Naked Crow – a follow-up

In a previous post I mentioned that I had written a book to put naturism in a more positive light for the rest of the world. Too many people still think that it’s wrong if you want to go around in the nude, instead of being ‘decently dressed.

It’s still not completely done. Editing takes a while, as does implementing some feedback from test-readers which requires a number of changes here and there, but all in all I am very pleased with the progress I’m making with the book.

My hope is that I have wrapped everything up around February and that I can publish it as an e-book by then.

I am not certain about making it a paper copy as well, as that involves all kinds of other technical aspects, but we’ll see how things work out. I’m already looking at possibilities.

Skinnydipping in Pow — The Naked Ski Segment We All Need to See | Mountain Life Annual | Because Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Skinnydipping in Pow — The Naked Ski Segment We All Need to See | Mountain Life Annual | Because Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

What’s a home nudist?

A lot of people are nude around their own house but don’t consider themselves to be “nudists”.  Typically it is because they misunderstand what the term means.

Some people believe what the porn and conservative religious groups define nudism  as — lust-filled, hedonistic voyeurs and exhibitionists that engage in orgies and all kinds of public sex.  That’s just a flat out lie so the porn industry can make money and religious groups can maintain control.

Nudists are simply more comfortable nude. They don’t see the nude human body as inherently sexual or lewd. Sometimes they are comfortable nude around others (social nudists), but sometimes they prefer to be nude alone or with their family at home (home nudists).

What are you? Are you comfortable being nude around your own home? Then you are a home nudist. Are you comfortable nude around others? Then you are a social nudist!

If you are a home nudist but haven’t given social nudism a try, you should. There are many people like you out here who are looking for wholesome, family-friendly nude recreation with others like yourself!

If you have questions, please let us know!  We’d be happy to answer them!

Promoting wholesome, family-friendly nude recreation in the Heartland since 1982.

(Post via Tumblr)

Leid mij niet in bekoring…

Ik las eens ergens (sorry, ben de bron kwijt) dat publiekelijk naakt veel problemen zou veroorzaken omdat veel mensen er zo nieuwsgierig naar zijn. De meesten zullen het niet toegeven, maar als je naar video’s b.v. een World Naked Bike Ride kijkt, of een publieke skinny dip, dan zijn er niet veel geklede mensen die hun ogen van de naakte mensen afwenden. In tegendeel, er wordt wat afgekeken en gefotografeerd:


Waar komt dus dat idee vandaan dat naaktheid nieuwsgierigheid oproept? Ik denk dat het komt door kleren en doordat de meeste mensen naaktheid niet gewend zijn. Als je iemand in kleding ziet dan heb je geen idee wie daar onder zit. Er is een geheim, een puzzel, iets onbekends. En het is de aard van het mensenbeetjes om dat soort dingen uit te zoeken tot op de bodem. letterlijk door de kleren heen kijken.. Nou, een nudist maakt het in dat opzicht erg makkelijk voor die mensen.



Nou, wees eerlijk. Kijk eens naar de onderstaande afbeelding en zeg dan waar je nieuwsgieriger naar bent. Links of rechts?

temptationLinks: je blijft kijken of er misschien nog eens wat meer te zien is.
Rechts: een keer kijken en je hebt alles gezien.


Dus als je niet in de verleiding wilt worden gebracht is nudisme of naturisme misschien wel de beste stap die je kunt maken…


Don’t lead me into temptation

I read somewhere (sorry, lost the source) that public nudity would create problems because people are so curious about it. Most of them won’t admit that, but if you watch videos of e.g. a World Naked Bike Ride or a public skinny dipping event, you’ll find that not many dressed people turn away from the nude folks. On the contrary, a whole lot of ogling  is going on:


So where does this idea come from that nudity triggers curiosity? I think it’s because of clothes and most people not being used to all things nude. When you see someone in clothes you have no idea who is beneath them. There’s a secret, a puzzle, something unknown. And it’s in the nature of the people-beast to unravel such secrets – they want to get to the bottom of someone, look through their clothesWell, a nudist takes that hurdle away.



Now, be honest. Look at the picture below and then tell me which side is the greatest source of curiosity, left or right?

temptationLeft: you’ll just keep staring if something more will show.
Right: one look and you’ve seen it all.


So if you don’t want to be led into temptation, nudism / naturism might be the way to go…