Naturism on social prudia

Social prudia

I am sure you know what I mean. Prude social media. Did I hear someone say ‘Facebook’? Ding! Right in one. That one is, as far as I know, the most tight-assed, buttoned up place that allows murder and porn while being on a witch hunt against naturism, right?


They are against nude images that show ‘too much’.

This up here is too much. Totally unsafe. You can clearly see body parts. Something that Facebook is against, unless – under conditions – it’s meant to be art. They decide what is art. Or unless it’s ‘educational’. They decide what is educational. (See, you’re picking this up quickly!)

This up here is Facebook-Safe. I hear what you say: this is bonkers, mad, crazy, bull-shit, BS, insane, unreal. In short: this is Facebook.

And still there is a way, but you may not like it.

Yes, there is a way to promote naturism on social prudia. And you don’t even need to deface (I mean de-body) images for that.

Victorian bathing fashion

The way is to be smart about your images, or forget about images entirely. You can write a good piece on naturism, add an image of someone in a bathing suit and detail how insane such a piece of cloth actually is.

If you are into blogging and you really want to post the links to your blogs on a social prudia, make sure you are careful with the imagery. The hard part is that it’s difficult to predict which image will show up on a Facebook page. When you use WordPress, you can assign an image to be the main one but Faceprude can select a different one. You can work around that by removing the preview from the link. Or add a prude-book safe image to your post there, which will remove the preview and still you’ll have something to show.

But I need my images to express myself!

I know there are lots of people who desperately want to show the world how nice it is to be nude, using pictures. Do so, by all means, in the places where you can. Diaspora is cool, Mewe is cool, Twitter, for now, is cool. is a good place too. But Faceprude isn’t. You can spread the word there by doing exactly that: spreading words.

I thought I’d dump this info here, in case you are a dedicated Zuckerberger. I understand that – the whole world and their aunt is on Faceprude. If you want to tell the world there about your nudism, your naturism, your clothes-free lifestyle, use the right words and the safe images. Using images that show the opposite of what you want to tell the world is a good way, especially when they are funny.

Dedicate some words to the benefits of looking great in a bathing suit and how it keeps you warm in the water.

Sing the song of your people about the benefits of walking around in smelly, stinky clothes after a hike.

Be creative. Don’t hold back. Use what’s available.

How long would it take for nudity to be accepted?

Yes, isn’t that a fun question?

The bias against nudity removed

During a walk a while ago I suddenly wondered about that. Suppose that one day (and may it happen soon), there would be no more bias against the nude body, and we were all free to go naked wherever we want.

How long would it take before the majority of people would be fine with that? After how much time would people stop pulling out their phones to take pictures of yet another naked person walking by?

Here are my uneducated guesses

I think the first days would be bad. There would be outrage by the overly pious and ‘faint of heart’. Tonnes of images and miles of video footage would go online and I am sure we’d be mocked and called names too.

But after those first few days I think that more and more people would feel the urge to at least try this. Mostly after the first wave of pictures and video has come to an end.

Why just a first few days?

I base this guess on how quickly people get used to being naked when they try naturism themselves. Usually, it’s only a matter of an hour and often even less. When you see more nude people, the fact that they’re nude vanishes. I think the same thing will happen in the streets. It’s like the Carnaval in Rio: when 1 person dresses up and goes into the street, everyone will notice that person.

Carnaval, Rio de Janeiro

But if more than 20% of the population does it, there is some kind of critical mass that gets passed and then the dressed-up folks get not that much attention anymore. Now I am probably way off with the 20% for Rio but it’s not Rio I am talking about here. This post is about the number of people who want to go nude when the weather’s okay for it – and it’s okay for going nude much faster than the dressed community would agree. Simply because we know and they don’t.

And then, after a few weeks…

I think that after a few weeks the big acceptance will happen. When people notice that nude people are just like dressed ones. We won’t go around having sex all over the place, like they don’t.

I am convinced that there will be people who are going to do that though. And then it would be our responsibility to step in and stop that behaviour. It will have much more impact when a nude person stops other nude people from such behaviour than when we wait for the (dressed) police to come and do that. Showing the textile world that we, the nude, are against that, makes the most powerful sign.

Naked discrimination should stop

Nude, bodypainted girl being arrested

I think we all agree with this. It is my experience that most normal people (the ones in the street, not the politicians, religious zealots and other ‘influencers’) don’t have a big issue with nudity. It’s the media that make it a ‘big deal’, and then there’s the ‘lucky few’ who take it as an opportunity to put themselves in the spotlight, but if it’s not nudity, they would find something else for their own purpose.

That’s what irks me the most. During nude walks in England, I’ve met people, also older people, who didn’t give a damn about me being naked. They liked me being polite, wishing them a nice day. The normal things.

Also here in the Netherlands people don’t really care. I do notice there is a trend in the wrong direction going on, which has to do with the influences of the many restrictive cultures and religions that are coming in. And then there is Germany, where clothes-free recreation, FKK, was ‘invented’. They’re really okay with it.

Indoctrination of the dressed and how to regain confidence.

Clothing store

We all know this view. A clothing store. Most of us have been pushed, carried or taken there since our youngest years because ‘you have to wear clothes’. The religion of the cloth, with temples in every mall or shopping street.

Clothes are ‘normal’. The norm. This because most people have no better idea than to do what they were told from a young age. Those early years, when the mind is most malleable (and yes, I had to look that word up) decide how people will be most of their lives.

Sunday Noon Nudist
Mother and child

If you had naturist parents, lucky you! Then you learnt from a young age that clothes are optional, even when that is less optional than you might like. Most people, however, will never think of stripping for their physical comfort. The programming of a body and certainly a mind goes far.

Can you believe how glad I am to meet someone who has decided to give this naked life a try and who found that it’s great? Having the awareness that this is an option, despite everything the fashion industry throws at us, is fabulous. And when the person in question then says that, yes, at first it was scary but soon discovers that the naked life actually gives her confidence (yes, it is a she)… That is grand.

Confidence is a great good; one that many people lack, deep inside. I wish more people would give the naked life a try, and discover there is more beneath their clothes than what they are hiding.

Happy heart
Happy heart

We all know this. Body confidence is a great good, one that I have addressed on this blog plenty of times – but never enough. Each time when I learn of someone who discovered this ultimate freedom in nudity, my heart is happy. Happy for this person who (often) finally, after so many years, overcame the peer pressure of having to adjust to the norm. Of finally finding the courage to engage with proper liberty, the unbound feeling of no restraints on the body.

Peace and love to each of those people, young or old. Good for you. Welcome. I applaud you.

The question in genital. (a.k.a. Picture this.)

You have probably come across this kind of picture: low camera stand-point, ‘model’ sitting straight for the camera, legs spread, full frontal view of the genitals and, oh, right, the rest of the model is there too.

Lynx browser

Seen it? Yes? I thought so. No? Where have you lived all these years, or are you browsing the web using Lynx?

This is almost the kind of picture I am referring to. Sorry people who are hoping for a full frontal shot of my penis, it’s not in the cards for you today.

Maybe it’s just me, but images that show naturists and nudists who feel the need to spread their legs and show their genital area take things a bit too far. Many of such shots can be done without creating pictures that can be adopted for the porn industry.

There is not always a need (if at all) to show ‘the goods’ just to prove you’re entirely naked. As in the image up there. If people want to kid themselves into thinking I was secretly wearing boxer shorts (urgh!) and I carefully hid them, so be it. They are not the audience I have my blog for anyway.

Right. This is my take on things. What is yours? Do you think that the emphasis on genitals, even when it’s perhaps not intentional, is necessary to show nudity?

Simply selecting a different position of the camera will already do a great job on taking the emphasis to the entire body, not just the genital area.

As usual I am curious about your ideas, experiences and visions.

Have a great, nude day, everyone!

Naturism vs. religion

Yep. This might be a big one. Or perhaps it’s a small one.

On the way home from work I was thinking about a suitable subject for a blog post – this one – and I came up with… naturism vs. religion.

We all know naturism. The joy of it, the freedom, the relief that comes from it. And the sadness at times that not more people dare to take that step out of their clothes and into a new life (which I know it was for many people).

So how does religion enter this arena of liberty?

We know about Christianity and Islam as well as we know naturism. Some may know more about one than the other, and that’s quite alright. No one is supposed to know everything.

I know there are Christian Naturist groups online and in real life (let me write that out). There are also Christian groups that condemn the practice of naturism. They are determined to go to their heaven in full dress, all dolled up and so on. Of course. To each their own.

Religious symbols

I also know there are Muslims, e.g. in Egypt, who are naturists. Since naturism isn’t actually ‘a thing’ in that country, these people have to practice their naturism in secret, which is a crying shame. And yes, there are bundles of Muslims who condemn being naked. They are convinced that their god has better things to do than watch naked people.

This opposed to the Christian god, who looked at Adam and Eve while they strolled around in the nude until that certain moment.

And there are atheists, people who don’t believe there is a god peeking over their shoulder all the time. Those are the ones who, in my opinion, should have the fewest hangups about nudity (and still there are lots who do).

Nude Swim

That was the starting point of my idea for this blog post. How would the match of religion vs. naturism unfold? Would religious naturist people stick to their own religion while mingling with other nude folks? Or would naturism be the more common denominator (hey look, I know difficult words) and would, therefore, naturism take the boundaries of religion away? What do you think? Do you have an opinion about this? If you are religious and a naturist, how do you feel about this?

The heat is on. The clothes are off.

My initial idea for the title of this post was “the drinking naturist”, after the podcast “The Thinking Atheist” that I follow, but that might give people the wrong idea (e.g. alcohol and things) so I changed that.

Here in Europe, temperatures are rising this week. Locally we may see 36 C, which is 97 F. Not the stuff we usually encounter during the year, although it’s getting hotter and hotter each year.

Yes, summer is here and it’s a hottie.

This, of course, is a great thing for naturists, nudists and other clothes-free-oriented humans. I can understand that – I’m writing this post clothes-free too, which is the best state to be in for a human body. Clothes not needed? Leave them off. (When will the world understand that?)

Because of that hot weather, I would like to remind everyone that it’s important to stay hydrated. And that means to drink in advance. Once you start feeling thirsty, you’re generally too late. So drink up while you don’t feel like it. Feeling bad just before you drink is not the smart thing to do, even when you’re nude.

I think it’s also smart to stay out of direct sunlight on the hot parts of the day. Now everyone has their own heat tolerance, but please be smart about it. Just because it’s hot and sunny, that doesn’t mean you have to be out in the sun as long as you can. You will survive with the vitamin D you collect in the ‘off hours’. Sun-stroke and skin cancer are real. Please remember that.

Sunlovers having fun at the beach

Free Range Naturism

Many of us know the joy of walking outside, in nature. Not everyone does, I am aware of that, and I pity you if you’ve never had the opportunity to experience that kind of freedom in nature. It is as if you become part of nature. It’s remarkable (yet again) how big a barrier clothing creates.

A while ago I added a new link to the overview of nudist bloggers:

Jon, the person who created the site and maintains it, mentioned it to me via e-mail so I had a look at the site. It is a true treasure trove for people like us who want to walk and see experiences of others.

Barefoot. (Used with permission.)

One post I found there stood out to me: Need a Nude Trail? Make One. (And no, I didn’t read all the posts yet, they have an archive that goes back years, go see for yourself!) In itself, it’s a great post and an inspiration to see how people create their own trails. Of course, this only works when you’re in a large natural area. I don’t see this happening in cities, but the idea is great and I thought I should share it here.

Along the trail. (Used with permission.)

This site motivates me to go out a bit more and see if I can come up with a proper naturist trail near here. I am convinced there’s something possible, perhaps not near where I live in the Netherlands, but for me the German border isn’t far away and there is a lot of forest land out there!

A naturist ‘in jail’.

An intriguing topic, isn’t it? The more as this is not about a brick-and-mortar jail but one of a totally different kind.

A little while ago I received this message. A cry for help. As I don’t feel equipped to comment on this just like that, I asked the sender of this (who asked if he could remain anonymous) if I could post his message on my blog. He agreed. Please read this and if you have suggestions, ideas or constructive comments, please leave them at the bottom of this page!

I was a naturalist growing up from the age i say 10 years old. On my own only deep in the woods in hidden ponds, rivers, creeks i found or knew from geological maps. As i got older and working like EVERYWEAR there was in Puerto Rico. On job assignments. I did hiking in the rain forests and along the beach for 1/8 to 1/4 mile from an access point to a nude beach was aloud.

Now handicapped. I cant drive or visit beach’s because my wheelchair or rollator can’t make it through the sand to reach the nude beaches or even some nudists resorts/camping grounds. There not handicapped equipped! Also i need someone that can drive me there with my wheelchair or rollator and gear (emergency oxygen tank and meds and meters and such.) To sleep at a place would require power and a 4 person tent just for me!

So back to the begining sentence. I am trapped at my house to go out and just be free. My folks come over anytime unannounced and walk into my room where I am sleeping. So I cant even sleep nude anymore…. Or be nude in my house.

What am i to do???

As you see, this is a horrible situation to be in. If you have anything to share with our anonymous naturist friend, please do so. Ideas, solutions, options, all of those are welcome.

A day at a sauna

A few weeks ago my girlfriend and I spent a day at a sauna. A Wellness resort, as it describes itself.

It was great. A whole day of relaxing without the need to wear clothes. Can you think of a better way to spend a day?

I can.

Spending a week like that. Maybe not a whole week at a wellness resort, but in the nude? I’d take it!

I keep being surprised about how wonderful such a day is. Total relaxation, no need to wear clothes. We had a walk outside to cool down. It started to rain. No problem. Who cares about getting wet when it cools you down directly at skin level?

Days like that should be obligatory, at least once a month but preferably once a… day? At least the walking around nude part, without people throwing a hissy fit over that.

I had a good laugh when we walked along and, at a separate building, a relax room with a view over a large pond, there was a bucket with umbrellas waiting for those who were in need of one. Note that I didn’t see anyone there who was holding an umbrella. Naked people in the rain don’t need those things. When it’s too cold out there, an umbrella won’t make much difference anyway.

A stupid thing of many Dutch saunas is that they introduce more and more bathing-suit-days. What the bleep? Who wants to sit in a hot, wet sauna with such stuff clinging to you? Prudishness seems to be more important than hygiene, because all the bacteria you sweat out get stuck to your privates if you keep fabric wrapped up there. Eeeuw….

Do you have a favourite spa, sauna, wellness place, or another way to relax in such a manner? If so, spread your knowledge down here and you might inspire people to go there as well.

Colours in naturism

Don’t get me wrong. This is not a post about body painting.

I’m going to delve a little into the side of naturism of other ethnic groups. People of colour. Black people. Hispanic people. And why? Because I have found that around 95% of the naturist contacts I have on the internet are white. Caucasian. Whatever kind of ‘colour’ you want to put on them.

Black naturist woman

I asked one of my non-white naturist contacts about this.

Do coloured naturists feel part of the overall naturist community?

I wondered about that, because the naturist community as a whole is a very open and welcoming bunch. At least, from what I’ve found and experienced.

Black nudists

As it turns out, it depends very much on the group such naturists wants to join. Sometimes they are accepted as they are, no problems come up. That is how it should be. However, there are times, so my contact said, that coloured people are not so easily accepted and in the worst case they are actually shunned.

I’m glad he told me that there are people out there in nudy-land (my words, not his) that do their best to make people of all genders and each ethnicity feel welcome. Which is how it should be.

Are there communities of coloured naturists?

The answer to this was that he hadn’t been invited to any, but he is convinced there are specific naturist groups for ‘other ethnic groups’.

nude play at the beach

As an aside, I have to throw in here that I hate differentiating between humans and humans this way. We’re all people, regardless of skin tone, and it would be nice if we could just get along. I’m certain most people agree.

Are coloured people as much into naturism as non-coloured ones?

I had to ask. And the answer was ‘no’. That didn’t surprise me. Part of that is in the upbringing, which brings religion into play but also the ‘being different’ as in skin tone. Dark people seem to be ‘watched’ more so they have to stay below the waves of attention. That prevents them from coming out into the open as naturists, or even it will prevent them from even trying. Which is a shame, in my view.

And now to you, coloured reader…

I admit that this is not an in-depth bit of research, that I’m just scratching the surface. So I would like to hear your opinions, your experiences and even your hopes for your (and others) naturist future.

Please drop me a comment and talk about what you have done, what you think and so on.

Naturism is for everyone.