Today was grand, great and impressive. And most of my out-time walking was textile-free too. I walked and hiked a little over 10km in 3 walks today, the last one a good 6km, and about 8 to 8.5 of them were clothes-free. 🙂
This would amount to 6.25miles in total, and 5 to 5.3 miles nude. The weather was gorgeous, people were scarce and a few I ‘suddenly’ met while nude were quite positive about it. (I try to cover up when I see people coming, but sometimes they are unfair and literally come around the corner and then I just keep going.)
It was fabulous being out, had a great walk through a forest/heather area while going around a lake. I hope I can do something like that again in a few days. The weather also helped a lot, I hope we keep that for a while. Say until the week before Christmas? 🙂
Yes. I’m a pagan. I tend to lean towards the Druid path, but that’s not so important here.
Pagans want to connect with nature, want to live in harmony with nature. That is important to them. Often pagans come together to perform rituals, and at times these rituals are done ‘skyclad‘. This is what it says: you only wear the sky, the air around you. In other words: we’re nude:
Spirituality is important to me, as it is for most pagans. It has nothing to do with religion, even when the connection between the two is easily made. Each can exist without the other, although many will not agree with that statement.
Spirituality, for me, is the touching of spirits. The spirit(s) of nature touching the spirit in me. For that I like to be in nature. You don’t go in the cellar to look for something you know is in the attic. The feeling of ‘nature’ at large is something that keeps amazing me. All that variety, all that power in things small and large, it’s fabulous. It is all there, you just have to open your eyes to it.
It becomes even more so when I experience that natural spirit in the most natural state: naked. It makes a difference. Feeling the ground beneath my feet restores my connection to the earth. Feeling the wind on my skin connects me in the most direct way to air. When the sun shines and warms me, that is where fire comes into play, and when I swim or when it rains on me, the element of water is there.
Of course, you can go into nature fully clothed and experience the spirits that way. Over time though, I have learnt that this would be the same as touching the skin of a loved one with gloves on; making love fully dressed; watching the eyes of a beloved through a reflection in a dirty mirror. That makes it all second hand, indirect, circumstantial.
“But in the wind you get cold. In the rain it’s even worse, you get wet and cold.”
True, those things can happen. Those things need to happen, they are also things that go around in nature. Not everything is pretty and the way we want, animals don’t stay cute and young – they grow and die. Flowers don’t remain in full bloom – they wither and waste away. So feeling some cold… well, depending on the season (this is where common sense comes in) won’t kill you. Feeling some rain won’t kill you.
This is what make naturism important to me; the direct contact with everything in nature. Feeling the bark of a tree against your bare back when you lean against it is so different from when you wear a shirt. Sitting in the grass with your naked behind: the same thing.
Being naked in nature also shows you your place, whether you like it or not. With your shoes and your gear you can trample through all kinds of rough terrain, disregard nettles and thorns. Naked, you will watch twice where you go because nettles and thorns will sting. You start to be much more considerate of everything there is. And once you’ve reached that awareness, you can reach the spirit of nature much easier than when you go in with your textile suit of armour.
Maybe you don’t like the idea of feeling that weak when you’re in nature. Man, after all, has ‘conquered’ nature, is the ‘master of things’. That is where so much modern thinking goes wrong. Man, master of things, can’t do a thing against an earthquake or a hurricane or a tsunami. Those are the large scale matters that show us our place.
Isn’t it better to start on the small scale, among the nettles and the thorns, to learn where we belong, so we don’t abuse the spirit of the place? So that we understand the spirit of the world, of the universe, as it connects to our own?
Photo: Rick McCharles Naked trekking in Switzerland may very well rest in the balance of this current court case. WE’VE SPENT A LOT of time at Matador telling you about where to get naked: The Best Nude Beaches in the World, the Best Places for a Skinny Dip, and Nude Trekking, German Style. We’…
This year we at Freedom Fields Naturist Ranch decided that it was a good time in our lives to get our way of living life clothing free out into the main population of the textile world.
We have thought of many ideas along the way to help promote naturism in a positive light and bring about a better awareness of who we are and what we enjoy so much about being naked. We then decided that the best form of awareness is for a worthy cause, hence we are partnering with Tit4Tat Canada and hosting a “2014 Breast Cancer Calendar Photo Shoot” here on Sunday June 30th 2013. …
On GoScandinavia I found a few great resources about nudism in Sweden, but also the other Scandinavian countries.
Here is part of the text that’s on the page:
Swedes are open-minded and many like to swim or sunbathe in the nude. Nudism in Sweden is nothing unusual and Swedes make it clear that the purpose of nudism/naturism is stricly non-erotic and non-sexual. One prejudice is that Sweden is all about sex and nudism (which is incorrect.) This closed-minded prejudice stems from early teachings about sex in Swedish schools.
Nudism in Sweden can be practiced at the many nude beaches in Sweden. If you want to visit a dedicated nude beach in Sweden, you can find the one closest to your destination using our maps of nude beaches. These great nude beaches are especially popular amongst nudists:
When on a nude hike and you run into textiles, stay calm, nude and friendly. After all, a nudist has nothing to hide, and usually clothed people are scared more of what they see than the nudist hikers. It gives us the edge.
Oh, and if you know good places to hike in the nude, wherever in the world, would you mind sharing? The more places we know, the easier it is for us all!
Granted, it’s not a big sandy affair, there’s just grass and a man-made lake, but it’s our local nude beach. Yesterday the weather was amazing for a change (spring has been quite disappointing so far) so I put some stuff in a bag, added sun-block (never forget sun-block, please) and made my way out.
Overlooking the grass and the lake
It wasn’t very busy yesterday, about a dozen people in all, but that was enough to have some interesting conversations and meet a few nice people.
I hardly can wait to go back there – or visit one of the other places around.
In a Dutch town there was an action against discarding the local nude beach. (Report in Dutch here.)
A most interesting part in this article is:“Strafwet. De strafwet staat bloot recreëren overal toe, zolang anderen zich daar niet aan storen.”
Criminal Law. Criminal law allows nude recreation everywhere, as long as others don’t take offence.
Now that’s something I didn’t know. Basically this says you’re allowed to go nude anywhere as long as you’re not bothering others. Quite cool!
This webpage for a Dutch naturist area (in Dutch of course) explains that the law article where this is detailed is number 430a. Most important part: “Het wetsartikel 430a maakte naaktrecreatie dus mogelijk op alle plaatsen die voor ongeklede recreatie geschikt zijn. In het algemeen zijn dit plaatsen waar geen openbaar verkeer langs komt.”
Law article 430a therefore enables nude recreation in all places that are suited for clothes-free recreation. In general these are places where no public traffic passes by.
(Public traffic here needs to be seen also as pedestrians and cyclists of course, not just cars.)
Another website (maintained by a lawyer), “Strict in criminal law” (Scherp in strafrecht) states: “Of een plaats voor naaktrecreatie geschikt is, wordt bepaald door plaatselijke omstandigheden en de redelijkheid.”
Whether or not an area is suitable for nude recreation is decided by the local circumstances and reason.
Which makes sense of course. With public awareness that nude recreation is more and more common, there would nothing against finding a silent/secluded spot in a forest and drop all clothes there for a while. Doing so in the middle of a town will certainly be frowned up (and that would be the least), so with these things in mind, the possibilities for nude recreation in the Netherlands become quite a lot more extensive.
Today I received a new version of Nudist Compass on my Android. This is version 1.38 and it’s still in beta according to the maker. Let’s have a better, personal look behind the break: