Naked Crow 4 – Shaman

Hi everyone,

I’m on vacation now (yes, this is a pre-programmed post!) and I have nothing serious to tell for that reason, I though it a good time to show you the cover of the new Naked Crow book that’s going to come out soon. You already caught the title, I’m sure.

Naked ladies and nude gentlemen, I present to you:

The book should come out soon after I return from nakation!

Books on naturism

Alright dear naked readers,

Nude in SpaceI need your help. I’m looking for books that include naturism/nudism in a decent way. A bit like the Naked Crow books I’ve written. So far I’ve found “Naturist, Red in Tooth and Claw” which was an entertaining book (despite the horrible editing and the mistakes in it), and also a book by Robert Longpré about travelling to Santiago de Compostella, “A Small Company of Pilgrims“. The last book on naturism I found and read was “Being Naked“, a short but very honest and wonderful read. Do you know of other good naturist books? I really want to know because I’m curious how many decent books about naturism and accepted nudity are out there.

Thank you for your help!

Naked Crow 3 and the future

Hi all.

NakedCrow3_320Yes. It’s real. Naked Crow 3, called “Nagual“, is out into the world.

The spread to all the shops will take a while but it’ll get there. In the meantime I have a serious question to all the readers (and non-readers).

I am working on a fourth Naked Crow book. Are there issues concerning naturism/nudism that you would like to see addressed in a novel on naturism? I’m not going to ‘lead’ you by giving examples to keep things open for everyone. If you feel something needs to be highlighted or in another way addressed, please let me know in a comment or let me know via e-mail.

I can’t promise that I’ll be able to deal with everything that’s mentioned but I’m going to do my best. Thank you!

The preferred writing genre

Hi everyone!

I’d like thank the people who let me know (via the poll and through other means) who responded to my question which genre of naturism related books I should focus on. The majority pointed to fantasy, being the Naked Crow books.

Naked crow 2 Naked Crow Cover

It looks like I have the road for Sheila and Jeremy laid out for me. Thank you again!

By the way, work on the third book is progressing nicely. So far I have bad weather, bows and arrows, and a trip in the book. 🙂 Do you want a hint where to?

Now guess.

Which is the best?

Hello there. I’m really curious about something so I’m putting the right to express yourself in your hands. It’s okay if you’re not naked when you vote, sometimes the weather or the circumstances just don’t play along.

Nude in Space Naked Crow Cover Naked crow 2

[yop_poll id=”4″ tr_id=”ZM_BK_genre”]

It’s interesting, even important for me to know this, because then I can decide which style of book I should continue to write.

Girl-reading-nakedThank you for voting!

It helps me!

Gosh. Did you know that Naked Crow 2 is available?

I’m entirely stumped to find that I never posted about this.

The second Naked Crow book, Evil Spirit, is out and about in the usual places. Most of you may have found the Naked Crow 2 page I made already, but just in case you didn’t… Here it is!

Naked crow 2The book is available from:


Naked Crow – great reviews


Naked Crow CoverI’m going to toot my own horn here for a bit, just because I’m so proud. I just found a number of reviews on my first naturist book “Naked Crow”.

On someone called it an “unusual nudist story” and ends the review with the words:

If you do not normally read stories dealing with nudity as a theme, I strongly encourage you to read this one book. I believe you will be surprised what you think about nudity and nudism after you finish reading this book!

You might find that deep inside you are a nudist and don’t realize it until now. Enjoy this fun read anyway. I think you will enjoy the story! Invest three dollars to see if what I have told you in my review is true!!

I also found 2 reviews on, both of them stating nice words about my book. I’m very proud now, and happy that I sat down to write this book. I had never thought that people would take an interest in it, but this encourages me even more to write a second book about Sheila and her friends at the Mighty Oaks resort.

Naked Crow – a follow-up

Hi, everyone.

I’m entirely blown away by the amount of people who’ve purchased a copy of Naked Crow. Even more so because of all the positive comments I received about the book, and the very nice review that appeared on the HomeClothesFree Bookclub. It’s obvious that there are by far not enough books that deal with nudism, naturism and (social) nudity in a serious way.That’s why I’ve decided to write a sequel to Naked Crow. I think I have a very nice problem lined up for Sheila and her friends for this book.

I had already started to write a new book that involves nudism/naturism, a science fiction which will probably be called Nude in Space, although that’s the working title for now. When there’s something noteworthy to mention about either of those writing projects, I’ll drop a note here.

Thank you to everyone who talks about Naked Crow and who promotes the clothes-free lifestyle!

Naked Crow – a follow-up

In a previous post I mentioned that I had written a book to put naturism in a more positive light for the rest of the world. Too many people still think that it’s wrong if you want to go around in the nude, instead of being ‘decently dressed.

It’s still not completely done. Editing takes a while, as does implementing some feedback from test-readers which requires a number of changes here and there, but all in all I am very pleased with the progress I’m making with the book.

My hope is that I have wrapped everything up around February and that I can publish it as an e-book by then.

I am not certain about making it a paper copy as well, as that involves all kinds of other technical aspects, but we’ll see how things work out. I’m already looking at possibilities.