what is your occupation?)
Why would someone want to be naked when there are clothes?
Of course, I understand that question. Clothes are perfect to stay warm. Clothes are also perfect to hide everything that you were told is wrong with your body. The scars, the flab, the stuff that’s not up to the standards of advertisement.
Now let me tell you a secret: no one is. Not even the perfect models you see on TV, on your computer and in magazines.
If you want to know more about this, have a look at this BoredPanda page. Yes, even the prettiest people are ‘fixed’ up digitally before they live up to what the industry thinks is fine. In other words, it’s total BS.
Are you still with me? Good. Let’s skip the BS part of beauty. It’s impossible. I mentioned clothes to keep you warm. I totally agree. Nudists wear clothes when it’s cold as well. It makes perfect sense and us humans have been doing this for ages.
But then the climate changes. Summers get hotter. Temperatures up to 35C/40C, over the 100F, 110F, are becoming more normal than before. And still, despite the heat, people have to wear their beloved clothes. And when it gets too warm, we simply turn on the air-conditioners. Lots of them. And all of them eating up energy like crazy, and to supply that energy we need to heat up the earth some more and add to the climate change that is already threatening us.
Is that smart?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to wear fewer clothes so your body can deal with the temperature more easily? And once you’re down to just your underwear, why not get rid of that too? What’s the use of that, apart from hiding the parts you were taught to be ashamed of, that need to be hidden?
While we all know you have them…
Why not be naked?
Being naked has the advantage of letting your skin breathe, deal with heat, and also it allows you to move easier. When you squat down, nothing is tight in the wrong places.
I would really appreciate it if you would give this a try. A few times, because your conditioning, your depending on clothes isn’t something you can undo in half an hour.
If you have seriously tried this a few times (more than 15 minutes, no cheating!) and you really don’t like it, okay. You tried. Switch on your air conditioning this summer and pay the bill for it. In electricity and sweat. And clothes. And washing them a lot (which also costs money and adds to climate change…)
As you have seen, being naked more has more effects than you might think. Thank you for reading. And giving this an honest chance.