Author: Paul
Bodypainting day 2015. NYC
Saturday, July 20th 2015 was Bodypainting Day in New York, and this is the awesome that happened:
Sunday Noon Nudist
The dressed want to be offended…
It’s true. The dressed are always looking for ways to be offended, like the overly religious people. Perhaps unconsciously but they do. A while ago I was out on the bicycle. Good weather for it, be it a bit warm and stuffy. At some point at a deserted side trail I decided to stop, take off the few things I had on and walk around au naturel for a little to cool off and enjoy the bit of wind on my skin. Of course at that moment two elderly people cycled past the trail and caught a glimpse of me. I saw that they saw me. Oh well.
They came back and got off their bicycles. The man said, “You don’t do that.”
Me: “Sorry, you probably mean that YOU don’t do this. I do.”
Man: “You can’t do that. People can see you. You’re not normal.”
I told him that I had the law on my side as this was not a public road. Then I asked if it bothered them that I was naked. (I wasn’t making any moves to get dressed.) Man: “Yes, it bothers us.”
Me: “Does it bother you more now you see all of me than when you happened to come by?”Man: “Yes. Of course.”
Me: “Well, then you should not have come back.” At that they both looked very confused… I doubt they understood.
Sunday Noon Nudist
It’s not just about you and not just about me
You. Yes, you who thinks that everyone has to dress. I don’t live according to your standards. I have my own. They are not higher, nor lower. They are simply different.
Just because most people are afraid of a naked arm or a naked leg doesn’t mean that we all should be like that. A naked arm, a naked leg, they are part of us. Of our naked bodies.
You scream about nudity as if it’s the worst thing. Don’t deny it, we all heard it. Despite all the porn everywhere nudity is bad. Bad when someone shows it. Is that because it brings your vulnerability into the daylight? The fact that you peek at naked people when no one is watching? Don’t worry, we won’t tell.
I hear you say that nudists should dress. Like decent people. Meaning like all the people who hide their true self, only showing the outside world the part of them they want the world to know. Be young, be pretty, be strong and happy. Hide the flabby arms, the sagging breasts, the beer belly and the scars. Don’t think of showing the wrinkles and the deformations. Be young, be pretty. Be as misguided as the rest of all those who love their clothes, always and everywhere.
I wonder why you close your eyes to reality? You won’t be young forever. You will wrinkle, flab, crease, scar and sag. Why hide that? Why not show the world that you’re still standing after all you went through? Where is your pride? Is it in the back pocket of your new designer jeans? Do you wear it on the lapel of that fancy jacket that’s in fashion now and gone next year?
Sunday Noon Nudist
Hypocrisy of the dressed
Most people aren’t against nudity.
That may be a bold statement but when you look at the profits that the porn industry makes – and porn happens mostly undressed, then this should be a fact.
For instance look at Forbes: “Take for instance the New York Times Magazine: It ran a cover story on May 18 called “Naked Capitalists: There’s No Business Like Porn Business.” Its thesis: Pornography is big business–with $10 billion to $14 billion in annual sales. The author, Frank Rich Frank Rich , suggests that pornography is bigger than any of the major league sports, perhaps bigger than Hollywood. Porn is “no longer a sideshow to the mainstream…it is the mainstream,” he says.”
$10 billion worth of naked isn’t just any old shoe. It means that many people like naked people. Why then is there this big issue then with us naked people being out and about? Because we are not enticing. We’re not sensual, erotic, nor do we share any other trait that the porn industry makes its money from. We’re just naked people without anything special. There’s no money to be made of us (which is good) but the way we behave we’re not exciting.
I think that most people have been programmed to dislike nudists and nudity. They have been programmed in many other ways too (we all are), all thanks to commercialism and the wicked ways of culture and religion. Let’s see if there is a way to turn the tide. To deprogram people and make nudity something accepted – maybe even respected.
Sunday Noon Nudist
A Sunday home nudist this time. 🙂
Clothes. Why.
Your clothes. You wear them.
Not because it’s cold but because you’re told to wear them.
There is a reason for clothes, but not all the time.
Clothes, they are normal. Clothes are a must. You must cover your body for nude bodies are bad. Didn’t you know? Your body is vile, ugly, nasty, no one should see it.
For heaven’s sake.
But clothes limit your freedom. They hide who you are.
Well done you clothes-wearers, for with all your stripes and colours, your baggy trousers and your bulge, you all look the same.
Why is nakedness shameful? Is there anything wrong with a healthy body? Why has the world gotten so obsessed with nudity that people are less afraid of a gun than of a naked man? Or woman?
Why do we need energy-devouring air-conditioners? To keep us cool underneath all those wonderful layers of clothes that keep us covered. People get nervous breakdowns over not being able to get the clothes that are in fashion.
Go naked. Your skin is always in fashion.